Dive groups propose massive no fishing area off Perth

Rec fishing representatives were yesterday shown a proposal from the diving community (40,000 strong) seeking a rectangular sanctuary zone running from North Beach north for (what those shown estimated at) 20-30km. Taking in all the reefs, islands, etc.
This would stretch from just offshore all the way out to a line that is roughly directly north of Rottnest's West End.
The Federal Government wanted the thoughts of rec anglers on this.
I am not aware of rec anglers asking for anyone to be excluded access from anywhere in this current marine park process...good to see some groups are so self interested that they are willing to throw others under the bus for their own desires.

PS - The meeting also confirmed that the Federal Government is still looking to shut down huge chunks of Geographe Bay, having a couple of weeks ago backed away from the idea.

Ryan C's picture

Posts: 1575

Date Joined: 08/07/10

this is bullshit

Fri, 2011-11-11 11:14

this is starting to get out of hand!!! my personal message to all groups wanting these sanctuaries is f#@#k off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aaron Santos's picture

Posts: 300

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Fully 100% agree. The ocean

Fri, 2011-11-11 13:11

Fully 100% agree. The ocean is for every1 to use. Fish, dive, water ski, kick back on the boat and watch the sun set for all I care. Not one group can claim it as there own for one use. Absolute BULLSHIT. Its everyones to use.


Still trying to catch fish!


West Coast Eagles Supporter and Proud Member.

Mick71's picture

Posts: 125

Date Joined: 18/12/10

I agree it's bull!!!

Fri, 2011-11-11 11:27

I do line and spearfishing along with the occational scuba, and for one group to want to control "their" part of the ocean is a load of bullshit, what makes them so special that they can have a bigger back-yard to have fun in??????

If all these groups get their way, all that will be left for anyone to wet a line will be the swimming pool in my back yard!!!!!!!

Also where do they get the 40000 from?? I doubt there are that many divers in Perth, has to be some sort of petition that has been signed by any Tom, Dick and Harry that they asked to, probably in a shopping centre where a lot of people support some sort of campain for nature without knowing what the implications are!!!



 To fish or not to fish....

Shakespeare had it SO wrong!!!!

carnarvonite's picture

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Fri, 2011-11-11 11:32

Doubt if there are 40.000 divers in OZ let alone in WA or Perth for that matter.

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Fri, 2011-11-11 12:02

they can lick my dick and tounge my ass, no one ownes the ocean, it is there for everybody to use and enjoy, if it does pass and (i dont think it will) i will fish their anyway fark em all pricks 

tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

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Hahaha couldnt of said it

Fri, 2011-11-11 13:59

Hahaha couldnt of said it better myself :)


My photography pictures... http://westernhorizonsmedia.wordpress.com/



Brock O's picture

Posts: 3264

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Allready been covered

Fri, 2011-11-11 12:11

 On WADive forum regarding santuary's, link below.

 Make sure to read page 6 comments by Lee johnson before making statements that do not have material evidence!!



Posts: 247

Date Joined: 09/03/08

This particular proposal has

Fri, 2011-11-11 12:24

This particular proposal has not been covered previously. It has only just been unveiled to the rec fishing community yesterday. And it is a lot bigger than what Lee and his mates were letting on.

Brock O's picture

Posts: 3264

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How do we find

Fri, 2011-11-11 16:11

 This proposal? can you give a link or some attachment explaining exactly!!

 Always good to find the source and the information there using.

Like the link i provide every man and his dog shits on lee and his bussiness with out knowing the true story.

sarcasm0's picture

Posts: 1396

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I read all of that.

Sat, 2011-11-12 07:55

Now then, on the topic of statements that do not have material evidence.



October 24, 2011

Two words that send a shiver down your spine and make you think – as a diver – that could have been me.


The next thing is spear fishing. Unfortunately the recent attack was on someone who was spearing fish.'

1st line paragraph 8

Please note this was one day after George Thomas Wainwright was killed at Rottnest.

As other WAD users pointed out Brock without getting into details.  Who died and made Lee Johnson the voice for all the Diving community in WA?

On another note I read his comments on the Perth Scuba Blog about the meetings.  He is as bad as everyone else with their lack of evidence and Scottywiper hasnt done himself any favours here for not posting a link or some official documents too.

Again from http://www.perthscuba.com/blog/

'Lee’s at Parliament House!

October 11, 2011

Written by Lee Johnson

Paragraphs five and six

This meeting went exceptionally well with all of our points going over and Laurence (a Perth resident) agreeing with our concepts and ideas. The proposal for an A Class style marine reserve for the diving industry north of Hillarys was presented and was well received.

