Best Buy for 15k

Hi Fisho's

Looking for a boat suitable for fishing Cockburn Sound and Garden Island area's.

I have at present a speedboat style bowrider which just isn't pratical for my needs.

Looking at trading for a more fishing orientated vessel for day trips.

Probably wouldn't go past the Five Fathom but would like to get there safely and in a little bit of comfort.

My question is would a 5m Alloy be big enough to be safe for Garden Island or should I be looking at something bigger.

21ft older fibreglass jobs seem to be same price as more compact alloy models but i'm a little inexperienced to know what would suit better.

Also if anyone knows of any good units for sale / trade could you put me in touch.


BigJevans's picture

Posts: 92

Date Joined: 07/09/18

Poly for safety

Wed, 2019-09-25 11:52

 Hi Grant, if youre serious about the safety dont look past the polycraft boats.

I spent 2.5 years as crew for rockingham sea rescue and after seeing the kind of trouble people get themselves into went from my 5.2m fibreglass boat to a 6m polycraft centre console.

Being fully foam filled it gives it a softer ride and if worse comes to worse even if the boat gets broken up on reef or something im going to have big chunks of very buoyant poly and foam to hold on to.

In the range of 15k I'd be keeping an eye out for one of the 4.55 or 4.80 models like the one below (not in WA).

There are a bunch of other benefits to the poly too like it being colour impregnated so wont fade etc but for me it was the safety that got me over the line.

Posts: 6

Date Joined: 22/04/19

Thanks heaps for the

Wed, 2019-09-25 12:35

Thanks heaps for the insight...

One thing I don't understand is why most people advise against a bowrider for safety but centre consoles seem to be a massive hit for fishing.

Is this to do with hull design or side height of most bowriders ?

i was originally looking at a Freedom Sport Bowrider but so many advised against an open front acting as a scoop.

How does the open front of a centre console differ from the scoop issue raised with bowriders ?

Thanks again.

BigJevans's picture

Posts: 92

Date Joined: 07/09/18


Wed, 2019-09-25 12:57

 yeah ive been told the same regarding bow rider, i know mine is a "wet" boat and in sloppy conditions she can take on a bit of water.

Maybe being a centre console any water that comes in moves down to the stern where it can be bildged out making them safer? Compared to a bow rider where the water may stay up the front and drag the bow down?

Have never had an issue with the bow trying to "scoop" water though on the centre console.

Posts: 1118

Date Joined: 19/06/14

Centre console all the way

Wed, 2019-09-25 15:11

Hi Grant ,

Please check your pm’s , I’ve got something you might be interested in . 


 My wife understands why I clean my rods n reels in the shower....


Simon5.7's picture

Posts: 45

Date Joined: 26/12/17

Hey Grant I have the 570

Mon, 2019-10-07 08:16

Hey Grant I have the 570 Freedom Sport Bowrider and have regularly taken it out over 40 miles out to sea to the islands off Gero, Carnarvon and Exmouth plus all the FADs out here from Perth

I’ve had it it out in swells over 4m and have also had to punch into winds of all directions in upto 30 knots. One of the worst trips was heading back from Turtle Dove Shoal into the teeth of a 25+ knot easterly that was creating 2m+ standing waves coming over from the outside of the shoal and I had 4 on board that day

i regularly have 4 and sometimes upto 5 in the boat

Not once have I taken a wave over the bow and i’ve had the boat now 13 years. In fact it’s probably the driest boat i’ve had with it deflecting spray really well with the Millenium Hull design


hope that helps with some background on the Freedom Sport and also to dispel any bowrider myths around this model bowrider