todays catch.. very happy

todays catch.. very happy

went out early, wind was already in but first drop yielded this,plus a great red snapp,

did another drift, got another drift and a massive sambo(released)

then came home..

2 red snap and a 16kg dhue , was enough for 2 pple.


 :::: Bass Hunter ::::

Simon C's picture

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NIce Fish!!!

Sun, 2008-11-09 16:15

NIce Fish!!!

Dreamweaver's picture

Posts: 4688

Date Joined: 01/12/07

Great Catch Harro!

Sun, 2008-11-09 16:21

Well done! Top Dhui!

Couple of nice Nanny's there too mate.

Colin Molloy


(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)



Soon to be de "dreamweaver" ed!

Watto069's picture

Posts: 427

Date Joined: 15/01/08

Very nice dhu mate. So many

Sun, 2008-11-09 16:29

Very nice dhu mate.

So many fishing spots. Not enough sickies!!!!!!!

Posts: 152

Date Joined: 08/11/08

Whopper due mate!! great

Sun, 2008-11-09 16:41

Whopper due mate!!

great stuff.

Posts: 75

Date Joined: 25/10/08

Great dhu, the reds were

Sun, 2008-11-09 17:18

Great dhu, the reds were nice as well.

Simo_'s picture

Posts: 1843

Date Joined: 13/11/06

nice reds and dhuie, not bad

Sun, 2008-11-09 17:21

nice reds and dhuie, not bad for 2 drifts.


Bring on April

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Date Joined: 01/01/70


Sun, 2008-11-09 21:37

Some nice fish fella's, a good-en Dhu and gotta love the reds....nice glove hold buggers!



*Oceanside- Advice, Knowledge, Experience....that's our difference *

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harro's picture

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Sun, 2008-11-09 21:41

yeah ryan, i got cut badly back at home when we did more photos, thought it needed a stitch o r 2.. wrapped it up.. sharp bloody fish..



 :::: Bass Hunter ::::

Posts: 16

Date Joined: 01/01/70


Sun, 2008-11-09 21:45

Yeh it doesnt take much Harro with them sharp plates, the flesh is well worth it however!



* Oceanside- Advice, Knowledge, Experience....that's our difference *

Owner of "Oceanside Tackle & Marine"
364 South St, O'Connor, Perth Ph 9337 5682

soupster51's picture

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Great short trip

Mon, 2008-11-10 13:18

Not bad for two drifts Haro. Must be a good spot.....

Three days without it and I get a little jumpy


The best reason for doing what's right today is tomorrow.

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18100

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Good on yeah mate nice catch

Mon, 2008-11-10 16:32




"A family that fishes together stays together"


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

mako magic's picture

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nice dhuie and those reds

Tue, 2008-11-11 07:00

nice dhuie and those reds look pretty big too, not a bad effort for a couple of drifts

The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs
huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson.
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kaneo's picture

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droped a nanny on my mates

Tue, 2008-11-11 20:42

droped a nanny on my mates big toe the other weekend the tail bone snaped off ,went threw one side out the other.ended up cutting the eye off a 40 and pushed it back out enough to grip it with looked very painfull.hahaha