New boat sinks off Two Rocks

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Looked pretty flat out there yesterday

Tue, 2014-09-02 11:16

maybe they were popping for tailor in too close at the back of the reef 

Silk200611's picture

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 There's already a post on

Tue, 2014-09-02 11:26

 There's already a post on this topic.


Call me Brad as that's my name..

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 To those who think it was

Tue, 2014-09-02 19:03

 To those who think it was flat out there yesterday, don't be fooled. I was out there early morning and it was FAR from what the report said it was going to be. By the time the media had arrived and set up the wind had started to drop off. The swell was fine it was the chop from the wind that was a problem.

the other issue to consider is Two Rocks has some rather nasty chop between the two sections off reef, those who fish there regularly will know exactly where that is. Why is it you think that Two Rocks seems to claim people/ boats every year?

If you do not fish there on a regular basis or do not know the area please do not make assumptions or jokes at others expense, especially when one of the people in question are still not in the best condition.

praise should be given to the Search & rescue crews that were swarming the area shortly after the EPIRB was activated.

big john's picture

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Tue, 2014-09-02 19:16

Sad event for sure, however I don't see any Fw'ers in this thread or the other making fun of the situation.


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 I may have misread the above

Tue, 2014-09-02 19:21

 I may have misread the above from beer o'clock, apologise if I did, thought he was takin the piss. Pardon the pun

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No was not taking the piss at all

Wed, 2014-09-03 09:22

its just that ive seen  a few guys over the years fishing in way to close behind the reef there and all along the back of the three mile and nearly get flipped popping for tailor even though one is fishing and the other watching at the wheel with the motor running its too dangerous. Was just wondering if maybe thats what they were doing as it did seem flat out there past the reef thats all i meant - I'd  never make jokes about this sort of thing   

sea-kem's picture

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Will be interesting to see

Wed, 2014-09-03 10:16

Will be interesting to see the reason of why, could be lessons for all included us seasoned boaties. Possible that they had too big a sea anchor tied off too short and it held the arse end of the boat down in a freak swell. Anyway I guess we can all speculate but a bloody tragedy all the same. I hope the guy recovers. One thing goes to show that if you buy a new boat or are new to boating, should always have a few runs of the river to test dynamics of the boat etc. 


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it would be good to know

Wed, 2014-09-03 11:01

the full events of the story. the news said they were 5kms out which is close to 3mile.

there can be some big waves around there if your not carefull.

z00m's picture

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 As a new boatie myself to

Wed, 2014-09-03 11:58

 As a new boatie myself to the waters off Mindarie, I've been learning that the swell can break in unexpected places depending on how the swell is running over the various reefs. Even had a wave stand up behind me while I was coming back in on Sunday which wasn't something I was expecting. It is easy to relax while out there and it wouldn't take much to get caught out.

Hope these guys have a speedy and full recovery. 

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Yep zOOm I thought i knew the waters out of Mindarie pretty

Wed, 2014-09-03 12:28

well as ive been going out of there a fair bit over the last couple of years and I still now and then see it breaking in places ive never seen before. Recently weve been going out of two rocks marina and on sunday morning I found out the hard way that it breaks right there on your left as you go out of the marina, you mentioned your a new boater so just a tip to you if you've never been out of that marina be careful as soon as you pass the rock wall on your left it rises unexpectedly and breaks side on to the boat! 

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 Yep  go past about 50m

Thu, 2014-09-04 18:16

 Yep  go past about 50m before you turn in a lot of people get caught out there 

Iceman's picture

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Logging on

Wed, 2014-09-03 12:40

 There is one important lesson from this.

Even though they activated the EPIRB it sank with the boat.

If they had logged on with Two Rocks Sea Rescue and advised where they were heading it would have narrowed down the search area and they may have been found earlier.


