ord river

ord river

jay_burgess's picture

Posts: 4648

Date Joined: 18/08/05

Looks like Ivanhoe. I fished

Fri, 2006-08-04 21:23

Looks like Ivanhoe. I fished there a few weeks ago and threw a line in where you're standing. Didn't get anything unfortunately.

big john's picture

Posts: 8768

Date Joined: 20/07/06

I agree

Fri, 2006-08-04 22:04

Yeah, definitely Ivanhoe IMO. Took a bunch of school kids there once on a day trip (school fishing club) for the last day of school. Plenty of little barra and then lo and behold, one of the boys landed a 30lb fish on the upstream side of the crossing. Plenty of photo's and then we let the big girl go. Awesome!


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

Jigs available online in my web store!

jay_burgess's picture

Posts: 4648

Date Joined: 18/08/05

Could ya post some of the

Fri, 2006-08-04 22:10

Could ya post some of the photos? It'd be interesting...

big john's picture

Posts: 8768

Date Joined: 20/07/06

No digital pics

Fri, 2006-08-04 22:43

I haven't got any digital pics but I have got a nice 6 x 4 pic in the photo album. I'll dig it out next week and see if I can scan it at work.


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

Jigs available online in my web store!

Abu Garcia's picture

Posts: 78

Date Joined: 04/05/06


Sat, 2006-08-05 11:32

yea i hooked a little barra in that little lagoon where im standing it cam off as it did a jump.

jay_burgess's picture

Posts: 4648

Date Joined: 18/08/05

What lure were you using and

Sat, 2006-08-05 12:24

What lure were you using and how long ago was the pic taken?

Abu Garcia's picture

Posts: 78

Date Joined: 04/05/06


Sat, 2006-08-05 12:44

i was using a gold bomber and the pic was taken a cuople of weeks ago because i just got back from up north last week

jay_burgess's picture

Posts: 4648

Date Joined: 18/08/05

Sounds like you would have

Sat, 2006-08-05 13:05

Sounds like you would have been there around the same time that I was...

Abu Garcia's picture

Posts: 78

Date Joined: 04/05/06


Sat, 2006-08-05 13:08

yea maybe i was there about 2 weeks ago

Posts: 485

Date Joined: 04/02/06


Sat, 2006-08-05 13:23

Obviously you don't get saltwater crocks anywhere near Ivanhoe crossing eh?

Much! :rollseyes:.


"Piscator, non solum piscator" - "A fisherman, not just a catcher of fish"


Fly West

jay_burgess's picture

Posts: 4648

Date Joined: 18/08/05

Yeah you do get them... the

Sat, 2006-08-05 13:38

Yeah you do get them... the day we were there, there was a guy who said he saw one sunning itself on the bank in the middle of the river the day before...

Abu Garcia's picture

Posts: 78

Date Joined: 04/05/06


Sat, 2006-08-05 14:08

theres nothing nice about a crocodile

big john's picture

Posts: 8768

Date Joined: 20/07/06

Bit harsh.

Sat, 2006-08-05 15:10

Bit harsh there Ugly Stik. I used to enjoy seeing them, made it all seem like a great adventure. Nothing like seeing half a full grown cow float past your 12 foot tinnie, and then thinking hmmm, what beast ate the back half of it, and where is he now!!!


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

Jigs available online in my web store!

Abu Garcia's picture

Posts: 78

Date Joined: 04/05/06


Sat, 2006-08-05 15:29

over it

Posts: 441

Date Joined: 10/06/06

Ivanhoe Crossing

Sat, 2006-08-05 21:33

Ivanhoe Crossing I remember the place well,I was on holidays up there in 2001. I was casting little rubber leadhead lures and hooking up on small Barra on most casts.I was about half way out on the crossing when I slipped and fell into the river.All I could think about was Crocs as I swam back to the bank.I lost my hat,glasses and flick rod a Rex Hunt Combo.Thank my lucky stars that was all I lost,never been so frightened.

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15656

Date Joined: 29/11/05


Sat, 2006-08-05 22:39

We were up in Kununnura for business about 3 years ago and had a couple of days off to fish and checked out Ivanhoe a few times. Didn't have any luck thou. One of the days we were there the local aboriginal kids were in there swimming around. Theres probably not a big threat of croc because the dam wall is not far upstream and with the crossing traffic I guess it would be unlikely. But I'm no local so have no real idea. Thing was that it was so crowded we didn't bother fish it properly. We headed to the banks along the Pentecost to some awesome ledges. Problem was it was 43 degrees in Kunnunurra and 45 in Wyndam and we were on the banks melting so didn't last too long. Another place I'd love to spend some time fishing and exploring.


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