Saving Quobba, Warroora, Gnaraloo & Ningaloo coastline from unwanted developments
The following is a long report but it is detailed enough for readers to counter arguments by ill informed people regarding the situation along the Ningaloo coastline where the DPaW want to annexe a 180 klm strip 2klm wide, along the Ningaloo coast and bring in developers. In the name of "sustainable development" they plan to establish - quote: "a Public Reserve jointly managed with traditional land owners to protect the unique wilderness experience enjoyed by thousands of Western Australians" - yet they also plan a number of 500 bed resorts and 200 bed eco camps along the Ningaloo coast from Quobba to just south of Exmouth. They plan to relocate existing campsites away from beach areas; restrict camping stays to 2 weeks as per other DPaW managed facilities and of course increase camping fees. According to recent verbal statements from DPaW employees they also plan to put in around 13 long drop toilets at Winderabandi Point- long drop toilets are notorious for polluting ground water and leaching effluent into nearby seawater.
Retirees and pensioners are the main group of people visiting the Ningaloo coastline. They stay on average at least 8 weeks some even as much as 14 weeks and according to CSIRO and Curtin University studies contribute around $5.6million to the economies of Carnarvon and Exmouth every year. However during school holidays, families with children predominate.
They will all be deterred from ever visiting again if the DPaW take-over takes place because of higher camping fees; restricted camping time to 2 weeks; relocation of camping areas well away from beaches and even loss of access to the best beaches due to them being reserved for exclusive use by the proposed resort visitors.
People travel from Perth and the eastern states to visit every year - the two week limitation will certainly make the journey uneconomical to a proposed less attractive camping area.
Local businesses in Carnarvon and Exmouth will be adversely affected as the developers will be competing with them for the tourist dollar by providing full board accommodation and every recreational facility. Costs to patrons will rise dramatically to cover the investment costs for the substantial infrastructure such as roads, water, power, sewerage, shops and fuel outlets together with resort buildings and accommodation for employees. There is no mention of airports or hospitals so no doubt the developers will be relying on these facilities within their competitors area.
The proposed developments are far more substantial than those proposed years ago for Maud's Landing near Coral Bay - a project that was defeated by the combined efforts of celebrities, experienced environmentalists and people from all over the world objecting particularly on the grounds that the area could not sustain the increased number of people yet the new DPaW proposal would cater for far more visitors than the Maud's Landing project and therefore will have far greater consequences.
When UNESCO was investigating the Ningaloo Reef for World Heritage Listing, they commended the pastoralists on their ability to maintain the pristine wilderness aspect of the coastal area then went on to highlight the mistrust that Exmouth residents have in DPaW.
Scathing criticism was also launched against the DEC [now DPaW] by the WA Coroner Mr Alistair Hope during investigations into the deaths of three truck drivers who were allowed by DEC personnel to drive through a bushfire area on the Gt Eastern Highway near Coolgardie, he stated extreme incompetence attributed to their deaths yet the senior DEC employee involved escaped prosecution by a timely resignation and even received a $73,000 payout!!
Some other examples of incompetence and lack of integrity are:
The Inhumane treatment of animals when they were allowed to die of thirst after DPaW took over certain WA pastoral stations.
The alleged misconduct when DPaW allegedly refused to renew the licence of an Exmouth whale shark tour operator [who was not guilty of any misconduct] then allegedly allocated that licence to a former DEC [ now DPaW] employee who reputedly was inexperienced.
This is the government dept that claims the competence and integrity to manage the Ningaloo coastline in a sustainable manner!
Certain politicians are currently determined to enforce their own agenda on the populace without any regard for the consequences in Carnarvon and Exmouth - without any regard for the average Australian citizen being unable to compete with wealthy overseas tourists displacing them from traditional recreational areas.
If the authorities persist in their demands for improving the tourist industry then any new developments should take place in Carnarvon and Exmouth where the basic infrastructure already exists such as bitumen roads, potable water, sewerage,electricity, existing tourist attractions, shops, service stations, marinas, boat launching facilities, airports and hospitals - towns that depend on tourism for survival - towns that will suffer financially if the DPaW take over is approved.
The Minister for lands - Hon Terry Redman continually refers to signed agreements that pastoralists made some years ago agreeing to a strip of coast being annexed by DPaW but he fails to make known the duress experienced by the pastoralists of the alternative of having the whole of the stations taken from them - it was a choice between the devil and deep blue sea - not much of a choice was it? what would you do under the same circumstances? sign and continue the fight or capitulate to an unfair and bullying situation?
The pastoralists are internationally recognised for being successful for decades in preserving the pristine Wilderness aspect of that coastline whilst guaranteeing continued low impact, low cost access for recreation purposes so it makes sense to continue having them manage the area - it is also appropriate for them to retain the facilities [homesteads, buildings, access to water for stock etc] that they have established over the decades.
