landbase fishing beside Atwell


I have just moved to Atwell from South Perth.
Can anyone advise on any good spots to go fishing off the beach round this area?

Fish or Die's picture

Posts: 123

Date Joined: 12/04/10

 Challenger beach kwinana

Fri, 2014-03-21 15:41

 Challenger beach kwinana point Catherine south freo  for tailor shark whiting hezzas bream and odd squid occy depending on rig and bait 


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hummeldoddy's picture

Posts: 48

Date Joined: 27/10/11

Thanks for the info. If you

Mon, 2014-03-24 10:12

Thanks for the info.
If you are going out there soon please let me know as I would like to go with someone who knows the lie of the land?
