this was sent out yesterday by the greenies- what a load of cow excrement

 Dear Supporter,

The fight to save critical South West marine life hotspots like the Abrolhos Islands, Perth Canyon and Geographe Bay has been long and hard.

With your help the Conservation Council of WA has finally brought the Federal Government to the brink of creating one of the best networks of marine sanctuaries in the world right in our own backyard. All of our sources now say that the government will be making a final decision soon.

But now the fishing industry is fighting back. Last week we learnt that hired corporate lobbyists are in Canberra meeting with our Members of Parliament to prevent the declaration of sanctuaries. The fishing industry wants to make sure that they’re the only voice in your MP’s ear when they’re making the final decision.

We cannot let them win. We need to let our MPs know that the community is behind marine sanctuaries and we want them to finish the job.

Your input was essential in getting us this far. In the recent consultation period an Australian record of more than 38,000 submissions went to Canberra calling for more protection. Now, with the end in sight, we need your help.

Today, at the first chance you get, make one call to your local MP’s office and leave a message. Let them know you support marine sanctuaries. This will get the message through to the Environment Minister Tony Burke and tip the decision over the line.

Your local Member of Parliament isn’t a member of the Labor Party. Since it’s most effective if the Environment Minister hears from MPs in his own party, we ask that you call Senator Chris Evans instead. As a Senator and Cabinet Minister he represents all Western Australians. His phone number is 9481 4844.

Leaving a message is simple. Just ring up and tell the person who answers the phone you’d like to leave a message, tell them that you support marine sanctuaries and explain why.
If you wanted to send an even more powerful and convincing message, you can deliver your message in person by requesting a meeting when you call.

You don’t need facts and figures, but if you want some help with what to say you might like to try:

1. You support sanctuaries and you're a constituent. Tell them why you and your friends/family support sanctuaries!
2. In the recent public consultation period a new record for public interest in a conservation issue in Australia was set when close to 40,000 people wrote to the Government supporting marine sanctuaries.
3. Less than 1% of Australia's South West is protected but up to 90% of its marine life is unique - a far greater level than is found even on the Great Barrier Reef.
4. At the 2010 election, the Government promised to protect South West marine life in a network of marine sanctuaries.
5. Two of only three feeding areas in Australia for the rare and endangered Blue Whale are in the South West - the Perth Canyon and near Kangaroo Island in SA.
6. There are 10 iconic feeding and breeding areas for marine life in the South West. Protection in all hotspots will be a win-win for conservation, the economy and for fishing.
7. An independent economic study by the Allen Consulting Group found sanctuaries would boost tourism revenue by 20% - this is a value injection for the regional economy.
8. More and bigger fish are found on the edges of sanctuaries - experienced fishers know this.

Here in WA we have some of the most unique marine life in the world, yet still less than 1% of our waters are protected.       

Our MPs are our elected representatives. Your call will ensure the voice of the community will be louder and clearer than any others and that our precious whales, turtles, fur seals and other marine life are protected for all time. For more information, including the numbers of other MPs you can call, visit


Piers Verstegen
Director, Conservation Council of WA


Telephone: (08) 9420 7266

City West Lotteries House 2 Delhi Street
West Perth, WA 6005

Contact Us

big john's picture

Posts: 8768

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Sat, 2011-11-26 07:26

 Time to get on the phone ourselves. 


40,000 submissions, with the majority a blanket email. Not a lot when there's how many people in Australia?


Get on it guys, even a message left / emailed will help.



WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

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scotto's picture

Posts: 2472

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Yep done.

Sat, 2011-11-26 08:08

Good call big John.

Leave a message, then get your missus and mates to do the same. The more the merrier.

Posts: 544

Date Joined: 10/03/11

They will not go Away

Sat, 2011-11-26 08:25

The Conservation Council of WA is going to fight this out right to when the Minister makes a decision and then move in for the kill by declaring that it's not big enough and needs to be expanded. The victims will be the fishermen both Rec- Pro's and that doesn't worry them in the least and to get the result they want a bit of fabrication of the facts to suit their own purposes seems par for the course. I wonder what part of the 40,000 submissions was the one I put in where I said I neccessarily don't oppose the concept of Marine Parks as long as they are well planned and it goes through a proper consultation process with the user groups or for that matter the submissions from other fishermen. I think they 're using the total number of subs. received as people who want expansion to the draft plan.  I don't believe proper consultation has happened and is being dominated by the Greenies. All you Rec-fishers out there need to pull your digits out and use them to phone or send E-mails to Tony Burkes office and let him know you're far from happy with the whole process and want to be given an opportunity for further consultation.

Paul H's picture

Posts: 2104

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 "that our precious whales,

Sat, 2011-11-26 08:31


"that our precious whales, turtles, fur seals and other marine life are protected for all time"

Yep goes without saying that putting in a sanctuary zone that only bans fishing will do JACK STUFF ALL to protect the above (that would be the emotional card).

