Metro FADS

Anyone been to the FADS lately?

Anything around?

Weekend looks good for it.


gruntre69's picture

Posts: 533

Date Joined: 15/10/16

 Gees with this weather over

Wed, 2018-01-31 09:56

 Gees with this weather over the last few months so shit, I'm betting the Fads will get hammered on Saturday. I've never made it out there but I have a window on the water from 9 to 15:30 on Saturday and no plan yet... Looking good for a first trip out there...


 Marine trimmer NOR (available for clears, tops, carpet, upholstery, custom equipment covers)

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Wed, 2018-01-31 11:37

 if yiu see a black 685 explorer on the way out or out there swing by and say g'day. We'll be stopping for a bottom bash at some stage. Can compare the furuno 585 to your new sounder.

gruntre69's picture

Posts: 533

Date Joined: 15/10/16

 After thinking about my

Wed, 2018-01-31 21:52

 After thinking about my limited time frame I won't be doing the Fads but I will be out in the 40-50s from OR, maybe a bit deeper if it's a real glass off. I'll surely notice a black explorer so I'll come say G'Day if I see you..


 Marine trimmer NOR (available for clears, tops, carpet, upholstery, custom equipment covers)

ranmar850's picture

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Have you done your drive-by on Vinnie yet?

Wed, 2018-01-31 12:42

 interested in seeing those pics. And how it goes in the deeper water.

gruntre69's picture

Posts: 533

Date Joined: 15/10/16

 No time for it and the

Wed, 2018-01-31 21:56

 No time for it and the weather has been shit so not yet. Hopefully we will get some more nice days and I can get out a bit more and get this done..


 Marine trimmer NOR (available for clears, tops, carpet, upholstery, custom equipment covers)

Posts: 998

Date Joined: 26/03/17

hey far out are

Wed, 2018-01-31 14:03

hey far out are the fads? I have a 5.4m it likely to be doable in this size boat? on a day like this coming Friday?

Stevo81's picture

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 About 25nm(closest)-30nm

Wed, 2018-01-31 14:11

 About 25nm(closest)-30nm from Hillary’s 


                                   ••••••••  Electrical Contractor NOR  ••••••••

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 I have done it in my 5.3m

Wed, 2018-01-31 14:27

 I have done it in my 5.3m just need to head back as soon as the wind swings, and make sure you can carry enough fuel 

Paul_86's picture

Posts: 1449

Date Joined: 27/03/09

 I hit the fads a few times

Wed, 2018-01-31 22:01

 I hit the fads a few times each season in my 4.8 ally runabout. 

Just pick your day and make sure you got plenty of fuel, and have confidence in your vessel and your ability to skipper it.


kelvintyj's picture

Posts: 94

Date Joined: 02/04/13

fad pass rotto

Fri, 2018-02-02 15:47

 hi guys,

went pass the fad behind rotto yesterday. Not a single fish sighted, water around the fad was brown on the surface like some sort of algae bloom. 

good luck guys



little johnny's picture

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Sun, 2018-02-04 10:46


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Sun, 2018-02-04 11:15



Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?

Posts: 574

Date Joined: 24/04/11

Bugger all

Sun, 2018-02-04 05:22

we went and caught bugger all. Didn't see any birds.

Fished the Bottom on the way home for 2 dhu, 3 baldie and a black ass. Nothing big.

Lots of boats with some of them very friendly and nice enough to belt over from far away and fish next to us about 30m away. Twice.

gruntre69's picture

Posts: 533

Date Joined: 15/10/16

 Some people are sooo

Sun, 2018-02-04 11:08

 Some people are sooo friendly hey....

Kept an eye out for you but didn't spot you. Seems like our tallies were close mate. We didn't leave OR until 9:00 due to parenting commitments but ended up with 1 Due, 3 Baldies, a black arse and a shark. Nothing too big except the Black arse was quite big...

Was perfect out there for a couple of hours, not often I get to WOT...


 Marine trimmer NOR (available for clears, tops, carpet, upholstery, custom equipment covers)

Posts: 5981

Date Joined: 17/06/10

Just goes to show

Sun, 2018-02-04 16:30

That the lazy Perth boaties are just so friendly.....yeah right.