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uncle's picture

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yeah Iceman

Wed, 2014-09-03 16:26

don't understand this not logging on, I think you mentioned on another thread you were surprised at the amount who didn't log on


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

seaswirl's picture

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Wed, 2014-09-03 16:17

 Get a small epirb called a PLB  ( personal locator beacon ) and keep it on your person....

Moking's picture

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 I looked into doing this,as

Thu, 2014-09-04 08:56

 I looked into doing this,as I fish from the Ski,and would of been happier-but PLB are not approved for Marine use.

I now have Marine Epirb attached to Ski and hope that I can get to it if I ever need to.


 My Dad taught me how to Fish-Thanks Dad.(RIP)

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Just looked at the AMSA website

Thu, 2014-09-04 19:48

 Just looked at the AMSA website as also thought the the PLB would be a good idea and wanted to check it out, this is what is stated;

"PLBs are designed for personal use in both the land and marine environment. This type of beacon is becoming a multi-environment beacon. PLBs are required to operate for a minimum of 24 hours once activated"

May be worth looking into further and very good investment if you get separated from the boat/EPIRB. Like any insurance policy, you"ll be glad of it if the worst ever happens.

Not many dollars when you think what we spend on boats and fishing gear.

Swompa's picture

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 They are mandatory for

Sat, 2014-09-06 09:58

 They are mandatory for offshore racing.


NOTE: Although Yachting Australia requires all crew in Category 1 and 2 ocean yacht races to carry a PLB when on deck, an EPIRB must also be carried in the yacht. Likewise, PLBs are not considered a substitute for EPIRBs when adhering to State and Territory marine regulations on the carriage of EPIRBs.


Posts: 40

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 Beer o'clock, sorry I

Wed, 2014-09-03 17:43

 Beer o'clock, sorry I misread your post and I do apologise.

We may not know for awhile what actually happened, hopefully we do find out as Sea Kem mentioned may be a learning for us all. I was actually out there that morning, after heading out a fair way decided to turn back as it was not improving as the weather report indicated, max speed heading back in was between 3-4 knots, I have a more than capable boat and even at that speed was getting the odd one over the front, thankfully I have deck flaps to let the water out between soakings. It is a sobering reminder of how fast situations turn bad.

Whenleaving Two Rocks i find a general rule that if it is breaking at the entrance it is not worth the effort to go out. It generally start to break there at around 2 plus meters

Jason P's picture

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 Good rule of thumb, is to

Wed, 2014-09-03 18:14

 Good rule of thumb, is to avoid going out if the predicted swell is over 2 meters or 15 knot winds.



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No worries ruffazz - yes the predicted swell was about 2.5m

Thu, 2014-09-04 09:30

for that morning. I should have known it wouldnt be veryy good cause when we turned up at the ramp at 6:30 there were only 2 other boats getting ready to launch normally theres a big cue at that time when the weather is good. Went out on the lead line and it was breaking at that spot just forward and to the left of the cardinal marker at the 9m depth spot then worse at the 8m depth point just before you hit the deep water at end of lead line we had to stop and wait for a couple of big rollers to pass and nearly turned back will take your advice from now on - any more than 2 metre swell not good out of there   

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Let's hope

Thu, 2014-09-04 19:05

Regardless of who thinks what, most important thing is that they both pull through ok. all the best.


Give me a fish and I will eat for a day, teach me to fish and I will starve to death.

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it can happen

Fri, 2014-09-05 14:50

Interesting reading the articles. I was in the same situation last year, boat sank, Epirb went down with the boat (matter of seconds), 4 of us in the water, 3km off Lancelin, 3-4 hrs in the water and best mate didn't make it, drowned 20min before help arrived.

Can't comment on what happened with these guys but one thing I am certain of is they will both be going through emotional hell now and for some time. It still affects me today.

As for the Epirb - great we have to have them but it all comes down to the situation at the time. I am all for the PLB. Mate had the Epirb in his hand but somehow got trapped in the boat when it sank. Too busy trying to take off heavy clothing and putting life jackets on.

