Facebook fishing busselton +sw

 Finally joined Facebook last week ( gave in to peer pressure). Joined the fishing busselton sw page, I thought this page was to help fellow fishers in the south west area. Turns out its to help out BCF. There was a post about the latest bait delivery, saying get in quick, being a long weekend mulies would likely sell out. So I posted that geographe camping just got a pallet of mulies, and if they did sell out this is where you could get some. I do work there and we are not site sponsors. Got deleted within a few hours. Do you think this is in the best interest of the sight, or am I just cut my post got deleted?


 Fisherman, constantly trying to out-smart fish.......with limited success  

cell's picture

Posts: 215

Date Joined: 06/07/13

fb f&*(wits

Sat, 2014-04-19 21:14

mate i wouldnt even bother im on alot of pages on fb from these fishing pages and so far there alot of idiots who think their shit dont stink scuse french, people nocking other people down coz they want to sell take offs at a lower price n people bag em out coz they are not the real thing. i wouldnt worry about ur post being deleted, like you said once the mulies run out there is another place that sells em. people will be whinging after a while about there being no mulies then watch what happens lol.

im even thinking of leaving the buy sell swap pages, you cant even post sumthing up with out sum1 putting in there 10c worth and not even interested in what you have to do, stick with normal fb i say

sorry if i raved on about it but sum people s$%t me ( not you mate )



Posts: 187

Date Joined: 06/01/09

 bcf busso is a sponsor of

Sat, 2014-04-19 21:44

 bcf busso is a sponsor of that page so your post getting deleted off there is no different to a post getting deleted off this page if a store is mentioned other than site sponsors

Posts: 160

Date Joined: 04/01/13


Sat, 2014-04-19 22:07

 I've been on fishwrecked for a while now and in my opinion fishwrecked is a true fishing forum, if there is information that helps our fellow fishers, it is not deleted, regardless. If its blatant advertising, fair enough, but all I did was tell everyone where they could get bait when BCF ran out ( as there post said, was likely to happen).


 Fisherman, constantly trying to out-smart fish.......with limited success  

collin g wood's picture

Posts: 313

Date Joined: 18/04/11


Sun, 2014-04-20 09:02

Hey sunburnt feet, you didn't happen to be working in halls creek around 94? Long story but know a bloke that got medivac,d for very bad sunburned feet lol

beau's picture

Posts: 4109

Date Joined: 24/01/10

Sounds like the work of the

Sun, 2014-04-20 01:04

Sounds like the work of the jetty rat


Posts: 544

Date Joined: 10/03/11

Maybe an Explaination is required.

Sun, 2014-04-20 05:27

Fishing Busselton and Southwest is the BCF face-book page in our region just like Geographe Camping and Outdoors have their own face-book page as does other tackle shops around the place. Now, I will concede that the name they've chosen for their page without having their business name in the title gives the impression that it is more a community driven page than business based but that's what they've chosen. The post that the rat made regarding the mulies was in response to a post I made previously about the size of the mulies that was offered for sale around town which I thought was nothing more than big blue bait and was useless for catching salmon with. If Geographe Camping and Outdoors have some big mulies for sale I would have thought their own face-book page was the place to advertise the fact rather than on another businesses page and just to clarify things, I shop at all tackle shops around town looking for bargains and not any one business in particular.

Posts: 81

Date Joined: 02/06/12

^ that's not quite right Howie but close

Sun, 2014-04-20 06:51

 The page is not owned or run by BCF - it is a community page which was started by a community member. That community member worked hard at growing the group, ran competitions and gave away free stuff from their own pocket. The page grew. Sponsorship was sought from several tackle retailers (including Geo camping) but the interest level was minor so it was never followed up at either end. The page kept growing and growing. BCF were contacted about a sponsorship arrangement and they jumped at it. They have been giving a continuous discount to members and offering up great prizes for comps etc. As a result a store that's supporting a community is being supported by that community in return, that's how it works.

To not want to contribute is the choice of store management. You can't then turn around and advertise your wares for personal financial gain. Plus I'm pretty sure the rules of the group that are pinned at the top of the page state no commercial advertising is permitted without prior agreement from the bloke that started the page. Fair enough wouldn't you think?


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TheJettyRat's picture

Posts: 733

Date Joined: 02/03/12

I made the origional post but

Sun, 2014-04-20 09:10

I made the origional post but didn't delete you'r comment Sunburnt. The rules for the page as set by the founder of the page  are clearly pinned at the top. Admin team felt that the deleted post was blatent advertising without permission. Busso Fishing + SW has 2 sponsors both of which are allowed to do limited advertising on the page. 

I myself quite often comment on the Geo FB page and am very careful not to mention where I work out of respect. I also send a fair few ppl to geo camping if I know they have something that we havn't got. I myself do my fishing shopping everywhere around town from the supermarkets to geo camping and of course at my workplace.


Just to make it clear Busso Fishing + SW is a community driven page that has sponsorship it is not a page that is run by the sponsors.


TheJettyRat out.
