Ngari Capes Marine Park

Map of new proposed marine parks:

Just would throw it out there to anyone in the know, with reference to the above map, just say I went down to Injidup I can still wet a line and fish from shore, as the green is not connected to the land, where as if I went to Cape Naturaliste and legged it to the tip of the cape I couldn't as the green "appears" to be connected to the mainland?

It also appears to me that special shore based activities are depicted in blue near the green sanctuary zones and here you are allowed to fish etc (landbased), so are you allowed/permitted to rec fish in other areas where there is no blue between the green sanctuary zones that don't meet the land?

To me I hope that you can, as most of these zones that are green and close top the shore are almost the only places land based guys can go down here, minus quite a few areas that remain not talked about  The other thing that has the brain ticking over is Bill Marmion's Quote:

“The bits of the coastline that aren’t in that 93 per cent – you really wouldn’t want to go there anyway,” Mr Marmion said.

Map looks a little dodgy imo and not to clear, and just a little confused and need some clarification.

Anyway story here:


Posts: 247

Date Joined: 09/03/08

DEC hasn't even got the

Wed, 2012-03-28 15:39

DEC hasn't even got the official map done yet. Shambolic.

Posts: 2925

Date Joined: 27/12/06

not clear

Wed, 2012-03-28 16:54

I havent seen any definitions of the zones anywhere, if someone has a link can they post it

ie what does special purpose mean????

sarcasm0's picture

Posts: 1396

Date Joined: 25/06/09

From the legend on that map.

Wed, 2012-03-28 17:38

Posts: 2925

Date Joined: 27/12/06

Blue bits

Wed, 2012-03-28 17:51

He is asking about the blue bits. It doesn't say anywhere what you can and can't do in them

MattMiller's picture

Posts: 4171

Date Joined: 15/06/09

Clear as mud

Wed, 2012-03-28 18:00

and typical of these type of departments.

Honestly don't see the point anyway because it will be another set of rules to stop people doing things without any intention of ever policing them.

Posts: 161

Date Joined: 01/05/11

Spoke to a couple of local dudes....

Wed, 2012-03-28 19:16

Initially (some 5 years ago and as recent as 6 months ago) it was a 3km from shore where you could fish before hitting the sanctuary areas, but no one is really sure. The areas at say indjidup/Cape Clairault look like a ~3km zone, where Wyadup in the cove there near Wyadup house is close to shore and would depict a sanctuary from the shore out, which I would have no problems with (dived/fished both spots numerous times in the past).  

Blue areas may depict handicapped activities (surfing/fishing) as they have done this in areas in the past. I was told this today, but wasn't sure if someone was pulling my leg or not!

More clarification needed!


Buz's picture

Posts: 1555

Date Joined: 28/08/07

How far offshore is the

Wed, 2012-03-28 22:05

How far offshore is the Marine Park/State Waters boundary?

Think the Cape Naturaliste Sanctuary will knock out alot of first time fishos venturing to the Cape or the Tinnie Brigade(which i used to be a part of), as i have found alot of these people fish relatively close to the shore for the safety net that you can just quickly duck back around into the bay if the weather turns foul. I dont personnally fish this area myself anymore but i know alot of my mates dads that still live in Busso often take their tinnies out and fish less than 2km off the Cape. Some good demersals can be caught in this area, which is why they hit this area up. I guess for them it will mean not going there and having a chance at some decent demersal anymores(i know you can get good demersal in the bay but they are very hard to find especially in a tinnie with no sounder), or who knows they might take greater risks to venture out beyond the sanctuary zone.

None of this proposed Marine Park and its Sanctuarys or no fishing zone are going to affect any of the areas i usually fish as they are outside of the marked zones. But what concernes me is that alot of the areas it will encompass is where i used to fish when i first started out learning to fish, and where alot of my friends also started out. But like all things in nature i guess we too as fishers will have to adapt our fishing styles, targets and locations to meet these new rules and regulations.

One thing that is a plus i guess for fishos down there is that as a Marine Park it SHOULD get some Govt funding which might aid in helping to better enforce the fishing laws down there. I mean for anyone who is a local down there or has spent quiet a bit of time down there would know that there is a fair bit of rape and pillage that goes on down there, but there is not to many policing it. Might even get some better ramps along the west coast(both fingers crossed).

So being the optomist am choosing to believe that some GOOD will come out of this for Rec fishos.

Posts: 1342

Date Joined: 05/05/06

It seems to me like this

Thu, 2012-03-29 02:16

It seems to me like this marine park has been put thru to settle the debate between the surfers and the crayfisherman. The fishing and rest of it all has been chucked in to fill the gaps.  


Bend over