westernport whiting

westernport whiting

me and my old man bagged out on these 40 whiting  in westernport bay

wazzbat's picture

Posts: 977

Date Joined: 19/01/10

Again?  Awesome.  I'm very

Thu, 2011-01-13 17:05

Again?  Awesome.  I'm very jealous.  Looks like a big one on top.  Not sure if you do it normally but it might be worth putting an ice slurry in the box next time.  Helps keep the fish in good condition until you fillet them so they taste better.  Mind you, you probably caught them that quick going by your previous reports that it wouldn't have mattered.


I fish for the future - Cause I can't bloody catch anything!

streaker boy's picture

Posts: 527

Date Joined: 23/05/09

nah mate  that pic was from 2

Thu, 2011-01-13 17:12

nah mate  that pic was from 2 weeks ago  just  got them of my phone onto computer so thought it post it now.

this weekend im goin take a break from the whiting lol  gummy  and school sharks this weekend hopefully

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18099

Date Joined: 11/03/08

 nice feed there, what size

Thu, 2011-01-13 21:54

 nice feed there, what size were they. but as mentioned, you should take better care of your catch. they will taste so much better and be easier to fillet


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

streaker boy's picture

Posts: 527

Date Joined: 23/05/09

Those fish were from 34 to 42

Fri, 2011-01-14 09:53

Those fish were from 34 to 42 cm I had bottles of ice in the box but took them out b4 i took the pic so all good now goin be having whiting every week so next few months yum