The decision on the marine park proposal will be decided within just 4 to 5 weeks. I will post a copy of the proposed marine parks tomorrow.'

His next post is four days later

Lee returns from Parliament House

October 15, 2011

Written by Lee Johnson

15 October 2011

After a grueling week at Parliament house in Canberra, Lee has returned with a very positive outlook on the newly proposed Marine Parks and Sanctuaries for the WA South West.'

And no evidence.



Posts: 247

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I don't have the document

Sat, 2011-11-12 10:31

I don't have the document (proposed map), but there are plenty of people who were at the meeting who saw it. It exists within the halls of government. I have asked the Environment Minister's office for a copy. We'll see if I get one. Lee has alluded to this proposed dive reserve previously, but all those at the meeting were stunned to see the size of the area suggested, and even moreso that it is actually being considered.

Brock O's picture

Posts: 3264

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I agree Sarcasm

Sat, 2011-11-12 14:31

Who made Lee Boss.

When i stated material evidence i was meaning that if there is a topic to be debated and descussed then its good to have the material for all to read, i have no issues with this topic and dont dout the statement made by scott but i want to read and see it before jumping onboard.

Your bit about the shark attack has lost me, i guess your pointing to the fact it came from perth scuba. Never seen it and dont care, sorry.

How and why Lee got 40000 pro signitures and acted for the dive community i dont know, i guess he was trying to get a positive solutuion to this before the govenment just goes and does what ever it wants, and yes thats exactly what they will do unless there are proposels put forward by the community. Which is what we are seeing going by scotts post, something needs to be done.

The marine park proposal but forward by lee has changed since his fisit and this has still not be seen as far as i know, thats only going by the forum topic and not by perth scuba site which i dont read.

My view, i believe in the new fishing limits and closure peroids. i like the idea of santuary's, but not what there proposing by scott accounts.

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Fri, 2011-11-11 12:13

Is it a push from Dive charter operators mainly (and their clients) or the general diving community? I think it may ba a last ditch attempt for some of them to save their businesses and open up new opportunities. I don't think it would help their businesses that much anyway- even if there was all of a sudden a lot more fish on some of the dive sites it is still not going to be a GBR dive or a 'Truk" Lagoon dive etc etc.


Seems it has gone to an 'Every man for themselves' type attitude.


I dive and i fish and quite frankly i think they are being absolute @ankers.

Posts: 247

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NB, I suspect it is a couple

Fri, 2011-11-11 12:26

NB, I suspect it is a couple of operators pushing it and saying they represent the diving community.

A "dive community 40,000 strong" was the words used.

hlokk's picture

Posts: 4293

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 Even if the dive community

Fri, 2011-11-11 13:36

 Even if the dive community is 40000, that doesn't mean they all want massive lockouts. I'm part of "the dive community" and I don't. All of those 40000 don't just dive. Many would line fish, spearfish, crayfish or just not be selfish enough to say "f*** you" to all other divers. Most divers would would support some sanctuary zones wouldn't be the type to just lockout everyone from gigantic swathes just for their own purposes. There's always the few though...


The problem is all good fishermen should be environmentalists (we all want to continue catching fish all our lives) but how many greenie environmentalists fish? 

Posts: 459

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I'm one  Probably a diff

Fri, 2011-11-11 16:13

I'm one


Probably a diff definition of greenie to what half of you like to portray, but would still say I am one.


and yes I'm in favour of sanctuaries (in Principle)

Tony Halliday's picture

Posts: 2500

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 How much of that zone is

Fri, 2011-11-11 13:50

 How much of that zone is just sandy open spaces with limited reef for diving ( be it rec divers going for a look-see or spearos?)????

I'd guess more than 50%.

Secondly they asking for waters deeper than most ticketed divers are ment to dive,!

A rec diver should be not exceeding 30m with out formal training and definatily not on a charter taking out folk for a dive on holiday etc. So why all the waters deeper than 30m in the zone?

Thirdly it's a stupid suggestion to say they have a 40,000 strong diving community active all the time. Many ticket holders dive if they lucky once or twice a year. Maybe less than 200 are active divers every month and out there more than 15 times a year blowing bubbles.


As for me, I dive and deep dive as well, but I fish as well and know we should be sharing the ocean.

ps remember the d!ckhead diver who shot one of the stingrays at Hamlin Bay, the tame ones that you could feed by hand, does he count in their 40,000 supporters or what!!! 


