Some stinky pinkies yesterday fish

Some stinky pinkies yesterday fish

OOH YEH's picture

Posts: 400

Date Joined: 16/06/15

Some stinky

Mon, 2018-09-24 14:50

well if they are that bad I will take them off your hands  Great catch mate ...... don’t see any from the old man !!!! 

LittleAndy's picture

Posts: 434

Date Joined: 01/03/15

 Hahah do Love my stinky

Mon, 2018-09-24 18:39

 Hahah do Love my stinky pinkies haha thanks man :)

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18099

Date Joined: 11/03/08

 well done. woulda been nice

Mon, 2018-09-24 16:59

 well done. woulda been nice out too. certainly got them pinks dialed in and good size at that.  had planned getting out but plane got delayed in kal.


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

LittleAndy's picture

Posts: 434

Date Joined: 01/03/15

 Thanks bud Minus all the

Mon, 2018-09-24 18:37

 Thanks bud Minus all the whales had two whales wouldnt leave me alone got little worried :/

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18099

Date Joined: 11/03/08

 seen heaps of whales out

Mon, 2018-09-24 18:52

 seen heaps of whales out from dawesville today 24nm out. they were having a ball and stayed well clear of us. they can be a bit daunting when they start circling you 


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

Moking's picture

Posts: 1252

Date Joined: 30/05/12

 Well Done Andy- does'nt look

Mon, 2018-09-24 18:02

 Well Done Andy- does'nt look like you were at the "Carpark" in the Sound!


 My Dad taught me how to Fish-Thanks Dad.(RIP)

LittleAndy's picture

Posts: 434

Date Joined: 01/03/15

nah i got them off shore that

Mon, 2018-09-24 18:36

nah i got them off shore that day heaps better quality fillets too :)

axey45's picture

Posts: 1758

Date Joined: 26/11/13


Fri, 2018-09-28 03:37