Spearfishing - Groote Eylandt - N.T

Spearfishing - Groote Eylandt - N.T

You can drive onto the reef and hover no less than 20 metres off the edge in less than 4 metres of water and this is what you'll expect. The odd croc has been spotted now and then so this is the handbrake. Smile


Fishing isn't a sport.....it's an institution.

Lucky Tim's picture

Posts: 2536

Date Joined: 28/11/07

very nice bag there, very

Tue, 2010-11-09 17:59

very nice bag there, very nice. I've seen a few little reds up that way in the past, I was amazed how shallow some of them sit. Some of those reefs are loaded with crays too.

Jacko's picture

Posts: 72

Date Joined: 15/10/08

Nice work

Tue, 2010-11-09 18:02

Got to be happy with that


If you can read this thank a teacher. If you can read it in English thank a Soldier.

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18100

Date Joined: 11/03/08

that is what i call a great

Tue, 2010-11-09 18:08

that is what i call a great feed. cray for entre , trout nuggets for apertizers and bluey for mains.


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

Man Overboard's picture

Posts: 957

Date Joined: 16/01/10

Life doesn't get any better,

Tue, 2010-11-09 18:10

Life doesn't get any better, Surely ?

Brynner's picture

Posts: 122

Date Joined: 08/11/10

The trout are feral up that

Tue, 2010-11-09 18:59

The trout are feral up that way, you'll find them in waist deep water. Crays are everywhere also, you can get them easy at night walking on the reefs.


Fishing isn't a sport.....it's an institution.

Man Overboard's picture

Posts: 957

Date Joined: 16/01/10

Hey Brynner  are you

Tue, 2010-11-09 19:30

Hey Brynner  are you catching any trout on rod and reel ?

claire's picture

Posts: 98

Date Joined: 11/09/09

Hey Man Overboard.   Wade

Thu, 2010-11-11 06:28

Hey Man Overboard.


Wade and I live on Groote and we catch trout often on rod and reel, from shore and the boat.  Pretty easy to catch!

Brynner's picture

Posts: 122

Date Joined: 08/11/10

Yeh, my best effort on

Tue, 2010-11-09 20:08

Yeh, my best effort on Groote was 18 trout in an hour (trolling). Using Reidy's Golburn Jacks (5 metres)


Fishing isn't a sport.....it's an institution.

Goodz's picture

Posts: 2332

Date Joined: 20/07/09

That's a nice looking

Wed, 2010-11-10 20:54

That's a nice looking tasting plate! Used to get a heap of those crays at night on the reef when i lived over on elcho island up there. Good fun. Only went for a snorkle a couple of times there but didn't see much like that!




grayzeee's picture

Posts: 2283

Date Joined: 09/07/09


Wed, 2010-11-10 20:56



If I spent half as long fishing , as I do reading this bloody forum , I'd be twice the fisherman I am. 

soupster51's picture

Posts: 2724

Date Joined: 29/11/06

Top Feed

Thu, 2010-11-11 05:33

Agree. A great feed there. I'm guessing it was that easy everywhere at some point.


The best reason for doing what's right today is tomorrow.