Redfin cull
Submitted by jighead on Tue, 2012-10-02 08:59

A while back we were getting onto some schools of redfin in harvey dam. Just about fish a cast on soft plastics worked near the trees. This was not the biggest haul of about three sessions over a one month period around december. I think the biggest catch was 140 odd.
Posts: 1659
Date Joined: 27/01/09
sheesh! good work
Are there any native species to be had?
Looks like there in plague numbers.
"Its a life style job"
Posts: 7006
Date Joined: 16/10/08
Probably the only time someone will praise a haul like this on here. Thats evil and like southcity how is there room for natives, and especially baby Marron with this mob around.
Keep it up. And not trying to pinch a spot, but is this up towards the old Stansfield Rd area (I lived up there before the Dam) or lower, just asking because of the trees, and it was an awesome place for 120mm+ Marron, my biggest 154mm.
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
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Date Joined: 03/02/12
I'm not sure where the old Stansfield rd area is exactly neels but it probably depends on the water level as to where you will find them.
Posts: 7006
Date Joined: 16/10/08
closer to Wellington Dam Area
Its upriver from the wall.
Mate when I go down there I will plan a trip or 2 to slay these vermin (and good eating) to keep the marron stocks up.
Should have a Fishwrecked Redfin comp to knock the numbers down. At least then they wont all be runts. From the photo none appear large, but I am not sure.
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
Posts: 1217
Date Joined: 24/05/08
Really does show how they can dominate a waterway.good work!
Posts: 695
Date Joined: 12/03/12
some areas of the warren
some areas of the warren river down south are the same. fish a caast some of then are the size of the lure i use. there like the fresh water blowies!
Posts: 2925
Date Joined: 27/12/06
nice work
pest eradication, I might have to dust off the bream gear and get down there
Posts: 302
Date Joined: 09/08/10
Top work on ridding these
Top work on ridding these pests.
Would have hated to be the one that cleaned these all up for a feed.
Insta: @wafishingofficial
Posts: 725
Date Joined: 12/12/10
Good place for the kids and
Good place for the kids and mrs to get into fishing, or lure fishing. Guaranteed catching something and in big numbers too!
Posts: 599
Date Joined: 10/03/12
Delicious pest, epic haul
Delicious pest, epic haul
Wes F
Posts: 1067
Date Joined: 07/01/12
Slaughtered it
Plague proportions by the looks, good to see ya helping out on the eradication program.
Old fishermen never die they just smell that way.
Posts: 1025
Date Joined: 15/08/10
Good fun, and some good
Good fun, and some good eating... FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY hahahaha! Would have been an awesome day fishing.
Thomo 85
Posts: 105
Date Joined: 19/10/11
Onya Mate!
Saved a few marron in those sesh's mate well done!
West Aussie Fisho