I have caught and seen other boats in a fishing club I was in catch Red Throat from Mindaries. When we got them, you'd only get one off a lump and for the day (quite a rare catch for the metro). I've also done alot of fishing out off mandurah and the club used to have regular outings out from there and I have never seen a red throat pulled from there.
With this in mind I find it hard to swollow that they were pulled out off mandurah. If this was a mate of mine telling the story I would say the same thing mandurah bullshit.
Look they could of being but I personally have doubts. Hanging around alot of old fisho's in a club you learn very quickly not to believe everything you hear.
Look maskie if you saw me at the ramp with a full bag of Dhueys and asked where I got them 9 out of 10 times I will say caught em on the 5 fathom on whiting.
But all in all nice bag of fish and as far as bag limits go there could of been more than one boat out.
its a tread like this that frustrats me about this site! i have caught harlies as far north as jurien and red throats as far south as mandurah..... so why question a mans post as it could well be an old pic!! so many computer know alls!!
Ribar, totally agree with your post mate,mearsy is my best mate and fishing buddy and i can vouch for all of his catches as im with him most of the time ,we have allways abied buy current bag limits and often throw fish back,how many o you knockers
constantly release 10kg plus dhuies,not to many i bet.We have been fishing mandurah waters for ova 10 yrs and have over 700 waypoints between us.Catches like this were
acheivable more often than not with a little effort ,dont knock others that can obviously acheive wat alot of you cant.I remember reading a post when i joined the site saying not enough people post there fishing photos on here after reading this crap i can now see why.IF YOU GUYS DONT HAVE ANYTHING POSITIVE TO SAY THEN KEEP YOUR OPINIONS TO YOURSELF BECAUSE YOU ARE JUST SPOILING IT FOR OTHERS!
These fish were caught off mandurah march 2009. just getting a photo gallery together of my past and present catches . Ive caught heaps of red throat off mandurah in 50m of water. in saying that havent caught one since christmas.I will get some more photos together for my album. I do most fishing out off mandurah and get some sick catches.
You can still catch 4 dhu on one boat over two days with two crew.No rule that i know of that states you must fillet the day you catch it.In theory you could have 6 over a long weekend and still be in possession limits.If you take a couple of people out on different days.Seems to be a lot of burning torches and pitchforks around hey.Your 23 kilo is a great fish to mate.Bet a lot of people around would love to crack 10 kilo nether lone 20.We get a few red throat each year not many this year though.
Ribar I think the isue was more the four dhufish not the redthroat. and that has been cleared up .So all is good .Most people are concerned when pics get put up with no dates, I don't think Meersy took it the wrong way ,nobody was baggin him .
Yes people are very quick to judge ,that is why a date or a breif repot to clear things up .I seen some guys come in at two rocks the other day they were busted ,there are still people catching more than there bag .so i think the question had to be asked
I will definately put dates of catch next time. I do know and follow the bag limits strictly. Sorry about the confusion as I am new to this site/ and or sort of thing.
I was talkin with the guys at work the other nightshift and I was surprised at the lack of knowledge amoungst them as far as the 2 dhuie and boat limit and 2 demersal per person limt.. Not one of them even knew about it??
I reckon its good that people ask questions rather than just eat up (suck on) what ever's posted!
Sure theres a few comments there that are a little pointed, but carn fellas, man up a little, its not that bad. Everyones getting a little sensitive these days.
Dirt Its good to here you release a lot off fish and you also do very well most trips , but get of the high horse ,as you may be surprised how many good fishers there are out there .That get just as many fish as you,or more and also have hundres of gps marks,even thousands .If something needs to be said or the question needs to be asked then fire away .forums are full of positive and negative veiws , from all ages .nobody is spoiling it for anyone ,different subjects and pics will get different coments.so go catch some fish and post some pics .be happy...
PAUL,im well aware that ther is many people out there that get excellent catches on a
regular basis,the coment was dirrected at those who made comments disregaurding his catch,i was not bragging about how many gps spots weve got i was just trying to say that if you put in the time and cover the ground there is actually some great fishing to be had out there.i have no objections with questions being asked but as you can clearly see people were posting negative comments before even asking any questions.The only reason a posted my coment was because my mate meersy has been so excited about this website since i put him on to it 3 weeks ago,rang me tonight after posting his photo and reading the coments was feeling a bit deflated.After reading them myself i just thought we could of been a little more welcoming untill we found out the facts
that certainly is one nice catch. never thought you could get the red throats down this far but with the way things are going we might be able to pop for gt's around rotto one day. great bag of fish and all very tasty.
