More metro roaches
Submitted by tiimmbo on Sat, 2013-11-16 00:51

These are from Friday - awesome day out, visibility was 25m, could see the bottom soon as we went under the water, and crays everywhere again. Neighbours are loving it when I come home and got no more freezer space.
Posts: 1449
Date Joined: 27/03/09
Killing it timmbo! Are you
Killing it timmbo! Are you seeing any whites around yet?
Posts: 176
Date Joined: 18/08/13
Great catch. The one in the middle has a bit of girth on it ! I miss my red crays since I left Perth.
Posts: 1875
Date Joined: 04/09/08
Good to hear your getting
Good to hear your getting some went out yestereday to check the pots 3 of us on board checking 6 pots had been in the water soaking for 4 days had packed them with bait end result was one large egg bearing female,very large port jackson and a empty stubbie bottle so someone else is enjoying my crays