Do these green groups realise that a majority of the fur seals here in SA are NZ fur seals (not the native Aussie Fur Seals) and not native to the area - yep the same ones that are now on the rocks off Whyalla and decimating the cuttlefish when they come into breed (and the green groups are blaming overfishing of course).

These NZ fur Seals are also the ones on Penneshaw Kangeroo Island that are eating the cuddly penguins - At least the conservation groups there realise its the seals and of course they want a seal cull to save the Penguins - Ahh the irony - boy did I laugh when I read that article.


I will be making calls to the above and sending letters too.  Thanks for the info.


"7. An independent economic study by the Allen Consulting Group found sanctuaries would boost tourism revenue by 20% - this is a value injection for the regional economy."

BULLCRAP,  - how much eco tourism do these groups think the whole country can tap into.  How many eco tourists do you think are going to go to a small two bit town in the middle of nowhere to stand on a cliff for 10 minutes when you have to drive 5-10 hours from a capital city to get there.  Many of these small towns have nothing as far as accomodation (apart from shacks fishermen rent) little in the way of stores other than general supplies.  What about all the people who have bought shacks and rely on fishermen renting them to make loan payments. 

Okay I've finished now my rant is over





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UncutTriggerInWA's picture

Posts: 2692

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That's not a rant Paul

Sat, 2011-11-26 09:11

It's a set of well balanced information in response to some of the propaganda splattered around by the Conservation council.

There was a segment on the TODAY show this morning featuring Richard Attinborough which was a very green emotional push for the protection of the global seas. In that segment it pretty much stated that fish stocks would disappear by the end of our lifetime. That may well be so due to the pillaging that has gone on in some areas such as the North Sea and the Atlantic. Same goes for forrests etc. It's all about greed and poor management. The situation in WA is much different in the sense that we are well aware of the need for a sustainable industry and the need to protect certain areas and species. All the work that is going on now with our current parks and the bans etc are a clear statement that we know what is going on and we are doing plenty. As has been said above, plenty is never enough for these tree hugging radicals.

Your dead right about the eco-tourism bullshit statements. Rec fishermen on a ANNUAL vacation away from the city provide a very high proportion of the money spent in remote areas I am sure. Close them down and that's that. With the bag limits etc in place for those regions and given people generally will only venture out once a year I can hardly see this posing a risk. Bear in mind also that the biggest contributers to a sustainable future are the fishermen themselves. Catch and release is becoming a very well accepted practice and is talked about amoung fishos all the time. What about all the tagging etc that is going on in the rec fish circle?


Work smart and fish often.
Member and die-hard supporter of the mighty West Coast Eagles.

Paul H's picture

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 Totally agree Vince but most

Sat, 2011-11-26 09:26


Totally agree Vince but most greenies don't think we should be catching and releasing fish at all, they just view this as being cruel to fish for sport.

Once upon a time before getting married I was set up on a date with a bird who was a greenie.  Got to admit she was pretty good looking but it was doomed for failure when I mentioned I FISHED for sport!!!!!




Youtube Channel  -  FishOnLine Productions

UncutTriggerInWA's picture

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Sat, 2011-11-26 10:16

I may sound like a green basher but one of my key agendas is the environment. I am a certified ISO 14001 auditor and fully support the concept of ISO 14001 in business and the community. It's sad that so much hipocracy exists. I bet a lot of the so called greenies are openly against things like the carbon tax bacause it will have an effect on their businesses. Regulation should focus on HOW the commercial fishers operate their fleets and businesses and not so much WHERE.

Oh and Paul, I didn't have so much luck. My first wife loved fishing....


Work smart and fish often.
Member and die-hard supporter of the mighty West Coast Eagles.

Paul H's picture

Posts: 2104

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Sorry to hear, - I ended up

Sat, 2011-11-26 10:29

Sorry to hear, - I ended up being doublely lucky.

My wife gets sea sick so can't come fishing but she loves eating fish - result she is happy for me to go fishing but can't come along, - I get to go AND get peace and quiet!! 



Youtube Channel  -  FishOnLine Productions

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Great last point PAul. Not

Sat, 2011-11-26 16:10

Great last point PAul. Not many towns have whale sharks or dolphins.

glastronomic's picture

Posts: 892

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(No subject)

Sat, 2011-11-26 08:46




scotto's picture

Posts: 2472

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Ha ha that's awesome!!

Sat, 2011-11-26 08:51

How good would it be to bring him back!

carnarvonite's picture

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Sat, 2011-11-26 09:08

Spare us the agony, would be like having you inflamed appendix put back in.

Posts: 896

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The greenies and labor are a

Sat, 2011-11-26 10:58

The greenies and labor are a bunch of wankers. None of them clowns know what they are doing.


living is fishing

UncutTriggerInWA's picture

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The problem is...