No negativeness was meant from me, I honestly haven't heard of red throat being that far south, great catch tho! I'd be tripped out if I pulled one up fishing out that way.
The emporers don't surprise me, probably float down on the Leiuwin current. As I posted on here before I've caught a baby Cobia at seabird from the beach which blew me away (and released successfully!)Spaniards and Dolphin fish out at Rotto I'll stand corrected if these aren't tropical species. Mud crabs caught at Moore River from time to time, need I go on....
First sign that someones hiding something is a aggressive response, fish arnt stuck in tropical waters or colder waters for that fact, 5-10 years ago noone believed that white sharks headed north, now its a proven fact, so if those guys can head up why cant red throat head down?
Last time i checked fish didnt need a passport to be caught in strange locations. Instead of a cane toad invasion maybe a red throat invasion, dont think there would be many complaints there??
I have caught Red Throats at Two Rocks before and over half a dozen Coral Trout have been caught on my Boat at leeman, a lot to do with the leewin current I say
Once I was at Mindarie and saw a bloke cleaning a red-throat emperor, which totally blew me away. After quizzing him about it, he told me he had a small lump in about 30m and caught them there all the time. I've since heard from other reputable fishos that they catch them regularly as well, but more so off Two Rocks. I personally have not caught any, but I would definitely believe anybody who said they have.
Nice Haul there. But I don't think there are any fish in Mandurah, let alone the Red Throat so you must be taking the piss. Lol! But seriously, if you give me the co ordinates, I can go and catch a few myself and prove to everyone that you aren't bullshitting! What do you think???
Posts: 55
Date Joined: 23/01/09
when where these caught mate
when where these caught mate
Posts: 896
Date Joined: 25/05/09
Of mandurah ? maybe a
Of mandurah ? maybe a mistake , didnt think we got red throat emperor down this way ?? if so iv never caught one down here lol
living is fishing
Posts: 55
Date Joined: 23/01/09
when but
only allowed two dhuies these days . correct me if im wrong but there looks to be 4 there. and 9 demersals only allowed 6. but im going blind
Posts: 401
Date Joined: 01/02/09
Posts: 2332
Date Joined: 20/07/09
Not many places you get all
Not many places you get all those fish in the one spot I woulda thought... interesting.
Posts: 55
Date Joined: 23/01/09
wats bullshit
Posts: 401
Date Joined: 01/02/09
I have caught and seen other boats in a fishing club I was in catch Red Throat from Mindaries. When we got them, you'd only get one off a lump and for the day (quite a rare catch for the metro). I've also done alot of fishing out off mandurah and the club used to have regular outings out from there and I have never seen a red throat pulled from there.
With this in mind I find it hard to swollow that they were pulled out off mandurah. If this was a mate of mine telling the story I would say the same thing mandurah bullshit.
Look they could of being but I personally have doubts. Hanging around alot of old fisho's in a club you learn very quickly not to believe everything you hear.
Look maskie if you saw me at the ramp with a full bag of Dhueys and asked where I got them 9 out of 10 times I will say caught em on the 5 fathom on whiting
But all in all nice bag of fish and as far as bag limits go there could of been more than one boat out.
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
Emps+Harlies = ???
Emps+Harlies = ???
Posts: 735
Date Joined: 24/09/08
Maskie either way it is over
Maskie either way it is over if caught weekend just gone
Paul G
Posts: 5215
Date Joined: 12/12/07
look forward to Meersy
look forward to Meersy comeback ,when and where.maybe someone is try to get a bite, or if he is for real then he is not to bright.
Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential and commercial ceilings and walls
Posts: 27
Date Joined: 30/11/08
its a tread like this that
its a tread like this that frustrats me about this site! i have caught harlies as far north as jurien and red throats as far south as mandurah..... so why question a mans post as it could well be an old pic!! so many computer know alls!!
