Greenies to put on a show for Gillard...why don't anglers do the same?

See email sent out by our pro marine park friends.   They want to put on a show for the PM and her chums...reckon they'd love for it be totally a green crowd.

Why don't some anglers head down there in Columbia shirts and fishing gear and make ourselves heard as well? Maybe tow a boat or two down there.

Time to stop being apathetic, this is a rare chance to be heard, or at least seen.

The meeting is full, they've already loaded that, so we can't get in.   But we can be seen outside...I fish and I vote and all that.

"As someone within a short drive of South Fremantle who has supported the push for marine protection, I thought you'd like to know about this.

In a fortnight, just before the Federal Government releases draft marine sanctuary maps for the South West, Julia Gillard's entire Cabinet of Ministers will hold a community meeting at South Fremantle Senior High School - and we'd love you to join us.

It's a rare opportunity to let the PM and her ministers know that Western Australians are right behind marine sanctuaries and that the Government should listen to science and protect the homes of our whales, turtles, fur seals and other marine life.

There are three things you can do to help use this opportunity to save our marine life:

1) Register online to attend the meeting. You will need to act fast (within the next day or two) as seats usually go quickly. Visit

2) You can request a 10 minutes one-on-one meeting with any minister to put your case about sanctuaries from a personal perspective. These appointments fill up very rapidly so register using the contact details provided via the above link.

3) Join everyone from Save Our Marine Life outside the school in a visual display of support for marine life. Show your support by being as blue as you can be. Wear blue clothes, blue zinc, or even face paint (we have some paint!). Or bring your snorkel and mask. It'll be great fun. Meet at the car park entrance on Lefroy Street at 5.15pm.

RSVP by replying to this email.

What: A rare opportunity to get our marine message direct to the Prime Minister and her Cabinet!

When: 5.15pm Wednesday 30 March 2011.

Where: South Fremantle Senior High School, Lefroy Street, Beaconsfield.

Why: Because a once in a generation chance to protect the homes of our threatened marine life is on the line (and it'll be hugely fun and satisfying)."

tommyqueenfish's picture

Posts: 373

Date Joined: 27/10/10

wait, do we have to wear blue

Thu, 2011-03-24 19:40

wait, do we have to wear blue or not, are we aposing this or not? sorry I am only 13 and I dont understand, But I would like to make a stand against the govenment!



Australian Representative for Roatan Lures, If you have any questions please pm me!

snappermiles's picture

Posts: 2100

Date Joined: 05/11/10

we are oposing this tommy

Fri, 2011-03-25 06:47

we want everyone to tow there boats down and make some noise! and dont come painted blue come in your fishing clothes and lets show the greens were not going to sit down and have all these bans and restrictions come to a point were we arent allowed to fish at all!



tommyqueenfish's picture

Posts: 373

Date Joined: 27/10/10

ok then but I I allowed to

Fri, 2011-03-25 10:24

ok then but I I allowed to come in a NAVY blue Tackle World Shirt or would that be counted as blue?



Australian Representative for Roatan Lures, If you have any questions please pm me!

Jody's picture

Posts: 1578

Date Joined: 19/04/07

I'm in

Thu, 2011-03-24 19:53

Very sneaky shite, and why the hell would they hold it at a high school. 


I think it's about time for a show of strength. Looks like the boat is going to Freo next week :p



Silk200611's picture

Posts: 286

Date Joined: 08/02/09

im inn.. I'll be watching

Thu, 2011-03-24 20:10

im inn..


I'll be watching this space


Call me Brad as that's my name..

Posts: 247

Date Joined: 09/03/08

What about a couple of

Thu, 2011-03-24 21:41

What about a couple of slogans people? Brainstorm time!

tommyqueenfish's picture

Posts: 373

Date Joined: 27/10/10

Flyfishing: tye me, fly me, whip me, strip me, I'll post more

Thu, 2011-03-24 22:03




Australian Representative for Roatan Lures, If you have any questions please pm me!

big john's picture

Posts: 8768

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Thu, 2011-03-24 22:49

Personally I liked the 'Ju-Liar - Bob Brown's Bitch' from the carbon tax rally. :)


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

Jigs available online in my web store!

big john's picture

Posts: 8768

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Boat hookup

Thu, 2011-03-24 22:47

C'mon guys, who's going to hookup their boats and head down there. Fantastic opportunity to get some positive PR for rec fishing, you and your mates/kids sitting in your parked up boats showing how much rec fishing means to you, rfbl hanging on a lanyard around your neck showing your even willing pay to access a resource that should be yours because of your birthright as an Australian.

Easy for me to say being three thousand k's away but this is probably the biggest opportunity you guys down that way are going to have to show that enough is enough.

If half a dozen boats show up it will be viewed as a joke, if a 100 plus turn up then its a real statement.


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

Jigs available online in my web store!

Buz's picture

Posts: 1555

Date Joined: 28/08/07

Damn would have gladly towed

Thu, 2011-03-24 23:05

Damn would have gladly towed my tinnie down there to box in a few greenie cars! But unfortunatly will be in Canada. To any lads that do take their boats down there, good on you, and i wish i could be by your side. The only thing the Aussie pollies ever listen to is people power. The greenies have been using this technique for years. Hell it even worked for the Taxi Drivers in Melbourne "Talk to us or we bring the CBD to a standstill". Worked for them, they got what they wanted.

It would have a far more reaching impact than organisations just talking and negotiaiting with the powers that be, or the usual aussie way of complain about it but when it come to taking a stand it's, 'oh nah wont worry about it', or 'she'll be right mate'.

Alternatively how about the fishing forums put their differences and gripe's aside and organise a date for us all to do it.  We could easily rally more than 100 boats on trailers. Even the landbased fishos just rock up in your cars! Pollies dont fear numbers on paper of fisho's, but they will feel something to physically seeing those same numbers of people on the ground.


Posts: 247

Date Joined: 09/03/08

I agree Buz...this is a

Thu, 2011-03-24 23:23

I agree Buz...this is a chance for all anglers to unite...if people are keen spread it across all the forums, Facebook, etc, and make it count.