Until you are in the situation it is unrealistic to comment, so many different factors come into it. having been there my safety tips are

1. Get a Epirb regardless of how far out you plan to go

2. Dont shove it in a compartment - attach to the side of the boat somewhere easy to get to

3. Show everyone who gets on your boat how to use it - including the radio. You can't do everything as a skipper - get out life jackets, put in radio call, set off epirb, grab flares and crap your pants all in a matter of minutes

4. Go and spend some coin and buy the best P1 PFD's money can buy and wear them at all times. I had 30 sec to put one of those foam yellow P1 Jackets on - it twisted and although keeping me afloat gave me hell for 3hrs in the water because I couldnt get it on properly.

5. If that was my boat we were in we would not have made it. i used to have a bowrider and would shove all the PFD's under the front seat out of the way. how many people do this.

6. Spend 5min of your time showing everyone on board your safety gear. jackets, Epirb, flares, radio, flashlights etc each time before you got out and have a plan.

7. Our boat filled with water while drift fishing (bungs in) under the floor, so we had no idea what was happening. When we started the motor and took off all the water went to the back of the boat instantly and she went up and down in a matter of minutes.

8. It can happen - be prepared. We spend $$$$ on boats and fishing gear and then look for cheap options when it comes to safety. Dont be a fool.

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Fri, 2014-09-05 14:58



Fishing the swan for bream, it's just an obsession

uncle's picture

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thats excellent advice lost at sea

Fri, 2014-09-05 15:01

my wife always nags me to have the jackets out on deck and all the rest is good advice, hope that it gets better for you


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

uncle's picture

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condolences to all the family for their loss

Fri, 2014-09-05 16:50

amazing, we all go out to have fun and catch a few fish never thinking something like this will happen


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

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I aim for Its the ocean don't

Fri, 2014-09-05 17:28

I aim for

Its the ocean don't trust it

One watcher

And watch for a while before you go in


spinksy's picture

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News says

Fri, 2014-09-05 17:51

 The guy died this arvo. Not good at all, new boat should have been an exciting time! Thoughts go out to his family at this sad time. It is a lesson to all of us. I went for two dives off mindare today and I was freezing on the second dive and I had a wettie on so I can see how things can deteroaite quickly in that water temp. Be prepeared

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would never had believed when

Fri, 2014-09-05 18:28

would never had believed when i wrote the topic the day it happened one of the guys would have passed away, still not sure how they ended up 200m apart.


makes me think about my SOLO sessions which are very common, glad my wife doesnt read these things in the paper and on the news

Paul H's picture

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Condolences to the families

Fri, 2014-09-05 19:37

Condolences to the families involved, not a place any of us want our families to be in.

Lost at sea - sorry to hear about your mate,

1 question - did your boat have a kill tank, live bait well or other such container that drains out through the side of the hull.  You mentioned the hull filling under the floor and short of hitting something and putting a hole in the hull this seems to be the most common cause of water intake i.e the hull fitting cracks or splits or the hose itself splits and allows water into the hull usually without being noticed.





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That's awful news,

Fri, 2014-09-05 20:03

That's awful news, condolences to the family.

Lost at sea, very sorry for the loss of your friend but I thank you for sharing your learnings from this tragic accident. As a new boat owner I will definitely take your advice on all points, hopefully I'm never in the same situation but if I am, your advice could very well save a life.




Posts: 40

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 Condolences to the

Sat, 2014-09-06 08:22

 Condolences to the family.

Some good advice above, sorry to here about your loss also Lost at Sea. Thankyou for your post.


Dazza1611's picture

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Sat, 2014-09-06 08:28

 Condolences to those effected. Hopefully we all learn something from the loss.


 I am sick of going fishing. I want to go catching....

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Lost at sea

Sat, 2014-09-06 19:09

Thank you for a timely post and reminder.  We never imagine this could happen to us. 

Condolences to the families involved in this latest tragedy.  Very sad.