Pan sized dhuie

Pan sized dhuie

in the same club as sherbert

Posts: 9358

Date Joined: 21/02/08

Cmon, you're a bit bigger

Mon, 2009-09-28 21:06

Cmon, you're a bit bigger than sherbs, perhaps the fish are the same size?


sherbert's picture

Posts: 4717

Date Joined: 10/09/06

Thats bigger lol

Mon, 2009-09-28 21:06

See you in november Not long now


Assassin landbase fishing club

Dean's picture

Posts: 1943

Date Joined: 23/02/07

haha, yeah looking forward

Mon, 2009-09-28 21:07

haha, yeah looking forward to it

eddie's picture

Posts: 303

Date Joined: 07/02/08

Lucky you had the gimbal

Mon, 2009-09-28 21:08

Lucky you had the gimbal belt on mate!! haha

Posts: 112

Date Joined: 04/09/09

Must be a very small pan

Mon, 2009-09-28 21:09

Hope that went back.... !




Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18096

Date Joined: 11/03/08

that one would look good in

Mon, 2009-09-28 21:11

that one would look good in a salt water tank lol , how did you handle a fish of that size Dean it would have given you a bit of a strugle Laughing just to hold it in the hand it would just about slip through the fingers


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

The_Wanderer's picture

Posts: 735

Date Joined: 24/09/08

Nah Dean's used to holding

Tue, 2009-09-29 14:33

Nah Dean's used to holding small things!

alfred's picture

Posts: 3097

Date Joined: 12/01/07

Hey Dean, you in town?

Mon, 2009-09-28 23:03

Hey Dean, you in town?


Yeah, I know, I know, I will get down to it soon ..........

Dean's picture

Posts: 1943

Date Joined: 23/02/07

come back on the 15th of

Mon, 2009-09-28 23:27

come back on the 15th of november alfred

Posts: 9358

Date Joined: 21/02/08

Back for cray season then =)

Tue, 2009-09-29 08:07

Back for cray season then =)


Colin Hay's picture

Posts: 10407

Date Joined: 23/10/07

Nice one Dean

Tue, 2009-09-29 08:14

Hope Tassie is treating you well.


Moderator. Proud member of the Fishwrecked "Old Farts". Make sure your subscribed to Fishwrecked Reeltime

SPESS's picture

Posts: 3356

Date Joined: 29/12/06

Heaps of these little

Tue, 2009-09-29 09:21

Heaps of these little fellaas around at the moment. They smashing my placcies all the time. Fisty little buggers too! they release really well which is always a good thing.