Pinky on SP 12m 5 Fathom Bank

Very new to soft plastics so have been getting the low down from the Blue Water boys (Thanks Laith). Have had four trips out now and have got good fish everytime. Definately found that using light (20 /30 pound) flurocarbon leader with a loop knot has made a huge difference to my success. Mainly using the 7" Gulps but have also used bigger with interesting results i.e. King George on a 9 " so clearly the action and presentation works. Dhus also love them and go hard in the shallow ground. Have been done a couple of times by what i assumed were big Sambo's but have landed a few also
Having not spent much time in the shallows behind Garden Island i am loving the fact i am using 1/4 the fuel and having so much fun on the lighter gear. Get a nice steady burley trail going and the hits are so hard and direct with big head shakes you know straight away you are on to a nice pinky. Saturday another good one around 83cm on first cast after a two mulie cube up!
Great fun and certinaly worth putting in the time to work this shallow ground
Lucky Tim
Posts: 2536
Date Joined: 28/11/07
yep the shallow reefs are
yep the shallow reefs are great fun with plastics. Would've loved to get that KG on the 9". Maybe take some pics out in the baot next time though, always look heaps better!
Posts: 2539
Date Joined: 26/09/09
nice mate, well done
nice mate, well done