fish ID
Submitted by Meeuwissen on Fri, 2017-07-28 15:33
looks like a goldfish it was 27cm and released
Down the Line
Catch the Experience
Posts: 8673
Date Joined: 24/07/07
Where did you catch it?
deep south
Posts: 190
Date Joined: 28/12/16
Pretty sure its a crimson soldierfish , we used to get a few years ago not far down the coast from Broome !
The next time i see that jig will be in the mouth of something big !!
Glenn Moore
Posts: 228
Date Joined: 13/02/12
Crimson Soldierfish
I agree with deep south - Crimson Soldierfish Myripristis murdjan
btw - from all reports they are good eating, although I have never tried.
Glenn Moore
Curator of Fishes
Western Australian Museum
twitter @WestOzFish
Posts: 15049
Date Joined: 30/11/09
If it's red it's dead eh
If it's red it's dead eh Glenn ;)
Does look like it's in the same family as a Nannygai?
Love the West!
Glenn Moore
Posts: 228
Date Joined: 13/02/12
same Order
Not the same Family, but in same Order, so they are distantly related.
Order Beryciformes
Family Holocentridae (squirrelfishes, soldierfishes)
Family Berycidae (alfonsins, nannygais)
There are several other families in the Beryciformes too - all have those distinctive rough scales and spines
Probably more info than you're interested in, but there it is
Glenn Moore
Curator of Fishes
Western Australian Museum
twitter @WestOzFish
Posts: 15049
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Actually appreciated mate,
Actually appreciated mate, as they say knoweledge is power lol
Love the West!
Posts: 755
Date Joined: 29/03/13
off DI
in aboiut 48metres of water. ever eaten one?
Down the Line
Catch the Experience
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
Never seen one
Look at the size of the eye on it.