Paul G's picture

Posts: 5215

Date Joined: 12/12/07

Will be there

Fri, 2011-03-25 05:12

Will be there


Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential  and commercial ceilings and walls

glastronomic's picture

Posts: 892

Date Joined: 16/02/11

If the rec fisherpeople do

Fri, 2011-03-25 05:51

If the rec fisherpeople do NOT speak up on this subject in en masse then do NOT complain later on at all that you are hard done by!

To make a big point it needs lots of boat trailers and people on foot with angling rods etc every where in an organised fassion and well behaved!

No excuses, no no shows, no "let someone else do the hard work but BE THERE if this is close to your hart!! 

This is for real and NOT a dress rehersal, your attendance will make a difference!!

We should have a pre meet point, inform traffic police and have a dedicated liason person with the police them to get a smooth running hard impact convoy going in an orderly fassion.

For this we need to know the number of participants




Posts: 457

Date Joined: 03/09/10

Businesses as well

Fri, 2011-03-25 06:30


Businesses as well, that pertain to this cause, tackle and boating outlets should close their doors on this day  to show how it could be if these un-imformed Pew Crew get their way.

A leader is required, so whos it going to be????

snappermiles's picture

Posts: 2100

Date Joined: 05/11/10

guys this isnt the only site who is mounting a rally

Fri, 2011-03-25 06:48

there are others too who are organising to turn up so please lets all get together and show them we arent happy



Posts: 247

Date Joined: 09/03/08

Squidder,Having first floated

Fri, 2011-03-25 07:01


Having first floated the idea...and dealt with this stuff on several levels in recent months, I am happy to take on the role of leader if necessary and if people are happy for me to do so. I have plenty of contacts in the media for organising coverage on the day...and hope to mention it in the Sunday Times this week to further boost numbers.

I'd appreciate some help from anyone willing though as well!

sarcasm0's picture

Posts: 1396

Date Joined: 25/06/09

Good luck guys

Fri, 2011-03-25 07:59

I might be able to make it down after work on wed arvo.  Scottywiper, sounds like you want to do the righty, just be careful taking on the leadership position.  It needs to be peaceful, lawful and fun.  Cant have the media getting great shots of fishermen swearing at greenies or threatening to biff people. Whoever said take the kids along is onto a winner, as they are the next fisherpeople and voters.

If you do take your boat and car, ensure it is well maintained and within rego.  If you want to do a trailer drive, just accept that they may read these forums, be prepared for them to be using their contacts against us also.

Still, You have my support!


Posts: 247

Date Joined: 09/03/08

100% correct mate. This needs

Fri, 2011-03-25 15:39

100% correct mate. This needs to be done the right way, we don't want it getting ugly. Wives and kids absolutely welcome, fishing is a family friendly activity.

No egg throwing or anything like that, just a clear message that we are not happy.

Posts: 247

Date Joined: 09/03/08

A few potential slogans for

Fri, 2011-03-25 07:39

A few potential slogans for any banners, etc...

Pew stinks

Balance not bullshit

Anglers care

I fish I vote


Jody's picture

Posts: 1578

Date Joined: 19/04/07


Fri, 2011-03-25 07:56

I'd like to know if the sponsors of this and the other sites are going to back this and be there on the day as the outcomes will absolutely impact on their businesses as well as lifestyles.

Like the high profile public figure of Ryan Thipthorp and staff from Oceanside being a prime example ?


Scotty, think Andrew is on the mark ..........  "WHO PAYS JESSICA" 





Posts: 247

Date Joined: 09/03/08


Fri, 2011-03-25 07:57


Recreational anglers concerned about the push for large marine parks in WA have the rare chance to show their concerns to Prime Minister Julia Gillard and her Cabinet colleagues on Wednesday.
Gillard’s entire Cabinet will be holding a community forum in Fremantle on Wednesday afternoon and recreational fishing representatives were unable to secure access to the meeting.
Conservation groups plan to use the forum to pressure the Government on marine parks, with some major announcements expected shortly.
Concerned anglers have a golden opportunity to show their feelings on the issue by gathering outside the venue in a show of solidarity for the 600,000 or so recreational fishers in this state.
Wear fishing clothes, bring fishing rods and maybe even tow your boat along, the most important thing is that we show recreational anglers care.
Anglers will gather at South Fremantle High School in Beaconsfield at 5pm on Wednesday.

When: 5pm, Wednesday March 30.
Where: South Fremantle Senior High School, Lefroy Street, Beaconsfield.
Why: Because you believe in our right to fish sustainably, and the importance of recreational fishing to our way of life, in Australia.

Iceman's picture

Posts: 747

Date Joined: 17/03/09

Earlier Start

Fri, 2011-03-25 11:54

maybe we should try and get there by 4.00 to 4.30 as parking will be limited especially for boats. Unless we are able to park on the school oval


Smartline Personal Mortgage Advisers - Level 1, 11 Hobsons Gate Currambine 


Posts: 41

Date Joined: 10/11/10

Spot on ICE

Fri, 2011-03-25 12:01

Best to be there earlier

tommyqueenfish's picture

Posts: 373

Date Joined: 27/10/10

"Politicians are like fish

Fri, 2011-03-25 10:30

"Politicians are like fish hooks, some are just sharper than others..."


The philosopher's view: "Fly fishing -- because since we defeated the sabertooth tigers and the Soviet Union, life is too damn easy."

The lawyer's view: "Fly fishing -- because if I waved my favorite long rod around in public, I'd get arrested."


"Eat....Sleep......Go Fishing"



Australian Representative for Roatan Lures, If you have any questions please pm me!

Iceman's picture

Posts: 747

Date Joined: 17/03/09

Count me in

Fri, 2011-03-25 11:38

Maybe we should invite Mike Roenfeldt from The West?


Will spread the word


Smartline Personal Mortgage Advisers - Level 1, 11 Hobsons Gate Currambine 


tommyqueenfish's picture

Posts: 373

Date Joined: 27/10/10

not sure, as the guy who made

Fri, 2011-03-25 11:58

not sure, as the guy who made this post "scottywiper" is Scott Coghlan from sunday times



Australian Representative for Roatan Lures, If you have any questions please pm me!

