Anybody know what this bad boy is?
Submitted by Andrew.Eames on Fri, 2014-11-28 19:58

Caught him on a reef just off of Picard island, absolutely stumped as to what it is, kinda resembles a mudskipper a monkfish and a stargazer but it isn't quite the same. He died while I was taking the hook out so he's living in my freezer until I know what it is incase it an unrecorded species
Posts: 71
Date Joined: 09/01/11
Hey mate, not an unrecorded
Hey mate, not an unrecorded species; looks like some species of jawfish - genus Opistognathus. Can't remember the species exactly, but perhaps Opistognathus inornatus.
Cheers, Alex
Posts: 2321
Date Joined: 03/05/06
Blotched Jawfish
Blotched Jawfish - Opistognathus latitabundus
Blotched Jawfish are brown with large, spaced dark blotches on the base of the dorsal fin and their sides. They have a very large mouth with numerous small sharp teeth.
Blotched Jawfish grow to 30cms.
Blotched Jawfish are found from north west Western Australia around the tropical north to the Gulf of Carpentaria Queensland.
Posts: 3
Date Joined: 12/11/14
Finally some closure! Ahahaha cheers lads
Posts: 7006
Date Joined: 16/10/08
Ha Ha. Caught heaps off them
Ha Ha. Caught heaps off them "fugglybugga's" off Kcity. Has to be the ugliest of the Oooglies.
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