Marine Parks In state Waters.
Submitted by Howard George on Sat, 2012-03-24 06:17
In todays West Australian the Premier Colin Barnett and Environment Minister Bill Marmion announce the Capes to Capes Marine Park in the Southwest of the state and on the information supplied in the article without any maps provided i can only think of one thing to say and that is you stupid old fools and you have become muppets for the greenies. You've both reached your used by date and deserve a spot on the opposition benches which I'm more than happy to help you achieve.
Posts: 747
Date Joined: 17/03/09
Link below
NOY HAPPY JAN. Those that live in the Southwest get to Yallingup and protest. I would go down but on rescue duty.
Time to set up our own tent embassy to get our message across
Smartline Personal Mortgage Advisers - Level 1, 11 Hobsons Gate Currambine
Posts: 2100
Date Joined: 05/11/10
another load of crap!
when are our pollies going to grow some balls! when you get some research done that hasnt been dodged up and informs us these changes are needed we will comply but when it is all just he says she says because they was paid to say that why should we!
Posts: 1146
Date Joined: 28/09/10
Were are you now?
Over the last few months on numerous posts, myself and others were universally
bagged for telling it like it is , with the green and conservation groups out for blood and lockouts.
oh the greens dont want to exclude you, and its all for your own good , they snivelled.
No one will be pissing on me and telling me its raining again.
I for one are glad the media see us as : the powerful recreation sector: as we are
we just dont take advantage of it ,YET.
For years much wiser men than me , Frank Prok, Ian Staggs etc have been saying
to speak up, before its too late, fight for what you are passionate about, as the other MINORITY
groups certainaly are.
mm rotto first , then marg river area, and eagle bay does anyone else see a wine and cheese set
thing happening here. Right weres the next trendy area were the pollies holiday, cause thats
getting the fence put up as we speak.
W.A AUSTRALIA, 2050 , a clean wonderful place to visit, full of top class resorts overlooking most beachs
enjoy a imported seafood meal ( basa delight) whilst flying over our loverly locked out coastline.
smug , its our way or the hiway, green groups our specialty.
Posts: 247
Date Joined: 09/03/08
Well said.
Well said.
joe amato
Posts: 731
Date Joined: 21/12/08
days are numberd colin barnett and any other parties
what a load of crap,i send a message you will not get my vote colin or any other politicians of any political party in bed with the greens, any smart person on here to form a fishing party will get my vote and a heap of votes,imo
joe amato
Posts: 731
Date Joined: 21/12/08
i myself have signed petitions online aswell as few meetings
i myself quad fisher have signed many petitions online aswel been to a few of these so called meetings and im sure many others have done the same on this forum,as far as im concerned next election is close ,lets get a fishing party together,we need a person that is well spoken ,brains etc
Posts: 82
Date Joined: 20/09/08
join shoots and fishers
We need to stand to gether we need a good voice and this time we might get it join the there tring to get started in Wa , Mate Rick Mazza is throwing his hat in the ring to try and change history and give hunters and anglers a real say in decision making in WA.
in Rick's words:
"If we can successfully gain enough WA SFP members (minimum 500) we can then set about registering the party with the AEC as a political party in WA and nominate candidates for the upper house at the next election. The state election is only a year away so a lot of ground work is needed to get it up and running, make candidate nominations and effectively campaign. It has to start somewhere.
WA is broken into 6 upper house zones 3 metro and 3 country. There are 6 representatives elected for each zone. All going well I intend standing for the South West zone and we will seek candidates for the other 5 zones. I personally feel that political representation is critical if our interests are to be heard at the political coal face and make a difference to the plight of outdoorsmen in this state. I am prepared to put the hard yards in to get this up and hope to have the support of WA members here in rallying to get as many SFP memberships as possible signed up to have a chance of making this happen.
We need 500 eligible WA voters as members by September this year to make next years election, if you can encourage as many family, friends & colleagues as you can to join it will be a great help. for PayPal or the form link on that page fill in CC details and fax to 02 9686 2396 easy".
Posts: 82
Date Joined: 20/09/08
join shoots and fishers
We need to stand to gether we need a good voice and this time we might get it join the there tring to get started in Wa , Mate Rick Mazza is throwing his hat in the ring to try and change history and give hunters and anglers a real say in decision making in WA.
in Rick's words:
"If we can successfully gain enough WA SFP members (minimum 500) we can then set about registering the party with the AEC as a political party in WA and nominate candidates for the upper house at the next election. The state election is only a year away so a lot of ground work is needed to get it up and running, make candidate nominations and effectively campaign. It has to start somewhere.
WA is broken into 6 upper house zones 3 metro and 3 country. There are 6 representatives elected for each zone. All going well I intend standing for the South West zone and we will seek candidates for the other 5 zones. I personally feel that political representation is critical if our interests are to be heard at the political coal face and make a difference to the plight of outdoorsmen in this state. I am prepared to put the hard yards in to get this up and hope to have the support of WA members here in rallying to get as many SFP memberships as possible signed up to have a chance of making this happen.
We need 500 eligible WA voters as members by September this year to make next years election, if you can encourage as many family, friends & colleagues as you can to join it will be a great help. for PayPal or the form link on that page fill in CC details and fax to 02 9686 2396 easy".
Posts: 459
Date Joined: 20/01/11
Not against sanctuaries but
Not against sanctuaries but this line pissed me off. Especially as he is pissing off after this term
"The decision to unveil the plan comes after Fisheries Minister Norman Moore agreed to support it and other marine parks in exchange for $14.5 million to help commercial fishermen gain sustainability accreditation."
big john
Posts: 8768
Date Joined: 20/07/06
Yep, at least if we can get the SFP up and running we'll have a united voice. $30 to become a member, pin money really.
Once the locks go on these places, they never come off.
WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.
Jigs available online in my web store!
Howard George
Posts: 544
Date Joined: 10/03/11
Proper Representation for Rec-Fishers.
We Rec-Fishers have a problem that our opinions are not being respected by the Political Parties because I feel that Recfishwest is not able to use their position to argue against Government decisions because they rely on Government funding to remain operating. A much better way for us to get proper representation is to have written into Legistration that recfishwest is funded from the RFBL automatically and regardless of what political party is in control Recfishwest are able to feel comfortable in fighting for us fishers without any repercussions. Iv'e always thought that if the State Labor party was in government RFAC would have remained and Recfishwest extinguished.
Posts: 1396
Date Joined: 25/06/09
Actual Map and data
Media Release ^