The pastoral leases should be renewed for at least 100 years and not just for the life of the current lessee as per the latest government offer - when one realises that Mrs Billie Lefroy is 89 yrs old then the latest government offer is shown to be very inadequate.
The Wilderness Society of WA has already expressed agreement to work with pastoralists towards a common goal - a sign of their confidence in the pastoralists. The Wilderness Society of WA also expresses concern of the DPaW to manage the Ningaloo coast.
It is acknowledged that some facilities/infrastructures on the stations would benefit from improvements so it is logical to have support from state and local governments to address these issues - such as environment friendly sewerage facilities; potable water and all weather roads that will encourage traditional campers to travel into town more frequently whilst providing a safe all weather exit in times of distress or foul weather - all are basics that will greatly benefit the local communities and towns without jeopardising the Wilderness aspect of the area.
Interestingly these basics improvements were implemented almost 20 yrs ago at Coral Bay when at the time just two private investors operated!!
And what about Coral Bay? Freehold title was granted to the two main investors years ago. Leases still exist for the housing estate people although Supreme Court activities indicate the possibility of strata titles being approved . This has been achieved by the efforts of an Association formed by the Coral Bay householders and their subsequent financial input to gain Supreme Court involvement. A situation that may not be viable for the Ningaloo coast pastoralists without contributions to a fighting fund for them- you are encouraged to contact them to see how to support their efforts.
Contacts are: ; ;
Freehold titles were granted to the two major Coral Bay investors years ago and approvals have already been given for another 800 persons to be accommodated there. The RAC [who advertises itself as a non profit organisation] has recently acquired the Aspen owned hotel and caravan park at Coral Bay. Money certainly speaks!!
Going back to the Ningaloo coastal stations issue - is it an example of influential developers aiming at another easy target- the Ningaloo pastoralists? An interesting comparison !!
The proposed DPaW take over is an important issue with far reaching consequences - everyone who cares for protecting a pristine wilderness area from developers must get involved - they need to remember the effects of other developments in wilderness areas over east - they all failed to preserve the wilderness integrity. This must not happen here on the Ningaloo coast. A Wilderness area is no longer a wilderness when developers move in!
The arguments prevailing during the failed Maud's Landing development proposal are still relevant:
"The 1995 Legislative Council Select Committee recommended generally against development on the west coast of Cape Range peninsula. Abundant scientific evidence shows that the area is too fragile to support such development.
Proposed sewerage of the resort[s] is inappropriate to the geomorphology of the area.
Nutrients from lawns, gardens, and wastewater will eventually enter groundwater and flow straight to the waters of the reef.
Demands on groundwater for supply to the settlement[s] will impact negatively on surrounding flora and fauna."
I urge you to contact your MPs and voice your concerns - without your involvement the take over will go ahead.
Signing the Facebook petition titled "Hon Ken Baston's campaign to save Warroora station from unwanted development" is the first step then politicians and the media - if you really care you must commit yourself.
Time is rapidly running out as the Pastoral leases expire in July this year and Leonnie McLeod of Warroora station has been set a deadline of April 24, 2015 to sign agreement for annexation or risk losing the whole station.
Albert Einstein once said " injustices are condoned by the inactions of people" or words to that effect - a wise and appropriate comment!
YOUR involvement is urgently needed - ACT NOW and stop the take-over.
Posts: 218
Date Joined: 04/04/13
bumpity bump bump
Well put Bushy. An potentially tragic example of something that almost noone wants,
that would condemn a magical part of the world forever, being rammed in by
government and associated grubby mates. We don't live in russia and this can be stopped.
Please help stop it.
Posts: 53
Date Joined: 19/08/11
Be sure to sign the petition
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
Is'int it amazing
We elect politicians to act on our behalf to protect our values, yet once they get their snouts into the gravy trough it's sod you I'm all right jack. I'll get my good super entitlement and a post political life job with a large company for using my sound judgement on matters that concern the company.
The opinions of the electors count for zilch when it comes to deciding what is going to be done to areas that have special values, yes I know there was a win with Maude Point, a very rare event indeed.
However it was a win, now all those who have visited these places under threat need to have their very loud voices heard.
There is to be a state election in a couple of years don't be afraid to pointedly tell your local MP that you will campaign for the devil himself to unseat the local MP and his mates if they support this trashy money grubbing proposed action.
Do not be soft or politically correct, this "soft" civilized approach is like water of a ducks back to these people. Be blunt and be forceful.
If you need an example of the self interest of pollys there is currently an ex fisheries minister running around sing the praises of fracking and what a great thing it will be for you and me,...yeah right.
C A L M (DPaW)s history of calamities is there for all to see, you can change the name of the department but the same shinny bums are still sitting there.
Government departments must be subject to eternal vigilance and scrutiny, not to do so is to invite loss of something you and your kids value.
Rant over