Sat, 2011-11-26 13:24

That Tony Abbot (Dr NO) and his bunch don't have a clue either.


Work smart and fish often.
Member and die-hard supporter of the mighty West Coast Eagles.

sea-kem's picture

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Call made to prove  i'm not a

Sat, 2011-11-26 13:38

Call made to prove  i'm not a fucking greenie like some people on this thread would think. The greenies are a bunch of fanatical radicals who dream of peace on earth (which will never happen while humans are inhabiting it). I'm like Vince a managed and regulated commercial fishery is the key to all this. Rod and reel fishing don't deplete stocks, nets do.


Love the West!

glastronomic's picture

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Julia's awnser to our concers

Sat, 2011-11-26 13:41

Julia's awnser to our concers




glastronomic's picture

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(No subject)

Sat, 2011-11-26 13:48




Paul H's picture

Posts: 2104

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"this was sent out yesterday

Sat, 2011-11-26 14:08

"this was sent out yesterday by the greenies- what a load of cow extrment"

I'd like to lodge a complaint to the moderators of this site - the title of this thread is not fair to Cow Excrement!!


Youtube Channel  -  FishOnLine Productions

Brock O's picture

Posts: 3264

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Sat, 2011-11-26 16:20


Labour this and liberal that, what a load of shit.


 Blokes commenting on politics on a fishing forum gives me the fucking shits, 

 The proposals up for a decision weather its labour or liberal so leave the rest of you bull shit for some other forum, cock jockeys!!




UncutTriggerInWA's picture

Posts: 2692

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Settle Princess

Sat, 2011-11-26 17:08

That's exactly what I would say if we were sitting around a table having a beer and discussing anything... Even politics.. What's your beef mate? Don't understand? Don't care? This is a fishing forum and the topic here is about marine sancturaries.

Best you edit your tag line mate and go take a pill.


Work smart and fish often.
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Bravo, that is EXACTLY the

Sat, 2011-11-26 19:47

Bravo, that is EXACTLY the attitude the greens are counting on from anglers.


sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15049

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Settle down brother. We're

Sat, 2011-11-26 16:27

Settle down brother. We're all allowed an opinion on here last time I checked. Why don't you channel your anger toward the wankers who want to take away your fishing rights?


Love the West!

Brock O's picture

Posts: 3264

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Sat, 2011-11-26 19:06


Just had a long day, sit down to read a few topics and I see a picture of john Howard and I lost the plot.
I am no expert on this topic but the greens aren't happy that there has been other proposals put forward, f..k em I say.
There proposal was absolutely hopeless, sanctuaries at the Perth canyon, does anyone actually fish the Perth canyon?
I did not have any issues with what was but forward by the other group from WA.
I do support sanctuaries to a degree, i think the areas at rotto have worked well, that place gets hammered and yet you will still get reports of people pulling good fish from the area.
Gav475's picture

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Sat, 2011-11-26 19:19

OK, I have just got back into the boat fishing scene after giving up some years ago. Went and bought the boat, then had to pay boat licence then trailer licence and then insurance for both. Then had to go and get a skippers ticket, no dramas. Then had to go and get a fishing from a boat license for me and the missus so we could fish from the boat. Then had to spend a heap on an epirb, then off shore flares, pfd's and a radio. No worries we all want to be safe. Then had to go and get a release weight for the boat. Then had to pay $10 bucks to park the car/trailer at the ramp. Then looked at the signs which told me where I could'nt fish which was pretty much all the good ground on the chart. Oh and by the was as there is a demersal ban on if you do actually catch a decent fish you cant keep it and have to put it back. Call me old school but I;ve been fishing for years and have always only taken a feed as does every one I know. Do these people consider us to be mindless morons or are they just takin the piss. This is already one of the heaviest regulated fisheries in the world and any further restrictions will just result in a mass exodus from an iconic life style and the subsequent collapse of numerous business and associated industries connected to rec fishing. Then again I may just be sinical. 

Posts: 896

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I like the comment

Sat, 2011-11-26 22:42

I like the comment from Sea-Kem  "rods and reels dont deplete fish stocks nets do" spot on mate. Also the governments soft laws on internationla fishos in our waters and the so called traditional ways.


living is fishing

shammy's picture

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locked up coast

Sun, 2011-11-27 13:44

Or you could call and voice your opinion AGAINST these sanctuaries,'

Yes many of us target BLUE WHALES as a by catch of looking for snapper and your 18ft boats

Filleting the last one took me weeks!!!! speak up people!!


Your local Member of Parliament isn’t a member of the Labor Party. Since it’s most effective if the Environment Minister hears from MPs in his own party, we ask that you call Senator Chris Evans instead. As a Senator and Cabinet Minister he represents all Western Australians. His phone number is 9481 4844.


Yes Call the Senators office and advise them you fish and DO NOT SUPPORT locking up vast tracts of our accessable coast line.





"Life wasn't meant to be a spectator sport"