Little pinky

Little pinky

Little pink from the 3 mile on Saturday

Webby's picture

Posts: 835

Date Joined: 24/09/08

nice one mate, eat him?

Mon, 2010-06-21 10:14

nice one mate, eat him?


I live with fear every day... sometimes she lets me go fishing.

Gully's picture

Posts: 963

Date Joined: 04/10/05

Yeah handed it over to my

Mon, 2010-06-21 10:19

Yeah handed it over to my mate whos boat we were on as I still have enough fish from Exy. This was the only one we got as we got smoked by 2 big fellas which is always worth a laugh

Came up a treat he reakons done in a nice beer batter

Colin Hay's picture

Posts: 10407

Date Joined: 23/10/07

Nice eating size that one Gully

Mon, 2010-06-21 15:07

The conditions don't look too bad.


Moderator. Proud member of the Fishwrecked "Old Farts". Make sure your subscribed to Fishwrecked Reeltime

Lucky Tim's picture

Posts: 2536

Date Joined: 28/11/07

ours tasted lovely Sunday

Mon, 2010-06-21 20:16

ours tasted lovely Sunday night with crayfish on the side.
Cheers for the morning out, Dad was stoked.
Catchya for a dive in a few weeks.

Gully's picture

Posts: 963

Date Joined: 04/10/05

Sure thing mate - have fun

Tue, 2010-06-22 08:44

Sure thing mate - have fun at work. Damn I have wanted to say that to you for a long time haha

Posts: 9358

Date Joined: 21/02/08

Cmon, isn't he going

Tue, 2010-06-22 08:51

Cmon, isn't he going fishing^H^H^H^Hworking in the Torres Straight this time? Can't be all bad ;)


Gully's picture

Posts: 963

Date Joined: 04/10/05

Yeah this is true I suppose

Tue, 2010-06-22 08:58

Yeah this is true I suppose

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18100

Date Joined: 11/03/08

nice pinkie, they are a

Mon, 2010-06-21 20:55

nice pinkie, they are a great eating fish, especially when fresh. i would eat them over dhuie any day.


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together