Posts: 41

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Fri, 2011-03-25 11:59

Same bloke

tommyqueenfish's picture

Posts: 373

Date Joined: 27/10/10

do u want me to get media

Fri, 2011-03-25 12:08

do u want me to get media coverage eg: Channel 9



Australian Representative for Roatan Lures, If you have any questions please pm me!

Posts: 247

Date Joined: 09/03/08

I've informed Mike

Fri, 2011-03-25 15:40

I've informed Mike already...we're on the same team on this one! LOL

tommyqueenfish's picture

Posts: 373

Date Joined: 27/10/10


Fri, 2011-03-25 15:43




Australian Representative for Roatan Lures, If you have any questions please pm me!

tommyqueenfish's picture

Posts: 373

Date Joined: 27/10/10

Some one should bring name

Fri, 2011-03-25 12:08

Some one should bring name tags so we know who we all are



Australian Representative for Roatan Lures, If you have any questions please pm me!

scotto's picture

Posts: 2472

Date Joined: 21/04/08

wear your RFBL on a lanyard

Fri, 2011-03-25 12:11

wear your RFBL on a lanyard around your neck, as Scotty said.

scotto's picture

Posts: 2472

Date Joined: 21/04/08

banner idea?

Fri, 2011-03-25 12:10

Boat - $40,000

Car to pull Boat $40,000

Fishing gear - $10,000

Boat rego - $180 per year

Trailer Rego - $90 per year

Insurance - $600 per year

RFBL - $40 per year

Skippers ticket - $200

Bait, Fuel, Ice - $100 per trip.


Does anyone know where I can use any of it, if the Greens get their way?


I would be there with the boat on, except I'll hopefully be near geraldton on my way to exxy by then, so good luck all.


stick it to the red headed bitch.





synthos's picture

Posts: 522

Date Joined: 23/06/07

dam greenies

Fri, 2011-03-25 12:40

But they are wll organised :( should we perhaps register for the meeting and sing up for the 1 on 1 ? :)

Paul G's picture

Posts: 5215

Date Joined: 12/12/07

We all need to frount up and

Fri, 2011-03-25 13:26

We all need to frount up and get the point across .as said other forums are rallying the numbers so lets get down there and kick some butt


Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential  and commercial ceilings and walls

Posts: 544

Date Joined: 10/03/11

We All need to front up

Fri, 2011-03-25 13:56

Unless we can get the fishing community off their apathetic arses and front up the PM may not think that rec-fishers have a very big following. Although I live in Busso I'll try and make the trip and see if I can't drag some other anglers along with me.

Tony Halliday's picture

Posts: 2500

Date Joined: 14/06/07

Scotty, you guys are welcome

Fri, 2011-03-25 13:53

Scotty, you guys are welcome to use my slogan

"meals on reels"


I would get a few BBQ's going and hand out some nice fish kebab's and a little flyers saying that the Aussie Fish on the Bardie is an endangered way of life.


Offer her some good dhuie and chips from our local catch and ask her to keep us able to catch and not lock up the sea.


maybe aorganise a casting clinic for the kids to learn how to fish and cast. Get K-mart onboard or BCF to donate some cheap rod& reel stuff to give the kids on the day.

Get the Recwest Fishing trailer setup and stuff out for all to see....


Every kid should be carrying a fishing rod that day and say "FISHING IS MY STRESS RELEASE, NOT DRUGS OR BOOZE"


 How about a few of you guys dressed up as Jesus!!! yip the fisher of men, taught by the greatest fisherman we have...Hell he did not even need a boat, just walked out on water...


ok last slogan....



If we can get awau from work in time, we will come gate crash her party....



Tony Halliday: ~Meals on Reels ~

 It takes a strong fish to swim against the current. Even a dead one can float with it

"It is always in season for old men to learn." Aeschylus (525-456 BC)

"In a mad world only the mad are sane." Akira Kurosawa (1910-1998)

roberta's picture

Posts: 2773

Date Joined: 08/07/08

Just got this email from Recfish

Fri, 2011-03-25 14:02

It appears the same place as you are all going to, we won;t be able to attend, will be in Leeman, but good luck, this email was sent to CPBA for support as well



Recreational anglers concerned about the push for large marine parks in WA have the rare chance to show their concerns to Prime Minister Julia Gillard and her Cabinet colleagues on Wednesday.

Gillard’s entire Cabinet will be holding a community forum in Fremantle on Wednesday afternoon and recreational fishing representatives were unable to secure access to the meeting.

Conservation groups plan to use the forum to pressure the Government on marine parks, with some major announcements expected shortly.

Concerned anglers have a golden opportunity to show their feelings on the issue by gathering outside the venue in a show of solidarity for the 600,000 or so recreational fishers in this state.

Wear fishing clothes, bring fishing rods and maybe even tow your boat along, the most important thing is that we show recreational anglers care.

Anglers will gather at South Fremantle High School in Beaconsfield at 5pm on Wednesday.

When: 5pm, Wednesday March 30.
Where: South Fremantle Senior High School, Lefroy Street, Beaconsfield.
Why: Because you believe in our right to fish sustainably, and the importance of recreational fishing to our way of life, in Australia.


The Greens groups were organised and publicised the Community Cabinet event with emails like below. That link says all spots are filled. If you are in the know and have good communications with supporters, you can stack these meetings. says bookings could only be made from 14 to 18 March unless filled earlier.

See for one of the emails.

In a fortnight, just before the Federal Government releases draft marine sanctuary maps for the South West, Julia Gillard's entire Cabinet of Ministers will hold a community meeting at South Fremantle Senior High School - and we'd love you to join us.

It's a rare opportunity to let the PM and her ministers know that Western Australians are right behind marine sanctuaries and that the Government should listen to science and protect the homes of our whales, turtles, fur seals and other marine life.

There are three things you can do to help use this opportunity to save our marine life:

1) Register online to attend the meeting. You will need to act fast (within the next day or two) as seats usually go quickly. Visit

2) You can request a 10 minutes one-on-one meeting with any minister to put your case about sanctuaries from a personal perspective. These appointments fill up very rapidly so register using the contact details provided via the above link.

