Some nice fat tailor
Submitted by sherbert on Sun, 2010-05-09 17:27
Stu and myself hit our great tailor spot, With some great hits
Assassin landbase fishing club
Posts: 2692
Date Joined: 05/09/08
Damn! Damn!
I knew that something would happen bacause I couldn't go up this weekend. Great return guys! Give me a couple of weeks and I should be back in the action.
Not sure the Mothers here would prefer that feed over my lamb roast...
Work smart and fish often.
Member and die-hard supporter of the mighty West Coast Eagles.
Posts: 71
Date Joined: 19/02/10
was this land based if so
was this land based if so was it up north
Posts: 4717
Date Joined: 10/09/06
North of perth
But still metro, And landbase
Assassin landbase fishing club
Posts: 217
Date Joined: 24/02/10
where abouts?
if you dont mind telling us newbies..where abouts exactly?
Posts: 4717
Date Joined: 10/09/06
Sorry m8
I gave one spot away, And now it over run with guys fishing And for me to fish it i got to get there at 4am to get the right spot
I go looking for the spots, And so do the guys that i fish with SO ITS HOMEWORK YOU GOT TO DO
Assassin landbase fishing club
Posts: 217
Date Joined: 24/02/10
no sweat!
al good..thanks anyway
Posts: 2692
Date Joined: 05/09/08
Not Sure Steve really knows himself..LOL
And if he did.. I would kill him if he told.. geeessss guys.. Like ask the boaties for their GPS coords and see how you go.
Work smart and fish often.
Member and die-hard supporter of the mighty West Coast Eagles.
Posts: 8673
Date Joined: 24/07/07
Good fish
Some good tailor there.
Don't blame you for not giving your spots away, the good ones are bloody hard to come by without losing them to the hordes.
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18092
Date Joined: 11/03/08
well done guys. good to see
well done guys. good to see the spot will stay a secret , you dont want to give away a spot like that when it produces well. great feed
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 6
Date Joined: 30/04/10
tailor or herring?
is it tailor? cmiiw, tailor skins is shiny and slick..
from ur picture, more like herring to me,
sorry if i'm wrong, just a newbie here..
Posts: 4717
Date Joined: 10/09/06
Abit big
For herring m8 100percent tailor
Assassin landbase fishing club
Posts: 71
Date Joined: 19/02/10
yeah i find it a bit hard
yeah i find it a bit hard sometimes to tell the difference between some fish as im a newbie but the mouth gives it away you can see its tailor wouldnt want to put my finger in there mouth
Colin Hay
Posts: 10407
Date Joined: 23/10/07
Nice catch guys Some great tailor there
It made getting bogged worth the effort (Lol).
Moderator. Proud member of the Fishwrecked "Old Farts". Make sure your subscribed to Fishwrecked Reeltime
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Date Joined: 30/04/10
ahahahahaha thanks, surely wouldnt put fingers there :)