Dipstick Tv new video, Deep drop Demersals!
Submitted by Trojan_crew on Sun, 2015-06-07 19:58
Hey Guys,
Just uploaded the next video which features some spectacular footage of life below!
Including some of the best demersal fish out!
keep fishing,
DipstickTv crew
Posts: 381
Date Joined: 09/08/12
Great video clip
Keep it up as it was very interesting.
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
33 metres down
I have got to say straight off that I'm no diver, however I find that that sort of weed movement and the speed at which it changes direction completely baffling.
I mean the fish are having a real hard time staying on "station" what sort of weather, swell etc was happening on the surface. Would be interested in having one of the diving fraternity comment on the movement at the bottom and give us sea skimmers a "heads up" on just how bad things can get at that depth.
I've fished in places where the current has been that strong you needed heaps of lead to get to the bottom and hold there but this has really open my eyes, thanks for posting the video
Posts: 672
Date Joined: 24/01/15
Bottom movement
I have to say that usually there is not that much wash at over 30m.
As a rec diver going over 30m is not that common. Not enough bottom time for a good spearfishing session. That said i would say the reef on the insore side must have come up even shallower and there was a backwash coming from it. Usually there is a push one way with the swell and then a wash back. Steady and regular like the rolling swells on the surface. That is around Perth.
The current is a totally different animal. Around Perth it is not so strong that you cant swim against it, up north it will wash you away from your area with no possibility of swiming against it.
It was intresting to see how aggressive the box fish / leatherjackets were as they are so docile when i see them at the bottom. Also the way the small Pinkies were kind of hanging back until the baits were mouth size before smashing them.
Sometimes when the water is quiet, you can hear the fish laughing at you !
Posts: 749
Date Joined: 22/08/12
Good vid keep them coming.
Ive done alot of diving around Perth especially all around rotto and as madmerve said the surge down 30m+ is usually gentle. In the caves sometimes it can get pretty dangerous if there is a strong ground swell, you will actually get blasted through the smaller tunnels and it can be pretty hairy if you start tumbling and bouncing along the rock walls of the tunnels. A couple of times my gear has caught on the reef wall and I was pinned in one spot as the surge passes through it can rip your mask off. As madmerv said the current in Perth is usualy not strong but when the Leeuin current is going full on off westend behind Rotto it can sweep you away.
Posts: 7
Date Joined: 10/04/12
Surge on the seabed
The weather that day wasnt to bad if i remember correctly, just a light 5knot breeze with small swell. Though we dropped the cam and moved not far away to fish and noticed that it was hard to stay to the bottom, i guess it was just a strong current. We have a few more videos just getting the final touch ups and if you like the surge there is one that we landed on a fan sponge field ( The only way to describe it!) and it looks as if there trees blowing in a violent storm, the fish are washed completly in and out of the cameras view!
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
Thanks to all
Many thanks to all who have enlightened me on the amount of movement that can be happening on the bottom and can/is quite independent as to what is happening on the surface.