3) Join everyone from Save Our Marine Life outside the school in a visual display of support for marine life. Show your support by being as blue as you can be. Wear blue clothes, blue zinc, or even face paint (we have some paint!). Or bring your snorkel and mask. It'll be great fun. Meet at the car park entrance on Lefroy Street at 5.15pm. RSVP by replying to this email.

What: A rare opportunity to get our marine message direct to the Prime Minister and her Cabinet!

When: 5.15pm Wednesday 30 March 2011.

Where: South Fremantle Senior High School, Lefroy Street, Beaconsfield.

Why: Because a once in a generation chance to protect the homes of our threatened marine life is on the line (and it'll be hugely fun and satisfying).


It seems that Recfishwest does have a one-on-one meeting. The only way I know this is from a post by the Chairman Andrew Matthews posting as "lureman" on a fishing forum. I haven't received any information or notification from anyone in RFW even though I am a Board Member known for having an intense interest in Marine Parks.

It's in posted 17:06 on 19 March (bottom of page 2) Says:-

"oh.....and for the record we have the chance to get our views about sanctuary zones to the prime minister on the 30th of March in fremantle"



Ginger Tablets Rock


Jody's picture

Posts: 1578

Date Joined: 19/04/07

QUOTE"it seems that

Fri, 2011-03-25 14:15


"it seems that Recfishwest does have a one-on-one meeting. The only way I know this is from a post by the Chairman Andrew Matthews posting as "lureman" on a fishing forum. I haven't received any information or notification from anyone in RFW even though I am a Board Member known for having an intense interest in Marine Parks."


I didn't read it as RFW had managed to book a meeting Roberta, only that he was giving a heads up the meeting was actualy on. And I believe they missed out completely like everyone else.


It seems to me this do has been organized in a very sneaky manner.   



roberta's picture

Posts: 2773

Date Joined: 08/07/08

Yes Jody,

Fri, 2011-03-25 14:25

the email was too big, I didn't think I could copy/past it all but was from Terry Fuller of Recfish. as for Fishing Clubs support


I agree extremely sneeky manner and personally think everybody should be there, as I said we are away, but totally give my support for all that attend, the more the better.  Just hope everybody is well behaved, as if you get angry you've lost the  arguement and we certainly don't want that.

CPBA has a half yearly AGM on tonight, let you all know if fishos are going from there as well

 Edited:,,,,the Fremantle High School has a very big footie Oval for parking your boats, that is if they will let you.


Ginger Tablets Rock


Posts: 247

Date Joined: 09/03/08

Enviroment Minister this

Fri, 2011-03-25 15:42

Enviroment Minister this morning cancelled his meeting with RFW...hmmmm.

Posts: 17

Date Joined: 18/10/10

I'll be there

Fri, 2011-03-25 14:02

I'll be there

Posts: 247

Date Joined: 09/03/08

Guys,Can anyone thinking of

Fri, 2011-03-25 14:54


Can anyone thinking of bringing a boat please PM me...I have some more info for the day.



snappermiles's picture

Posts: 2100

Date Joined: 05/11/10

scotty can you send me the info

Fri, 2011-03-25 15:18

and i will pass it onto the guys i no are coming!



snappermiles's picture

Posts: 2100

Date Joined: 05/11/10

ok fellas i have just been told that the boys

Sat, 2011-03-26 20:44

from blue water tackle will be down there and a prize will be given for the best banner!!! any other tackle stores that would like to donate a prize i will fly there banner



Jody's picture

Posts: 1578

Date Joined: 19/04/07

Getting closer :)

Mon, 2011-03-28 19:06

Can't let this drop off the bottom of the page, far too important!!

Towing the boat and playing taxi service for 4 others. 

I'm hearing quite a few are making the trip so it should be a good turnout............ so, who else is going from Fishwrecked ??????????? 




Jody's picture

Posts: 1578

Date Joined: 19/04/07

BW Closing

Mon, 2011-03-28 20:26


All Bluewater tackle stores are closing their doors from 3pm to allow staff to attend on mass. First time they will close early in 78 years. That is one hell of a serious statement to all rec fishos.

Time to get off your asses guys




allrounder's picture

Posts: 1853

Date Joined: 10/11/08


Mon, 2011-03-28 20:50

 You go stick it to them Jody.Wish i could make it but have a hospital trip instead.


So tell me have you got your info from years on the water or hours on the internet?

  • was sponsored by Atomic Lures and Shimano but they dropped me.Now sponsored by Fog Dog(The best fish coating out there) and raider lures.

big john's picture

Posts: 8768

Date Joined: 20/07/06


Mon, 2011-03-28 21:02

Time to make a stand and be counted, especially the younger generation just finding their way in the sport.

Do not think she'll be right and leave it for others. If this marine park debacle ravages WA you may as well sell your boats and gear.


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

Jigs available online in my web store!

allrounder's picture

Posts: 1853

Date Joined: 10/11/08

Do you think the pantsing they got in NSW will scare her?

Tue, 2011-03-29 14:42

I think she may have a little streaking in the undies on wednesday arvo.I think a few greenies may have as well.I think if it gets big enough it will shake a lot of pollies and decision makers around.Need some cray boats and freo based gin palaces ect clogging the harbour just for good measure.This will get Australian wide coverage and a few international green groups will hear about it im sure.Just hope it doesnt get the coverage for the wrong reasons.


So tell me have you got your info from years on the water or hours on the internet?

  • was sponsored by Atomic Lures and Shimano but they dropped me.Now sponsored by Fog Dog(The best fish coating out there) and raider lures.

deezydee's picture

Posts: 109

Date Joined: 05/12/10

i`ll be there.

Mon, 2011-03-28 21:54

i`ll be there.

tommyqueenfish's picture

Posts: 373

Date Joined: 27/10/10

Bloody he'll, I have a guitar lesson from 4,30-6 me= out

Mon, 2011-03-28 22:52




Australian Representative for Roatan Lures, If you have any questions please pm me!

tangles's picture

Posts: 1367

Date Joined: 17/12/06


Tue, 2011-03-29 00:35

hey no offence but how many of you would have stood up for the commercial fishermen if they needed support to save their livelyhoods??