Posts: 463
Date Joined: 04/03/10
mearsys thread
Ribar, totally agree with your post mate,mearsy is my best mate and fishing buddy and i can vouch for all of his catches as im with him most of the time ,we have allways abied buy current bag limits and often throw fish back,how many o you knockers
constantly release 10kg plus dhuies,not to many i bet.We have been fishing mandurah waters for ova 10 yrs and have over 700 waypoints between us.Catches like this were
acheivable more often than not with a little effort ,dont knock others that can obviously acheive wat alot of you cant.I remember reading a post when i joined the site saying not enough people post there fishing photos on here after reading this crap i can now see why.IF YOU GUYS DONT HAVE ANYTHING POSITIVE TO SAY THEN KEEP YOUR OPINIONS TO YOURSELF BECAUSE YOU ARE JUST SPOILING IT FOR OTHERS!
Posts: 1273
Date Joined: 02/02/09
Mandurah Action
My thoughts exactly....
Posts: 278
Date Joined: 20/04/10
Bag off mandurah
These fish were caught off mandurah march 2009. just getting a photo gallery together of my past and present catches . Ive caught heaps of red throat off mandurah in 50m of water. in saying that havent caught one since christmas.I will get some more photos together for my album. I do most fishing out off mandurah and get some sick catches.
Posts: 1853
Date Joined: 10/11/08
Good bag guys
You can still catch 4 dhu on one boat over two days with two crew.No rule that i know of that states you must fillet the day you catch it.In theory you could have 6 over a long weekend and still be in possession limits.If you take a couple of people out on different days.Seems to be a lot of burning torches and pitchforks around hey.
Your 23 kilo is a great fish to mate.Bet a lot of people around would love to crack 10 kilo nether lone 20.We get a few red throat each year not many this year though.
So tell me have you got your info from years on the water or hours on the internet?
Posts: 27
Date Joined: 30/11/08
onya mate!!
Paul G
Posts: 5215
Date Joined: 12/12/07
Ribar I think the isue was
Ribar I think the isue was more the four dhufish not the redthroat. and that has been cleared up .So all is good .Most people are concerned when pics get put up with no dates, I don't think Meersy took it the wrong way ,nobody was baggin him .
Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential and commercial ceilings and walls
Alan James
Posts: 2243
Date Joined: 30/06/09
But a lot were waiting to Paul
with daggers drawn. The catch could have been from more than one boat but most made there own assumptions rightly or wrongly.
The bait was thrown out there tho wasn't it.
Posts: 395
Date Joined: 25/08/08
I thought the same thing as
I thought the same thing as maskie as soon as I saw that photo.
Mybe dates would be good if post old photos to stop the confusion
Paul G
Posts: 5215
Date Joined: 12/12/07
Yes people are very quick to
Yes people are very quick to judge ,that is why a date or a breif repot to clear things up .I seen some guys come in at two rocks the other day they were busted ,there are still people catching more than there bag .so i think the question had to be asked
Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential and commercial ceilings and walls
Posts: 278
Date Joined: 20/04/10
Mandurah bag
I will definately put dates of catch next time. I do know and follow the bag limits strictly. Sorry about the confusion as I am new to this site/ and or sort of thing.
Paul G
Posts: 5215
Date Joined: 12/12/07
All good look forward to
All good look forward to some more of your pics.
Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential and commercial ceilings and walls
Posts: 914
Date Joined: 24/06/07
rule changes
I was talkin with the guys at work the other nightshift and I was surprised at the lack of knowledge amoungst them as far as the 2 dhuie and boat limit and 2 demersal per person limt.. Not one of them even knew about it??
Twin turbo..V8 diesel..Ohh what a feeling!!
No Orange Hats Allowed
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
you guys
I reckon its good that people ask questions rather than just eat up (suck on) what ever's posted!
Sure theres a few comments there that are a little pointed, but carn fellas, man up a little, its not that bad. Everyones getting a little sensitive these days.
Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance
Alan James
Posts: 2243
Date Joined: 30/06/09
It's all in the way the question is asked
If you have a question then ask it without any disguise. Don't try and set people up.
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
I haven't seen a harly north
I haven't seen a harly north of Jurien, never really caught any emps south f their either. Suprised it was Mandurah!
