Lowrance Dropping Tracks
Submitted by Matty Mac on Mon, 2018-02-19 10:19
I have a HDS7 and am finding that after a few KM's it drops off the track and starts again.
Is there a setting I need to check? Have had a good look but can't seem to find the issue.
Help would be really appreciated.
Posts: 302
Date Joined: 09/08/10
Descriptions a bit vague and
Descriptions a bit vague and i don't think there is a setting, but hopefully this helps. My trails just writes over itself after a few trips out. If you want to keep it, make a new trail each trip (memory use is high).
Extract from manual:
" The unit will continue to record a trail until the trail length reaches the maximum trail point setting. When the unit reaches the maximum trail point number it will automatically begin recording the trail over itself"
Insta: @wafishingofficial
Matty Mac
Posts: 25
Date Joined: 22/03/14
Thanks mate for the help,
Thanks mate for the help, much appreciated, might be time to delete old trails.
Posts: 2702
Date Joined: 12/08/12
Spence is probably onto it.
Do you just run track the whole time you have the plotter on? if so, the memory will just fill up and then start overwriting. I know Lowrances' system of having the bloody thing start plotting the moment you turn it on is a major PITA. Hate it myself. My MO is to turn it to just the plotter screen before I shut down each time. That way , the first thing I do as I leave the ramp next time is go Menu>waypoint marks trails> trails>delete. The new trail which has just started up will be the one highlighted, so just delete it. When you need a trail start a new one. Proper management of trails can make them very useful--eg, if a trail shows a safe path between obstacles, save it to a particular colour. Then you'll know you need to keep it. When you are starting a drift, turn it on. Same for trolling, lures out and turn it on. Save it if you want to keep it. Just leaving the thing running the whole time from startup gives you a screen which looks like spaghetti vomit, and will eat up the stuff you really wanted to keep.
Matty Mac
Posts: 25
Date Joined: 22/03/14
Yep sounds like I might need
Yep sounds like I might need to check my settings and follow what you said, good advice.
Posts: 4109
Date Joined: 24/01/10
Pretty sure in the settings
Pretty sure in the settings you can set how many miles you wish to save before the start of the track starts disappearing
Matty Mac
Posts: 25
Date Joined: 22/03/14
Thats what I would have
Thats what I would have thought however I can't see it. Will have a closer look and check memory as well.
Posts: 88
Date Joined: 07/12/13
If the middle of the track disappears it sounds like that your GPS is loosing it's position and not recording the track.
A full memory would result only in older tracks disappearing. Where it the unit mounted?
Just a thought.