I hope you have an impact to an extent and be heard but i am just interested thats all.

I dont oppose or agree with this as dont have all the facts about it.

tommyqueenfish's picture

Posts: 373

Date Joined: 27/10/10

nup, I wouldn't as they are

Tue, 2011-03-29 07:48

nup, I wouldn't as they are depleting fish stocks and are the cause of this



Australian Representative for Roatan Lures, If you have any questions please pm me!

Jody's picture

Posts: 1578

Date Joined: 19/04/07

Bold statement

Tue, 2011-03-29 07:54

 Settle Tommy, Not quite as easy as that



Posts: 47

Date Joined: 30/06/09


Tue, 2011-03-29 01:11

G'day fellow fishos

I'll be there on Wednesday.

Just making an appeal to all fishos out there to attend, I know a lot of people have other commitments at this time of the day, but... HOW MANY TIMES IN HISTORY HAS A VICTORY BEEN ACHIEVED WITH NO SACRIFICE ???

To all the mums, dads, boys and girls who are thinking of coming along, to all the people umming and arghing as to whether to attend or not. TOGETHER WE CAN make a difference, WE CAN make our voice heard, OUR opinion DOES matter !

If all our fishing rights are taken away how many people out there will be thinking "yeah, well, maybe i should've got off my backside and gone down and shown my support". NO should've and NO maybe... come along, stand up and be counted. think of all the people who don't live in perth that can't be there in person to show their support!


They say the number of recreational fishos in WA numbers 600,000, if we get just 10% of us down there thats the collective voice of 60,000 people. Hopefully we can get way more than that. WE can outnumber those Greenies a hundred to one ! We NEED as many fishos as possible down there to ensure that our sport/hobby/passtime remains exactly that... OURS !!!

Bring your boats, cars, i'm sure we've all got an old/broken/unused fishing rod lying around to bring down, wear your fishing clothes (dirty or clean i don't care.... heh heh), RBFL license on a lanyard is a great idea!     Just THINK... we NEED something to show we are there in oppostion to the greenies and these proposed communist laws. We don't want one of those greenies on TV saying "oh look at all the people down here supporting the green cause"

I'll get off my soapbox now and leave you all with one final thought;


snappermiles's picture

Posts: 2100

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nice words long haired lout!

Tue, 2011-03-29 06:37

he is right though!!  for anyone with outriggers bring them along and use them as flag poles!! the more banners the better!! but remember we dont want to end up looking like the last rally lets keep the banners nice but to the point!



sarcasm0's picture

Posts: 1396

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Info for Boat Trailers?

Tue, 2011-03-29 06:51

Scottywiper, I sent you a PM about tomorrow afternoon, but havent received any information yet? Trying to plan my movements for tomorrow afternoon, so just a reminder?


snappermiles's picture

Posts: 2100

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pm sent sarcasm

Tue, 2011-03-29 08:48

re boat info



Albee Mangles's picture

Posts: 985

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Heres a Banner for Jessica

Tue, 2011-03-29 07:58

Hows -


"In Bed With Oil"

Jody's picture

Posts: 1578

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Tue, 2011-03-29 08:04

 Going to see you there Brett??


Kayaks and boats ....... excellent ;)



Albee Mangles's picture

Posts: 985

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Ill be there mate

Tue, 2011-03-29 09:51

Should be a few of the Yakfishwest crew there, i'll have the forum banner on a few paddles to hold  up!!

Ewan's picture

Posts: 271

Date Joined: 15/05/06

What exactly are you guys

Tue, 2011-03-29 08:46

What exactly are you guys protesting about? You might want to make it isn't very clear from the posts above...

I've never seen or heard of any proposal by anyone anywhere to ban fishing. There are several proposals to include no-take zones as part of marine management - but that is not the same thing as banning fishing.

But if it is just a general stand up and be counted thats all well and good.

Please don't anyone have any offensive signs - Don't call the elected Prime Minister of the country a 'bitch' - not while you are representing fishos - please...

Someone said the anti-carbon-tax rally represented a cross section of middle Australia - well I don't think we are bigots. We don't need those kinds of signs and attitude.

Please make it rational and have some respect for the science around the various issues - we don't need the rec fishing community painted as ignorant rednecks!! That only leads to marginalisation in the upcoming negotiations and debates.

tommyqueenfish's picture

Posts: 373

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these are where they are

Tue, 2011-03-29 09:08



Australian Representative for Roatan Lures, If you have any questions please pm me!

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WE don't agree on much

Tue, 2011-03-29 10:22

WE don't agree on much Ewan...but much of what you said about behaviour on Wednesday is spot-on!

Silk200611's picture

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Wake up Evan.. Hope to see u

Tue, 2011-03-29 10:49

Wake up Evan..


Hope to see u there tomorrow


Call me Brad as that's my name..

Lamby's picture

Posts: 3145

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Well put Ewan

Tue, 2011-03-29 11:02

Well put Ewan

sarcasm0's picture

Posts: 1396

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Funny, I dont remember electing Julia

Tue, 2011-03-29 16:09

I remember as a country voting for Kevin Rudd. 

Posts: 544

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now just wait a minite Ewen

Tue, 2011-03-29 12:10

Under the Fisheries Act the Fisheries Department has a responsibility to protect the Marine Environment and protect Fish Stocks and keep them sustainable. We know our fish stocks are improving all the time in this State because we witness this all the time we go fishing and as far as the Marine Environment is concerned rec-fishers are just as concerned about the marine environment as any one else so why would you want the Environment Minister to take over vast areas of the ocean that is adequatly covered under the Fisheries Act and what would he contribute that we don't have at present? The State Fisheries Minister has the power to put in closures if he feels the need to do so backed by scientific research but what we're getting from the Greenie groups is the same old rubbish of what is happening in the Northern Hemisphere and trying to apply it to local conditions. I have confidence that the State Fisheries Minister will look after fishermens rights but  the Environment Minister is dancing to a different tune.

Ewan's picture

Posts: 271

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Howard. "We know our fish

Tue, 2011-03-29 13:24

Howard. "We know our fish stocks are improving all the time" - ummm, what? Last I heard the scientific advice, from the beloved Department of Fisheries, was quite the opposite. Any old-timer will readily support that science with their life-long experience.

