Jurien Mack

Jurien Mack

Well I was really hoping I could write up a full report full of quality photos from my Jurien trip but unfortunately this is the only photo I have to show for it! The southerlies really blew up and i even managed to burley up a baldie with toast I had eaten earlier.. Took a couple hours of trolling to finally get a hit when the shallow and deep diver both got smacked. My mate dropped his fish soon after (which set the tone for the rest of his trip ;) ). I was calling my fish for a small tuna then when we saw the shape called it for sharkie, even when it was at the boat.


beau's picture

Posts: 4109

Date Joined: 24/01/10

And thankyou to everyone that

Mon, 2013-02-18 19:40

And thankyou to everyone that pm'd and commented regarding Jurien info last week


JohnF's picture

Posts: 2839

Date Joined: 07/07/10

Good Onya Beau, one Mac is

Mon, 2013-02-18 19:48

Good Onya Beau, one Mac is much better than none!!

Tasty feeds to come!


Boston Whaler 235 Conquest......getting the flogging it was built for.

ca11um's picture

Posts: 335

Date Joined: 25/12/11

 Good to see the hard work

Mon, 2013-02-18 19:57

 Good to see the hard work paid off!! Get it on the catalina? 

tim-o's picture

Posts: 4657

Date Joined: 24/05/11

Cant be too upset, was it

Mon, 2013-02-18 20:04

Cant be too upset, was it size?


I am, as I've said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.

beau's picture

Posts: 4109

Date Joined: 24/01/10

Cooked a bit up that night

Mon, 2013-02-18 20:11

Cooked a bit up that night with some harly, both delicious tasting fish!

Nah Cal this was on a demersal jiggling rod I bought from scottland a couple weeks ago ha. Got some gopro footage to upload once I get the internet in the new place. Caught the Baldie on the Catalina with a pirate jig and hooked a couple stonker striped tuna on stickbait but they all spat the hooks.

Next time we'll get splendid weather and kill the pig!


Goatlobster's picture

Posts: 77

Date Joined: 03/04/10

Jetty pic?

Mon, 2013-02-18 21:12

Um you forgot about our jetty session pic! Bahaha.. Ill second the thanks for the jurien info, was indeed muchly appreciated, unfortunately winds werent to play the game :/

Posts: 9358

Date Joined: 21/02/08

Good to see you got one Beau.

Mon, 2013-02-18 21:16

Good to see you got one Beau.


beau's picture

Posts: 4109

Date Joined: 24/01/10

bout time eh till!

Mon, 2013-02-18 21:27

bout time eh till!


Posts: 9358

Date Joined: 21/02/08

Get in the water for your

Tue, 2013-02-19 08:23

Get in the water for your next one ;)


uncle's picture

Posts: 9521

Date Joined: 10/02/07

second that

Tue, 2013-02-19 08:12



all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

JoRn's picture

Posts: 368

Date Joined: 20/11/07

 beau,care to share your

Mon, 2013-02-18 21:21


care to share your tips, looking to get up there thursday/friday pending whether i can get some deckies together

beau's picture

Posts: 4109

Date Joined: 24/01/10

Too easy I'll pm ya jorn..

Mon, 2013-02-18 21:26

Too easy I'll pm ya jorn..


JoRn's picture

Posts: 368

Date Joined: 20/11/07

 cool thanks champ

Mon, 2013-02-18 21:47

 cool thanks champ

grantarctic1's picture

Posts: 2546

Date Joined: 03/03/11

Great job

Mon, 2013-02-18 23:22

Great job Beau, fishing new grounds and having a win , nice mackie .

Cheers Grant ..

Goodz's picture

Posts: 2332

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 Claw hand!!!!!

Mon, 2013-02-18 23:31

 Claw hand!!!!!




Lamby's picture

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Thu, 2013-02-21 19:50

Nice mackie Beau

beau's picture

Posts: 4109

Date Joined: 24/01/10

Bahahaha I definitely thought

Thu, 2013-02-21 20:05

Bahahaha I definitely thought of this when I first saw the photo!

Oooooh The Clawwwww


Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18100

Date Joined: 11/03/08

well done. pity the weather

Tue, 2013-02-19 08:36

well done. pity the weather blew up on you. at least you got a fish you were after


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

spanishmackeral's picture

Posts: 940

Date Joined: 05/01/11

nice fish mate!! shame about

Tue, 2013-02-19 20:52

nice fish mate!! shame about the weather though

soupster51's picture

Posts: 2724

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Fri, 2013-02-22 12:54

Ones better than none I guess. Still to open that account, but I've got my share of mahi and wahoo to leave the guns in the rack for a while yet.


The best reason for doing what's right today is tomorrow.