honestly i dont understand why some go nuts over the abs when they are so small. put a total ban on for a couple of years and give the abs a chance to recouperate from the over fishing
i can tell you that from the weekendI will take my camera next weekend and show you just how many are around.Or you can just ask AlfredIt is one of the most policed and controlled fisheries in the state.I have gone to the piece of reef i dive on two days after the pros have gone through and the numbers are still there.I think they only take a certain size as it was still loaded with small and big ones.You could see the spots they had been.
i ended up taking only 15 had about half a dozen 100 plus and the rest were mainly around the 80 90 mm mark.If you are in a hurry you could bag and be out of the water in under 10 mins there.Next sunday i will tell you what to look for for the biggens.
told you i had a spare set in the car.I get a few big ones right down that south end toward the wall.One year i swam down until it looked like there are no abs then swim about another 15 meters or so and there is a little pocket that dont get touched.I dont think the pros even take a crack at them (that i have seen anyhow.
i REALLY want to find a way to make all those people eat reef, remote controlled sharks, massive stingrays to run into peoples feet... jokes aside, shits gettin ridiculous.
...fisheries have regulated to suit themselves. A lot of these abs are getting ripped off the reef, then measured, then thrown back if undersized, then dying because they simply don't survive that type of treatment.
The pencil-pushers have worked out that something like 50 tonnes of abalone get taken by recs every "season" but they don't account for all the dead loss and fisheries have no doubt deemed it too hard to police how people are actually handling the ones that need to go back. Much easier to wait up in the carpark and simply check bag/size limits/time/licences.
yeah as the guys I was with were getting out of the water there were piles of undersized of overbag abalone lying on the bottom. Pretty sad when people pick over their limit and don't even try to return the excess so they survive. It's not hard to guage an ab while it's still on the rocks and leave it alone if it's u/s.
not quiet as bad as that up here last sunday but was still people everywhere! and we had a 3.5m swell and decent sthrly with it. needed to be veryyyyyy careful thats for sure! one bloke got put on his arse not respecting the ocean enough! very lucky only had abit of skin off... hopefully the weather is abit kinder this sunday! Quick ab mish then into the crayzzz
Posts: 1853
Date Joined: 10/11/08
I can see my house from here.
So tell me have you got your info from years on the water or hours on the internet?
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18092
Date Joined: 11/03/08
honestly i dont understand
honestly i dont understand why some go nuts over the abs when they are so small. put a total ban on for a couple of years and give the abs a chance to recouperate from the over fishing
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 1853
Date Joined: 10/11/08
They are not all small
i can tell you that from the weekend
I will take my camera next weekend and show you just how many are around.Or you can just ask Alfred
It is one of the most policed and controlled fisheries in the state.I have gone to the piece of reef i dive on two days after the pros have gone through and the numbers are still there.I think they only take a certain size as it was still loaded with small and big ones.You could see the spots they had been.
So tell me have you got your info from years on the water or hours on the internet?
Posts: 3097
Date Joined: 12/01/07
Will agree, there are heaps
Will agree, there are heaps and last Sunday I scored my first ever 100mm abalone.
Posts: 1853
Date Joined: 10/11/08
Did you head across to where i said
i ended up taking only 15 had about half a dozen 100 plus and the rest were mainly around the 80 90 mm mark.If you are in a hurry you could bag and be out of the water in under 10 mins there.
Next sunday i will tell you what to look for for the biggens.
So tell me have you got your info from years on the water or hours on the internet?
Posts: 3097
Date Joined: 12/01/07
Didn't go round to that side
Didn't go round to that side as I forgot my fins! Just swam the south part of the reef.
Posts: 1853
Date Joined: 10/11/08
Ah i forgot that
told you i had a spare set in the car.
I get a few big ones right down that south end toward the wall.One year i swam down until it looked like there are no abs then swim about another 15 meters or so and there is a little pocket that dont get touched.I dont think the pros even take a crack at them (that i have seen anyhow.
So tell me have you got your info from years on the water or hours on the internet?
wicked game
Posts: 249
Date Joined: 13/11/08
how has everyone been going
how has everyone been going with the abb's?
unfortunetly i cant get a licence
Posts: 1853
Date Joined: 10/11/08
We would go up in Cervanties
but the little spot we used to go to has been turned into a no take zone.We will have to look around again soon.
So tell me have you got your info from years on the water or hours on the internet?
Posts: 659
Date Joined: 21/09/09
i REALLY want to find a way to make all those people eat reef, remote controlled sharks, massive stingrays to run into peoples feet... jokes aside, shits gettin ridiculous.
Posts: 4171
Date Joined: 15/06/09
why not
drive 2 1/2hrs and catch your limit of BIG Abs?
Would catch me dead in a crowd like that!
Posts: 8673
Date Joined: 24/07/07
They look like ants on a lolly paper.
Whats needed is a five metre swell, that will sort the men from the boys
big john
Posts: 8768
Date Joined: 20/07/06
Can't see the problem. They paid their licences and are fishing when they are supposed to be fishing. Good luck to them I reckon.
For the odd loser who breaks the rules, throw the book at them but the rest are just enjoying the experience.
WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.
Jigs available online in my web store!
Posts: 2539
Date Joined: 26/09/09
where was this? i was out
where was this?
i was out cruzing along the coast (cot-freo) on sunday and thought the cars were for the good weather? obviously not.
Posts: 896
Date Joined: 25/05/09
whaat a joke ,
whaat a joke ,
living is fishing
Posts: 1901
Date Joined: 03/05/08
Once again...
...fisheries have regulated to suit themselves. A lot of these abs are getting ripped off the reef, then measured, then thrown back if undersized, then dying because they simply don't survive that type of treatment.
The pencil-pushers have worked out that something like 50 tonnes of abalone get taken by recs every "season" but they don't account for all the dead loss and fisheries have no doubt deemed it too hard to police how people are actually handling the ones that need to go back. Much easier to wait up in the carpark and simply check bag/size limits/time/licences.
Lucky Tim
Posts: 2536
Date Joined: 28/11/07
yeah as the guys I was with
yeah as the guys I was with were getting out of the water there were piles of undersized of overbag abalone lying on the bottom. Pretty sad when people pick over their limit and don't even try to return the excess so they survive. It's not hard to guage an ab while it's still on the rocks and leave it alone if it's u/s.
Posts: 986
Date Joined: 01/05/07
not quiet as bad as that up here last sunday but was still people everywhere! and we had a 3.5m swell and decent sthrly with it. needed to be veryyyyyy careful thats for sure! one bloke got put on his arse not respecting the ocean enough! very lucky only had abit of skin off... hopefully the weather is abit kinder this sunday! Quick ab mish then into the crayzzz
Fear The Spear............!
Posts: 307
Date Joined: 15/12/09
Reef Damage !
The biggest problem i have with this abalone gathering exercise is the damage that all those people do to the reef by walking all over it.