Easter Weekend
Submitted by BarraSlayer on Tue, 2016-03-22 20:10
Looking at the weather... what does everyone reckon easter boating wise? What day is looking best Fri, Sat, Sun or Mon. Seems to be good but some storms arounds. Forecasts for last couple of days have been jumping all over the place.
Much in these storms?
Posts: 72
Date Joined: 09/08/10
Gday Barra looking at going
Gday Barra looking at going out sat arvo/evening , Sunday and Monday. Wind looks great for those days and even Friday evening it'll be still. Be glassy out there as long as you don't mind getting a bit wet as I think it'll rain a bit !
Id rather be fishing
Posts: 215
Date Joined: 14/06/12
Not going
F**k Easter and the rest of the public holidays. My boat and I are both NOT joining the masses.
Its a great time to do boat maintenence, work in the garden, drink beer..........
Posts: 465
Date Joined: 06/02/14
Spot on. Fishing public
Spot on. Fishing public holidays is most definitely not my cup of tea. Chucked a sickie yesterday so I could do a salmon run before the easter crowds & I won't fish again now until the holiday is over.
Posts: 15049
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Good thing up my way only 12
Good thing up my way only 12 boats max can get out at one time so I'll definitely be having a crack. Even with the full moon, maybe a few Wrasse eh Beau ;)
Love the West!
Posts: 254
Date Joined: 18/11/10
Driving to Green Head for couple of days
Mates booked accommodation for a week. With family commitments I am allowed to go only for a couple of days.
Thinking Saturday and Sunday will be the pick both weather wise and traffic.
Never fished the area before will be interesting to see with the stormy forecast.
Anyone fishing GH during Easter break?? Some tips will be much appreciated.
Towing my 6m tub, Looking to fish around the 40-60M mark.
Keep Fishing. Stay Relaxed.
Posts: 8156
Date Joined: 07/05/12
I'm heading up mid May so
I'm heading up mid May so don't catch em all!
Officially off the Pies bandwagon
Posts: 254
Date Joined: 18/11/10
Don't worry mate, will leave you some.
Mates who's been fishing the area for the last few years recon catching your bag limit is never a problem.
Hopefully its the case when I am up there.
Jackfrost mate, will put a report on my return.
Keep Fishing. Stay Relaxed.
Posts: 287
Date Joined: 14/04/14
Thanks for the comments
Thanks for the comments guys.
Whats the lightning normally like offshore this time of year?... Only ask cause in the NT had a few close calls.
2012 camping at King Creek out of Darwin over night in 18ft tinnie. There was lightning all around and the all of a sudden it was like a flash bang grenande went off. Must have just missed us. Mate said.. "did we get hit". Been bit scared since!
Another time years before that on Melville Island there was a lightning storm around while I was fishing bu myself ina 14 ft tinnie and it struck a tree 100m away - packed up and f... off quick smart.
Also had it strike strike behind the boat as a kid while trolling with the old boy in a 16ft tinnie. Looks like fire across the water, old man though the piston had gone though tge head.
You think I would have learnt and got a glass boat!!
Posts: 1296
Date Joined: 03/04/09
Note to self...
Stay away from BarraSlayer when there is lightning around... Haha
Glad you survived...
Cheers & Stay safe
Posts: 150
Date Joined: 23/10/12
heading up to the grey taking
heading up to the grey taking the new boat up her hopes the lightning stays away
Owner and maker of WestCoast Assists ur jigging needs
Posts: 2702
Date Joined: 12/08/12
My personal theory on glass boats and lightning from experience
I don't think they make you immune. Lightning needs a return path. With a glass boat, it is all via the wiring and metallic stuff in the water AKA motor. If you complete the path to earth, all your electronics, engine ECM, everything, will be forked. Dead in the water,most likely. I only base this on personal experience with larger glass and bondwood ( same thing electrically) commercial boats. The main path to earth on them is via the earth plane connection, to a big copper plate fixed to the keel. Path is via radio aerial and through to the earth. Which takes out everything. Metal boats have a much better path to earth, they are one big earth plane with the earth connection for the radio as a heavy braided copper connection to the superstructure. Easier the path to earth, damage less concentrated, may not even travel via the aerial. if you are sitting/ standing on exposed metal, you are like a bird on a wire, safe. Hanging onto something metallic and standing on metal, you are likely equipotentially bonded and hence safe. Sh*t yourself, been there, done that, but safe
Don't be that path to earth. So I here someone ask, why don't you stand under a tree during a storm? Injuries occur due to touch or step potential issues, or just from the explosive force on the tree. They will literally explode and fill you with wooden shrapnel. I have seen the same with verandah posts, a strike killed two guys by filling them with huge slabs of splintered wood. Moving or stationary best? I have seen a moving landcruiser hit, just year before last, took out his radio aerial and a couple of tyres, no injury to occupant.
But of course lightning is incredibly random, and unpredictable, and I take no personal responsibility for injury to anyone who cares to follow my theories

Posts: 563
Date Joined: 27/08/09
I think you last sentence
I think you last sentence sums it up!
Lightning should hit the tops of towers/antenna/trees/buildings, but often doesn't. It is at best very unpredictable. I have spent a few years grounding and EP bonding in comms sites, and while it does improve the survivability of a strike it's no guarentee.
When you are dealing with something that a potential in excess of 100 million volts, materials that you consider insulators are inefective.
A glass boat stopping lightning. A bit like stopping a high velicity rifle projectile with a wet paper bag.