Tony Halliday: ~Meals on Reels ~

 It takes a strong fish to swim against the current. Even a dead one can float with it

"It is always in season for old men to learn." Aeschylus (525-456 BC)

"In a mad world only the mad are sane." Akira Kurosawa (1910-1998)

tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

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Why dont we ask for large

Fri, 2011-11-11 13:56

Why dont we ask for large areas banning divers etc and only let us fishos in. This is getting beyone a joke. Soon we will feel giulty posting a pic of a fish we caught. Why should we feel giulty


My photography pictures... http://westernhorizonsmedia.wordpress.com/



Salmo's picture

Posts: 913

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get off your bums and start making phone calls

Fri, 2011-11-11 14:27

 You local Federal, state and local members.


you are about to lose a massive amount of the ocean to no-fishing zones.


and another thing who will pay for the manangement of their "Special Purpose Zone" which is exclusively for divers??????


the rest of us???????

Posts: 877

Date Joined: 03/05/11

Thats bullshit for sureEven

Fri, 2011-11-11 16:28

Thats bullshit for sure

Even if it was a diving only sanctuary, lots of other fishers would use it

What a joke!

Posts: 544

Date Joined: 10/03/11

It's All Getting Beyond A Joke

Fri, 2011-11-11 17:04

We've got to get Tony Abbott and the Libs. to repeal any decisions this Labor govt. makes  regarding MPA's when we elect him to form a new  Federal Government when the opportunity arises. I've had enough of this lame and limped dick Labor Govt. that doesn't have the balls to stand up to the fringe element that only gets a say because Bob Brown and the Greens have the balance of power at the moment. A double disolution of Federal Parliament would suit me just fine and remove all the tyrants that think we must conform to their absurb proposals without so much of a wimper.Democracy will win out in the end.

Posts: 354

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Lets get off our arses guys

Fri, 2011-11-11 17:33

Lets get off our arses guys and be heard .If we sit on forumns and do fuck all then thats what will happen.

We gotta start calling MPs and sending letters .

1) Letting the procrayfisherman keep "accidently" caught demersals for there own consumption is a licence for them to start cacthing fish again and selling them for cash to restuarants and pubs, i have seen a lot of small dhuies around lately so i think this demersal ban may be working so lets not go back the way.

2) Pro cray boys have got another 30 kg PER POT this year for quota......Fair enough there must be lots cray around( Where the fuck is our two they took off us a couple years ago?. Lets go back to 8 crays per licence per day for amatuars.

3) these sanctury zones will destroy us, will have to travel to mandurah or lano to fuckin fish soon NO ONE owns the ocean.NO santuary zones for any body


hlokk's picture

Posts: 4293

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Dont fall into the trap of

Fri, 2011-11-11 18:35

Dont fall into the trap of assuming they will do anything different just because you like them better or simply because they're not the current government.

Posts: 544

Date Joined: 10/03/11

Thats Not The Point hlokk

Fri, 2011-11-11 19:36

What responsible Government would want to shut down an industry that generates millions of dollars into the Australian economy and is being managed in a sustainable way like our fishing industry here in WA. No sane person would ever think of it but thats what looks like happening and what about those coastal communities that rely on tourists who like to go fishing like us down here in Busso. where we have over 100.000 visitations a year that generates an estimated value of $8 mill. a year into the local economy. Again what responsible Govt. would even contemplate such a move that would severely effect the economy of these small communities. It appears this Federal Govt. has no problems with it at all. This is crazy stuff being contemplated by the Feds. and they don't deserve to be in Govt. if they really care about Australians.

Posts: 1535

Date Joined: 30/12/08

All I can say is

Fri, 2011-11-11 21:41

I told you so. I knew shit would happen all across the board if you voted for the wankers. So to all the fools who put the alp first you are reaping what you deserve. Worst government in history.

Posts: 595

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Mon, 2011-11-14 07:48


allrounder's picture

Posts: 1853

Date Joined: 10/11/08

I am thinking of starting a petition to set up a zone

Sat, 2011-11-12 06:08

 From great northern hwy across to the coast and up to jurien bay that is a no go zone for south of the river boats I think i have as much chance as getting that through as these guys have or the other one to protect whales.How are they going to protect the whales?My guess is with a lot of orange cones and some caution tape.


So tell me have you got your info from years on the water or hours on the internet?

  • was sponsored by Atomic Lures and Shimano but they dropped me.Now sponsored by Fog Dog(The best fish coating out there) and raider lures.

tangles's picture

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Sun, 2011-11-13 20:42

i talked to my boss about this and apparently two guys that do dive charters are going bust! one of them has his business on the market and the other one is suffering like a dog in indo! sounds like these guys are tryn to do the sympathy thing and try and wrangle some more business! not sure if this is the case but its a bit of a coincidence that they are going down and then this pops up! thought u might want to know bout it