furuno 585 on gumtree

 Just saw a 585 and p66 transducer for $500 ono on gumtree [in mandurah].

good value if you are in the market for one.

quest's picture

Posts: 248

Date Joined: 03/08/15

Too late

Wed, 2016-03-23 19:57

It's gone.  Bugger.

barracuda's picture

Posts: 227

Date Joined: 01/09/13


Wed, 2016-03-23 22:07

 I have been searching for ages, now I missed this one too

crano's picture

Posts: 713

Date Joined: 04/11/09

 someone must have been quick

Wed, 2016-03-23 22:16

 someone must have been quick as it had been up for 53 minutes when I posted this