Under the "adequate" Fisheries Resources and Management Act that people seem to blindly love, fish stocks have declined to the point of having to ban fishing (under fishery legislation, not environmental) in different places at different times around the state - where stocks have collapsed (snapper, crab) or are at critical risk of collapse (west coast demersal).

Again - it is quite clear that scientific evidence is not what is driving the anti-sanctuary opinion. What is? I don't know, you tell me - ideology? The issue of our god-given right to fish where we want? I am more than happy to have places I can't fish, in the interests of helping my (and my offspring's) fishing experience at least be maintained, if not enhanced in the future by it.

Scottywiper - you continually confuse me. On one hand, or in one thread, you will say that we don't agree on much. On another thread you will say that we have the same viewpoints, broadly. On one thread you will say that marine parks and sanctuary zones are a good thing, on the proviso that they are in the right places, backed up by scientific evidence, and then on another you will flat out oppose them and attack the credibility of the scientific providers.

By the way - Professor Jessica Meeuwig doesn't run all the research. She doesn't write or publish or review everything on sanctuary zones and science. There is quite a consensus based on a range of independant scientists and scientific institutions. 

There is no need to be relying on Northern Hemisphere science to demonstrate the benefits of sanctuaries to fishing and biodiversity. There is alot of scientific research being done and that has been completed locally that supports the role of sanctuary zones - for given objectives. Heaps from New Zealand. Besides which, I am quite certain that fish and their ecosystems in the Northern Hemisphere are not substantially different from fish and their ecosystems in the Southern Hemisphere. Do you actually understand the science? Have you ever actually tried?

The Community Cabinet isn't sneaky, it has been widely publicised by the Govt. Anyone can go (provided you had registered by the deadline whenever that was). Anyone can request a one-on-one with a Minister. I didn't get one. There is no green conspiracy. I am quite sure that the Federal Government has quite a large number of issues to think about, green, brown, blue or otherwise.

Yep I'll be there! I got into the actual meeting though, so I guess you might not see me ;-)

As far as I am concerned, the best thing to lobby for is for the planning to be undertaken using the best scientific advice possible. Advice on the role, objectives and location of sanctuaries, and then using the best scientific advice on where those habitats/species etc are. And then you work around existing users as much as possible whilst still achieving the scientific outcomes.

Here's my banner suggestion:

"Plan with Science, Not with Politics"

Any takers? Would that banner frighten you, or empower you?

I'm looking forward to the show!


allrounder's picture

Posts: 1853

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I agree with you that it we could be painted as rednecks

Tue, 2011-03-29 15:38

 if a few people turn into idiots.I would also like to know who would supply better scientific advise than rec fishos and pros that fish?As far as i am concerned the info others and myself  have gathered over the years (and continue to do so) has had little to no impact on decision makers.They seem to twist info to suit themselves.How are they going in the search for small dhufish?My tax payer dollars are being shelled out hand over fist to put fuel in trawlers and scientists pockets for little to no return.Give the cash to recs that have an idea on how the fish work and we will return far more info than what they have now in half the time and a quarter of the cost and that is a fact!Give me $100000 and i will take 6 months off and get more info for the scientists than they have scrounged up in the last two years.Baited cameras in the desert for f@3k sake are they looking for dhufish or flathead?Cray counters that dont work as well as the old ones put next too freshwater outlets are they looking for yabbies.They dont listen to the crayfishermen telling them they are scraping millions of babies of the ropes everyday they go by the flawed info instead and we all know how that worked.EPIC FAIL.That ruling on pros took lives and livelyhoods awayFathers gone and families shattered forever.So forgive me if i dont put much faith in the so called "best scientific advice" it is just that many ,many times it has been shown that it was not the "best" after all.I will bet my left nut that none of them will go to the houses of the families they have destroyed and tell them or for that sake us that they plain SCREWED UP the science side. 


So tell me have you got your info from years on the water or hours on the internet?

  • was sponsored by Atomic Lures and Shimano but they dropped me.Now sponsored by Fog Dog(The best fish coating out there) and raider lures.

Posts: 247

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Ewan,I was going to put in a

Tue, 2011-03-29 16:16


I was going to put in a detailed response but it's not worth it. We both want healthy fisheries, we just don't agree on how it should be achieved. You actually don't confuse me because I see exactly where you are coming from. I am sorry that my considerable scepticism about research often funded by Pew (hence me listing contradictory research in another thread) confuses you.

I never said Prof Meeuwig does all the research, but she is the master at picking only that which suits her argument and running to the media with it. I think fishos are entitled to question it and be given access to contrasting viewpoints.

You are entitled to your beliefs but I just don't see it from where I sit. Marine parks do have value, as do sanctuary zones, but this whole process has been hijacked.




Posts: 544

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I need to enlighten you.Ewen

Tue, 2011-03-29 15:22

Back in 1998 both the Gummy shark and the thick skin shark ( Sandbar shark ) were identified as being endangered by the fisheries department and today both these species numbers have reached sustainable levels all without any involvement from the environment minister but with carefull management and even more local to where I live the yellow fin whiting have made a strong recovery and we now see large schools moving through Geo. Bay along with a lot of other species including the Southern Blue Fin Tuna which really is quite remarkable considering when you read the publications how endangered this species is. Sometimes the science is not up to date with what is happening out in the water. I noticed you failed to answer my question so I'll repeat it again . What would the environment minister add to management of the marine environment that we don't have at the moment? I suggest very little.

Gaz Mero's picture

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Tue, 2011-03-29 15:38

Spewing I only live just down the road and went to school there so would be there for sure if I wasnt still stuck up at work on this gold mine , get home on thursday bugger it.

Good luck to everyone that is going and me and my kids, who love fishing off our boat, thankyou for making such a big effort to show support to the cause.

Ill be watching the news tommorow night with great interest.

Cheers Gazza

Ewan's picture

Posts: 271

Date Joined: 15/05/06

Damn straight allrounder - I

Tue, 2011-03-29 16:12

Damn straight allrounder - I agree entirely that more consultation with pro and rec fishers will yield more info to guide planning, both on where to avoid planning no-take zones to reduce impacts, but also very importantly to use our observational data alongside the more acute and statistically robust scientifically validated data.

