Todays Jigging Sesh

Todays Jigging Sesh

Had a fun day out off Two Rocks on the jigs.


Total tally for the day:

12 Dhuies (ranging from just legal to 10kg'ish) The 2 bigger fish for the day were taken on bait...

A couple of pinks

Several good Blackbum

Turbo Charged Sambo's (Until the furgals showed up!!!!!)

And the usual Bakers etc.


Pictured here is PE2 boy (aka Schecky) with a goood Pink on a 100g Daiwa Pirate.


Magic Day weather wise, was good to get out on the water again after farrr to long




mightymouse's picture

Posts: 395

Date Joined: 25/08/08

Nice pinkWell done guys

Wed, 2010-12-22 18:50

Nice pink

Well done guys

sherbert's picture

Posts: 4717

Date Joined: 10/09/06

Nice one sam

Wed, 2010-12-22 18:52

We had lots of dhuies as well And some big black ass too


Assassin landbase fishing club

Posts: 917

Date Joined: 04/12/09

Great report Sam, was it busy

Wed, 2010-12-22 18:59

Great report Sam, was it busy out that way today? Was a few boats out Rotto way. Nice fish too Schecky


Forever learning with fishing

SamC's picture

Posts: 2013

Date Joined: 30/08/06

Wasn't busy by Two Rocks

Wed, 2010-12-22 19:08

Wasn't busy by Two Rocks standards, but there was a few people out and about.




chrisp's picture

Posts: 1217

Date Joined: 24/05/08

Nice Boys..

Wed, 2010-12-22 19:11

You should enter that photo in Western Angler Sam,you might win a large framed pic of Shecky for the lounge room.

schecky's picture

Posts: 1645

Date Joined: 25/08/08


Wed, 2010-12-22 19:13

 I was telling that story to Sams mate today, all time classic for sure!



SamC's picture

Posts: 2013

Date Joined: 30/08/06

Don't know which one would be

Wed, 2010-12-22 19:13

Don't know which one would be worse? Framed pic of Daz or Schecky....




Man Overboard's picture

Posts: 957

Date Joined: 16/01/10

You can buy those photo

Wed, 2010-12-22 19:22

You can buy those photo frames now that are kinda hinged and go back to back,


just saying

mightymouse's picture

Posts: 395

Date Joined: 25/08/08

what was it like on the water

Wed, 2010-12-22 19:28

what was it like on the water at 2rocks today ?

SamC's picture

Posts: 2013

Date Joined: 30/08/06

Was mint all day Karl

Wed, 2010-12-22 19:39

Was mint all day Karl




DazSamFishing's picture

Posts: 1518

Date Joined: 19/08/09

Good stuff Samuel. Nice pink

Wed, 2010-12-22 19:33

Good stuff Samuel. Nice pink PE2 boy.

Man Overboard's picture

Posts: 957

Date Joined: 16/01/10

Hey Sam, did the fanky's do

Wed, 2010-12-22 19:44

Hey Sam, did the fanky's do any damage ?

SamC's picture

Posts: 2013

Date Joined: 30/08/06

Didn't bother with them today

Wed, 2010-12-22 19:49

Didn't bother with them today Mike!


The Inchiku jigs were working far better than the traditional metal jigs today.





grayzeee's picture

Posts: 2283

Date Joined: 09/07/09

good stuff guysi've yet to

Wed, 2010-12-22 20:02

good stuff guys

i've yet to try the pirate jigs. look like they're doing some damage out there


If I spent half as long fishing , as I do reading this bloody forum , I'd be twice the fisherman I am. 

allrounder's picture

Posts: 1853

Date Joined: 10/11/08

if you can find them

Wed, 2010-12-22 20:09

 the seadancers do the same thing for half the price Graham.They are the first of that style of jig that i have seen used and they killed the pig on all the demersals.


So tell me have you got your info from years on the water or hours on the internet?

  • was sponsored by Atomic Lures and Shimano but they dropped me.Now sponsored by Fog Dog(The best fish coating out there) and raider lures.

Posts: 9358

Date Joined: 21/02/08

Wow 12, thats a lot of

Wed, 2010-12-22 20:58

Wow 12, thats a lot of dhu!

Interesting it was nice of two rocks, very ordinary weather off pt peron today.


Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18094

Date Joined: 11/03/08

 that would have been a magic

Wed, 2010-12-22 23:36

 that would have been a magic day. well done guys, nice way to spend the day


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

abeldog's picture

Posts: 801

Date Joined: 12/04/10

Nice Work Sami

Thu, 2010-12-23 05:39

No wonder you weren't at the shop.

Congrat on the new pos.



"People See Things As They Are & Ask Why???

We Can All Dream of Things That Never Were and Ask Why Not!!"( RK )

Pete D's picture

Posts: 1681

Date Joined: 07/06/07

Great pic

Thu, 2010-12-23 06:58

12 Dhuies!  Now that is a cool session.

Cheers Pete