Hard learnt $ lesson
Submitted by Family guy on Wed, 2015-09-30 19:49
With the weather being perfect today I had to dust the boat off and get it wet. Due to commitments my boat has been mothballed for 6months, so with babysitters organised me and the missus planned a trip to Jurien. Had a week to plan check boat,engine even service all reels thought I had it all covered. Drop the tub in water at 5.30 this morning start motor turn on electrics all seems good, try to turn steering no joy cable is seized. Yay three hour drive home then another two removing cable. So I ask a question after having a boat in hibernation what are the checks that I or others have forgot? Hope every one else had a ripper day
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
Fuel if it is a 2 stroke motor
If you have a 2 stroke and the boat has been laid up for a while changing out the fuel would be a good idea IMO. Also check out the fuel lines for perishing and joints for leaks when under pressure.
Posts: 740
Date Joined: 24/12/09
Trailer wheels
might miss that.
Wise man says - first take the plank out of your own eye before trying to take the speck out of somebody else's.
Posts: 215
Date Joined: 14/06/12
Redback spiders
Yes we have had issues with the little buggers under seats.
Posts: 159
Date Joined: 08/07/13
... and mud wasp nests too! I
... and mud wasp nests too!
I put an automatic insecticide dispenser under the boat cover (the cheap battery powered kind you buy at the local Woolies/Coles/IGA): No more creepy crawlies in the boat!
An engine cover keeps the mud wasps out of the water intake.
Posts: 9507
Date Joined: 10/02/07
ha ha the old steering cable
I make a habit of freeing, turning the steering every week, helps to use it over winter as well.
all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs
Posts: 225
Date Joined: 23/11/13
I tried to get the boat out
I tried to get the boat out of the garage the other day only to find the jockey wheel had seized. Out came the jack and after 4 hours of wrestling with it in the vice I finally got it to turn. Cleaned and regreased and all good.