What you want is more $ for research, so that more can be done, and of an ever-increasing standard, rather than having to do it on a shoestring. It might look like alot of money being spent, but it costs ALOT to do marine research, and we are coming from a position of having done basically none forever, to needing alot right now = $$$$$$$ investment required.

Regardless, you can't plan on recfisher reports of the fishery being totally fine (on the increase even?) - bollocks. It ain't.

Howard - fish live in the environment mate. Conserve biodiversity = protect fish.

Posts: 544

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False Statement Again Ewen

Wed, 2011-03-30 02:02

Fisheries does rely on the reports of rec-fishers because it is the only way for them to determine whether the catch is sustainable or not and biodiversity does not equal fish and I'd like to point out the report from  CSIRO on the sanctuary zone at Rottnest last year .

allrounder's picture

Posts: 1853

Date Joined: 10/11/08

I dont think no take zones are the answer yet.

Tue, 2011-03-29 17:19

 The fishery needs to be evaluated in another couple of years to let the effect of the new bag limits and the closures as well as the pros being sent out of metro.The pink snapper are around in fantastic numbers.The crays are doing better than they predicted.My opinion on dhufish is in limbo at the moment they still seem to be doing well.So can you tell me if you know were the baby dhufish are yet?I found some alreadyStill waiting on the research funding to release my findingsCan you also fill me in on the hundreds of tagged demersals over the last couple of decades?Is that info being used to assist rec fishos or shaft us?I would also like to know if the handful of around 20 kilo dhu frames we could have let go instead of donating the frames has shed any light on the fishery?Ps they are very chewy at that size rather just size or bauldy anyday.Now the BIG question for you given that some of the science used to implement the rules is flawed.Will the recs ever get back part of what we have lost if it is shown that the fishery is improving?I think i already know the answer but would like to know anyway.Using the example of the crays the numbers are far better than predicted will we get our 2 back?The new bags are fine by me and my regular crew as it is what we have mostly taken for many years but i will be pi$$ed if we lost anymore of it.The only time we have taken extra to our immediate needs are leading into the closures when i stock my freezer to our max limit.As most fishos i know do so it doesnt reduce the amount of fish taken by much just changes the times they are taken.As far as research dollars go i think more needs to be spent but it needs to be spent smarter.How about fisheries research gets on the sites like this one hand picks a few divers and a few good anglers and set up a meeting somewhere at a servo.Fill their fuel tanks and put a few "scientists"on board and spend a weekend letting them show you what is really happening instead of wasting money putting baited cameras 100 meters of any fish holding structure or catching dhufish and dropping them down in a cage to beat themsleves to death and then tell us they die when it has been shown time and time again they dont all die if handled correctly.I was told by a few folks in the know that the tagged fish from our first few years couldnt be used in the study because we are to good at letting them go.WTF are we supposed to pull them up flat out,drop them on a hot deck,kick them around for 5 mins then let them go?Of course they are going to kick it.Can you also tell me if some of the huge $$$$$ are coming from places that have a vested interest in crap studies?If fisheries is interested in learning what we know why dont they just ask?I will say though that a fair few of my rec fishing friends wont tell them squat for the fear that it will be used against them again and again and again and again.I think you get the idea.


So tell me have you got your info from years on the water or hours on the internet?

  • was sponsored by Atomic Lures and Shimano but they dropped me.Now sponsored by Fog Dog(The best fish coating out there) and raider lures.

BIGBADPETE's picture

Posts: 14

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Blue shirt anti-green no take zone protest.

Tue, 2011-03-29 17:24

Unfortunately I found out about this too late, I have to work and cannot make the protest,............give the greens hell.


I used to be a Sea Shepherd volunteer, until the Fremantle group of Shepherds, which is infested with nutters, vegans and animal libbers took it upon themselves to come after fishing in Western Australia, the Greens can go to hell.

grayzeee's picture

Posts: 2283

Date Joined: 09/07/09

spot on

Tue, 2011-03-29 20:05

spot on allrounder.

no "scientific study" would come near to the info gathered by actual fishermen who are out there every chance they get .( when the bans and winds and weekends and planets align)



If I spent half as long fishing , as I do reading this bloody forum , I'd be twice the fisherman I am. 

allrounder's picture

Posts: 1853

Date Joined: 10/11/08

Dont i repeat dont wear anything blue

Tue, 2011-03-29 17:39

 That is what the greens are going to be wearing on the day.Go the hawaii shirt but not the blue one.


So tell me have you got your info from years on the water or hours on the internet?

  • was sponsored by Atomic Lures and Shimano but they dropped me.Now sponsored by Fog Dog(The best fish coating out there) and raider lures.

BIGBADPETE's picture

Posts: 14

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OOPS, Green is now Blue.

Tue, 2011-03-29 20:03

Sorry, my mistake.


I used to be a Sea Shepherd volunteer, until the Fremantle group of Shepherds, which is infested with nutters, vegans and animal libbers took it upon themselves to come after fishing in Western Australia, the Greens can go to hell.

Posts: 457

Date Joined: 03/09/10

Sea Shepherd

Tue, 2011-03-29 20:07


There is some members of the Sea Shepherd clan in our midst-beware.


Also, please leave the "Booze" home as the Boys in blue will be there along with the media.


Our freedom to fish where ever-when ever is at risk.

allrounder's picture

Posts: 1853

Date Joined: 10/11/08

I as the captain of my car will take it apon myself

Tue, 2011-03-29 20:12

 to ram japanese greenie cars at will


So tell me have you got your info from years on the water or hours on the internet?

  • was sponsored by Atomic Lures and Shimano but they dropped me.Now sponsored by Fog Dog(The best fish coating out there) and raider lures.

BIGBADPETE's picture

Posts: 14

Date Joined: 29/03/11

Green,s Marine Parks grab is a Death by a thousand cuts.

Tue, 2011-03-29 20:19

Shooters and Fishers party MLC Robert Brown today accused the Greens of being determined to subject boaties and spear fishermen to death by a thousand cuts.


