Shimano Stella 10,000 FA

Shimano Stella 10,000 FA

Shimano stella 10,000 FA which is spooled with 60lb jigman multi colour braid and comes with a spare 20,000 spool that is also spooled with 60lb jigman braid comes with both handles and box and paperwork and the change over drag washers and neoprene cover has not been used. unwanted present as I have two saltiga reels the same size willing to trade for a Daiwa Saltiga 3500 game




big john's picture

Posts: 8769

Date Joined: 20/07/06


Sat, 2008-10-18 15:39

Love my little 3500 game to much to trade it but this deal looks alright. Are you interested in selling it for $$, if so how much?


I head a little FURTHER NORTH each year,
Leave the cities behind, out of sight of mind,


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

Jigs available online in my web store!

catchalittle's picture

Posts: 1875

Date Joined: 04/09/08

BJ dollars wise I would be

Sat, 2008-10-18 16:40

BJ dollars wise I would be looking at @ 850  that way I  could go buy the 3500 reel

Life is short so live it fast



alfred's picture

Posts: 3097

Date Joined: 12/01/07

PM sent. 18 Outrage, Johnson

Sat, 2008-10-18 16:59

PM sent.

18 Outrage, Johnson 140hp 4stroke and 190 Outrage, 150 Mercury Verado

Justin Poole's picture

Posts: 225

Date Joined: 24/08/08


Sat, 2008-10-18 20:03


 By Hook or Spear, its all good..

Tim's picture

Posts: 2497

Date Joined: 26/09/06


Sat, 2008-10-18 20:07

Try get one from there though. The FA is the old model and that was a runout price.

Spent ages chasing a 20000 down locally recently. New 10000 or 20000's are few and far between now. New model is alot more $$$$ as well.

** Rockingham Offshore Fishing Club **

Bloke's picture

Posts: 440

Date Joined: 26/02/08

Bloody cheap considering the

Sat, 2008-10-18 20:13

Bloody cheap considering the spare spool and two lots of braid, I doubt any tackle store would match that deal.



SamC's picture

Posts: 2013

Date Joined: 30/08/06


Sat, 2008-10-18 20:21

None left mate, i will be taking that off the net on monday!





Dean's picture

Posts: 1943

Date Joined: 23/02/07

we have 1 left at that price

Sun, 2008-10-19 17:54

we have 1 left at that price if anyone wants it, need to come in on monday though.

Pm me

alfred's picture

Posts: 3097

Date Joined: 12/01/07

Catchalittle - Nathan,

Tue, 2008-10-21 18:38

Catchalittle - Nathan, Nathan You there??


18 Outrage, Johnson 140hp 4stroke and 190 Outrage, 150 Mercury Verado

catchalittle's picture

Posts: 1875

Date Joined: 04/09/08

Sold enjoy the reel Alfred

Thu, 2008-10-23 18:02

Sold enjoy the reel Alfred



Posts: 6

Date Joined: 08/05/09

Great piece of kit!

Mon, 2009-07-06 14:08

Great piece of kit!blackjack forex software craps roulette bingo