Posts: 2539
Date Joined: 26/09/09
well said adam there are to
well said adam
there are to many sooks out there and they need to harden th f**k up,
relax a little bit and enjoy life as it was meant to be.......rod in one hand, beer in other and a good mate bringing your fish over the side for you.
what more can you want?
Paul G
Posts: 5215
Date Joined: 12/12/07
Dirt Its good to here you
Dirt Its good to here you release a lot off fish and you also do very well most trips , but get of the high horse ,as you may be surprised how many good fishers there are out there .That get just as many fish as you,or more and also have hundres of gps marks,even thousands .If something needs to be said or the question needs to be asked then fire away .forums are full of positive and negative veiws , from all ages .nobody is spoiling it for anyone ,different subjects and pics will get different coments.so go catch some fish and post some pics .be happy...
Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential and commercial ceilings and walls
Posts: 463
Date Joined: 04/03/10
high horse
PAUL,im well aware that ther is many people out there that get excellent catches on a
regular basis,the coment was dirrected at those who made comments disregaurding his catch,i was not bragging about how many gps spots weve got i was just trying to say that if you put in the time and cover the ground there is actually some great fishing to be had out there.i have no objections with questions being asked but as you can clearly see people were posting negative comments before even asking any questions.The only reason a posted my coment was because my mate meersy has been so excited about this website since i put him on to it 3 weeks ago,rang me tonight after posting his photo and reading the coments was feeling a bit deflated.After reading them myself i just thought we could of been a little more welcoming untill we found out the facts
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18090
Date Joined: 11/03/08
that certainly is one nice
that certainly is one nice catch. never thought you could get the red throats down this far but with the way things are going we might be able to pop for gt's around rotto one day. great bag of fish and all very tasty.
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 2332
Date Joined: 20/07/09
No negativeness was meant
No negativeness was meant from me, I honestly haven't heard of red throat being that far south, great catch tho! I'd be tripped out if I pulled one up fishing out that way.
Posts: 15044
Date Joined: 30/11/09
The emporers don't surprise
The emporers don't surprise me, probably float down on the Leiuwin current. As I posted on here before I've caught a baby Cobia at seabird from the beach which blew me away (and released successfully!)Spaniards and Dolphin fish out at Rotto I'll stand corrected if these aren't tropical species. Mud crabs caught at Moore River from time to time, need I go on....
Love the West!
Posts: 2332
Date Joined: 20/07/09
Theres a small population of
Theres a small population of muddies down in the denmark inlet actually. Floated down there one year.
Posts: 55
Date Joined: 23/01/09
i wasnt having a dig
just barely asking a question.it seems there are alot of sensetive people out there that dont wanna be asked.
Posts: 329
Date Joined: 06/02/10
First sign that someones
First sign that someones hiding something is a aggressive response, fish arnt stuck in tropical waters or colder waters for that fact, 5-10 years ago noone believed that white sharks headed north, now its a proven fact, so if those guys can head up why cant red throat head down?
Last time i checked fish didnt need a passport to be caught in strange locations. Instead of a cane toad invasion maybe a red throat invasion, dont think there would be many complaints there??
Love this Country!
Wild Turkey
Posts: 14
Date Joined: 13/03/09
Rare Tropical Catches
I have caught Red Throats at Two Rocks before and over half a dozen Coral Trout have been caught on my Boat at leeman, a lot to do with the leewin current I say
Posts: 1443
Date Joined: 05/01/10
Good haul!!
Once I was at Mindarie and saw a bloke cleaning a red-throat emperor, which totally blew me away. After quizzing him about it, he told me he had a small lump in about 30m and caught them there all the time. I've since heard from other reputable fishos that they catch them regularly as well, but more so off Two Rocks. I personally have not caught any, but I would definitely believe anybody who said they have.
Posts: 1443
Date Joined: 05/01/10
Good haul!!
Accidently "double replied" .
Posts: 977
Date Joined: 19/01/10
Very Nice!
Nice Haul there. But I don't think there are any fish in Mandurah, let alone the Red Throat so you must be taking the piss. Lol! But seriously, if you give me the co ordinates, I can go and catch a few myself and prove to everyone that you aren't bullshitting! What do you think???
I fish for the future - Cause I can't bloody catch anything!
Posts: 278
Date Joined: 20/04/10
Gee I will have to think
Gee I will have to think about that Wazz. Just remember everthing has its price$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. HAHa