He said there are already marine parks up and down the coast, but the Greens want to lock everybody out


If the greens get their way there will be marine parks every where, and amatuer fishermen will be hounded as criminals and environmental terrorists.


This would mean that you would be locked out of areas where you have previously fished for no other reason except to pander to the vegans and the animal liberationists that flock to the urban greens.


Still this urban minority attempt to pressure Julia Gillard to accede to their demands to slice off valuable stretches our public recreation up and down the coast.


The shooters and Fishing party is practical enough that any need for a marine park must be based on need.


We believe no marine parks should be created or expanded until the next 5 year research plan is completed. Lets get some real science and common sense.

What I believe personally, is that we have to take the fight right up to the very hilt with these urban Greenies, amateur fishermen in Western Australia really have to get organised, our enemy has us in their sights.


I used to be a Sea Shepherd volunteer, until the Fremantle group of Shepherds, which is infested with nutters, vegans and animal libbers took it upon themselves to come after fishing in Western Australia, the Greens can go to hell.

BIGBADPETE's picture

Posts: 14

Date Joined: 29/03/11

Sea shepherd.

Tue, 2011-03-29 20:30

That is correct, I was a active member of Seashepherd, but when the Free mantle group of greenies that make up the bulk of the Seashepherd group have come out against fishing in Western Australia I have left them.

I am , and alway have been a amateur fisherman with a deep hatred of professional rapers and pillages of our fish stocks, I also detest the Japanese whalers and commercial tuna fishermen.


I am the amateur fisherman who was directly responsible for starting off the buy back of the Greek fishermen in the Leschenault estuary, I was the one that found 250 metres of 4 inch bream net at bar island at the mouth of the collie river in 1996


That net was full of black bream, and it was set by the same man, who was recently prosecuted in the Busselton Magistrates court last week and fined $2000.00 for drowning protected wildfowl.


Doubt not my activism to stop the Greens , I am joining the Shooters and fishers Party. And I encourage all  of you to do so as well.  The Greenies, and the treehuggers can go to hell.


I used to be a Sea Shepherd volunteer, until the Fremantle group of Shepherds, which is infested with nutters, vegans and animal libbers took it upon themselves to come after fishing in Western Australia, the Greens can go to hell.

Posts: 1081

Date Joined: 30/03/08

Jessica Meeuwig asked how

Tue, 2011-03-29 21:00

Jessica Meeuwig asked how recreational anglers were going to reduce their extraction by 50%, this is after their extraction had been reduced by 50% occasions before.

Now after the introduction of RFBLs, posession limits, trip limits, bag limits, maximum size limits, minimum size limits, the list goes on, combined with the current sanctuary no take zones. Her 50% request was met.

Yet, after all this the plan to establish no take zones the equivilent of 10% of Western Australian waters which interpreted is probably closer to 30% of inshore waters.  Last time anyone checked fish populations are not 'evenly' spread, the majority of the biomass will be inside the no fishing zones available to recreational fishers.

Bob Brown said this was to protect Sharks, Tuna and Marlin, yet these species travel the oceans and the last place they need protection is from recreational anglers in Australia as they pass by.

They are not going to stop.  This political to attain votes from the general public that havent experienced the ocean therefore vote on what they are fed like chicks in a nest.

It is not science and its not about management, its about Green votes that Julia is buying.

That is why Julia is in Perth, buying votes.


Yeah closure to 30% of inshore coastline where all the fish live.  Go figure...

Tell that to ya kids..


Angling tourism is worth $10 billion to the Australian economy - 90000 jobs; more than any sport; spread the word

BIGBADPETE's picture

Posts: 14

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Tue, 2011-03-29 22:28

Is desperately trying to shore up her Green allies that fester in urban Fremantle, fortunately the Greens are a urban minority, and Ju-liar realizes that she must win in Western Australia in the next election if she is going to get a second term.


But sucking up to the greens, at the expense of the majority of west australians who fish and will soon enough find out what the Green-Laborite minority government is up to will not help her at all.

The deliberate exclusion of fishing delegates from the community forum only confirms that The West Australian Greens fear us, and well they may.

For once we will be the noisy hecklers outside, and the feral greenies will be on the inside with their rango queen.





I used to be a Sea Shepherd volunteer, until the Fremantle group of Shepherds, which is infested with nutters, vegans and animal libbers took it upon themselves to come after fishing in Western Australia, the Greens can go to hell.

allrounder's picture

Posts: 1853

Date Joined: 10/11/08

I have seen a fair few of these protesters first hand

Tue, 2011-03-29 20:55

 and i could honestly say not many know how the ocean works and most i dont think even know what water looks or feels like.What annoys me the most is they drive buckets the use as much oil as fuel.(good for Jessicas man)then they drive the crap buckets out into the bush and dig holes to bury cars in order to stop logging.Then the burn the dead trees to heat and cook.They Pi$$ and crap all around their camp.They climb trees to stop the loggers and cut branches to make it comfy.The loggers come through an area and cut a selected trees down then revegetate the area for future crop.The greenies prob do more damage than the loggers.As far as no take zones ect they would be better off using the funds to build artificial reef systems up and down the coast.


So tell me have you got your info from years on the water or hours on the internet?

  • was sponsored by Atomic Lures and Shimano but they dropped me.Now sponsored by Fog Dog(The best fish coating out there) and raider lures.

Posts: 1081

Date Joined: 30/03/08

Whats going to happen is the

Tue, 2011-03-29 21:03

Whats going to happen is the RFBL money is not going to go into research if 30% of 'inshore' water is closed.  It will all go into building artifical reefs where the sanctuary zones arent inside state waters.

Julia can pay for all the Green votes which Jessica has handed her...  Shes not getting mine..


Angling tourism is worth $10 billion to the Australian economy - 90000 jobs; more than any sport; spread the word

Posts: 457

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Tue, 2011-03-29 21:58


Geezus I'm glad you seen the light, and by the way that net at the mouth of the collie river was set by the Father of the man that made the west. Must be in the blood.


I see being political as pointless, we must be "1" and stand strong then we  will see how politics works.