my whip
Submitted by streetfighter80 on Tue, 2006-08-08 16:32

this is my baby 2001 GSXR600
best time down @ the drags is a 11.423 @ 201.44kmh
now i have tweaked with a yoshimura full stainless system, yoshi engine management, 3 way fuel and timing map switch ( allows me to change fuel and timing maps to suit conditions)
hoping to get a high 10 out of her now
Posts: 1079
Date Joined: 12/02/06
anyone else ere ride??
Posts: 1260
Date Joined: 06/06/06
Use to
I did a bit in my younger days , Had a Kwaka Z1000 shafty , best was 254 on Tonkin Hwy , before they opened it to the public .with 2 thousand revs to red line .
I have had over 12 bikes alltogether .
Strap yourself in , and feel the GGGGG's
OFW member 088
Sponsored by no one and I work for myself so my comments are my own.
Posts: 1079
Date Joined: 12/02/06
feelin the gggggg's
have you seen the kwaka zx14r?? brutal bike i have ridden a few 12's and they are awesome
big john
Posts: 8769
Date Joined: 20/07/06
Bit more sedate
Currently riding a 900 Hornet (well, when its not raining). Bit more sedate than your ride streetfighter.
WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.
Jigs available online in my web store!
Posts: 1079
Date Joined: 12/02/06
comfy ride
yeah the cold is putting me off but cant help going for a wet lap. lol
Big Frank
Posts: 115
Date Joined: 07/02/06
Yoshimura , yoshi
What happened to "made in Australia"? Need Holden / Ford bikes. Go you good thing!
Good luck with the high 10 streetfighter.
Posts: 885
Date Joined: 27/01/06
I had a CBR 900 Fireblade a few years back. Got It to 285KMPH on the freeway. But I nearly came off at 180 on Orong rd welshpool.Never rode it again. Always loved the R1,s. Going to buy one oneday when I have more self control.
Posts: 1079
Date Joined: 12/02/06
some days it can be very scary out there i had a prang with mates bike(got cut off on freeway) collided doing about 60 right up his tail.
Posts: 1079
Date Joined: 12/02/06
this one is a good bike
this one is a good bike
Posts: 4648
Date Joined: 18/08/05
Looks like fun but you'll
Looks like fun but you'll never get me on a road bike.
Jay Burgess
Posts: 1079
Date Joined: 12/02/06
why is that jay? traffik?
why is that jay? traffik?
Posts: 4648
Date Joined: 18/08/05
One of my mates was nearly
One of my mates was nearly killed when a car ran a read light.
Jay Burgess
Posts: 1079
Date Joined: 12/02/06
4 blokes i knew died before christmas last year. hoping this year we have no fatal motorcycle accidents!!
Posts: 913
Date Joined: 15/08/05
Had a few bikes...mainly dirt
But I still have a 1969 750 Triple I restored some 14 years ago …First of the super bikes.
its sitting up at the old mans farm because the wife wont let me ride it.
Dad has a '54 Tiger 110 as well....
Posts: 4717
Date Joined: 10/09/06
IS it a kawasaki or suzuki
Assassin landbase fishing club
Posts: 913
Date Joined: 15/08/05
Triumph Trident Steve....same mechanical as the BSA x75 Hurrican....the poms challenge to Japanese bikes of the time.
Think it did low 13's for 100mph
Pig to steer into corners especially under brakes....but the note mate ....such a sweet note.
Posts: 485
Date Joined: 04/02/06
Honda 250 RT
But haven't ridden one in maybe 30 years...
Had it when we lived in Narrogin and would ride it out to mates farms then around all the bush tracks on their farms etc so - pretty safe & well away from traffic.
Still managed to have a prang but...ran into the farmers 175 Honda RT in a 10,000 acre paddock! LOL Rollseyes...
Had the missus on the back - and my best man had his missus on the back of the 175... I can still remember it - March 17th (St Patricks day it was)! I was the only one not wearing a helmet - luckily I landed on my head (or I mightta got hurt!) grin.
Man we lost some yards of skin between us and I got concussion as well - we all went to the St Patricks day dance that night at the town hall wrappped in bandages and mercurochrome - looking like Mummies from Egypt!
I seem to recall I passed out - coulda been the joy juice or the concussion - not sure wich - probably a litttle of both!
Still have a sore shoulder 30 years later from the prang... and haven't ridden a motor bike since.
My lads a bit keen to get one... rollseyes
I'm thinking a couple or 3 Honda 250 RT's for a round Oz by beach fishing TV oddyssey, would be a lotta fun maybe!
They are good fun - but bikes on the road will get you killed only a question of time!
Only this Friday gone the lad was workin alongside the highway here in Mandurah, and this german tourist who arrived in the country 4 hours earlier, was driving a Britz camper truck south and cut off a 25 year old gal on a bike causing her to crash land at the lads feet...
She had a broken ankle and broken knee, blood commin from her mouth & nose.... it wasn't a pretty sight and took a couple hours of his time to get the police ambo's - tend to her and get the traffic directed around her etc... now he's not quite as keen for the road bike... which to me is probably a good thing. In the right place they are a lotta fun but I'm not sure the road is the right place unless your a Karrakatta specialist (yeah in hurry to get to Karrakatta cemetary before me!).
Stay safe Street, it's a long & somewhat dull life as a paraplegic buddy.
"Piscator, non solum piscator" - "A fisherman, not just a catcher of fish"
Posts: 1079
Date Joined: 12/02/06
are you from ngn to fly??
are you from ngn to fly?? when were you there i left in 95. but i really a pingelly boy!!
Posts: 485
Date Joined: 04/02/06
Yeah Mate
Yeah - used to live up in Hough street behind the CALM headquarters, and was a paymaster for the Railways Dept there (back in the days it was cash and I'd go get 40 grand from the commonwealth bank - with my gladston bag and 32 browning semi auto pistol! Worked in the double story "ol nuns convent" building 59 Fortune street, from about 1979/80 to 1987 inc, before I moved to Nannup for 20 years and now Yunderup.
Used to knock around with farmers etc out Harrismith & Tincurrin way.
Had a railway gang at Pingelly used to be run by Peter Partridge from memory..we used to enjoy the Pingelly Panthers footy club annual windups - would take a bus out from Narrogin and drink at the Highbury, and old Poppanyinning pubs (well the ruins where it burned down) along the way get back at sunnup the next day full to the gills!
They were good ol days Street! I was just a lad!
Used to love the wheat belt - still have a good mate lives in Cuballing looks after all my guns etc for me these days...I try and get out there once a year or so for a visit!
"Piscator, non solum piscator" - "A fisherman, not just a catcher of fish"