Josh Bruynzeel out on White Horse

Josh Bruynzeel out on White Horse

Josh Bruynzeel, the only other boat out there, jigging on White Horse.


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streetfighter80's picture

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nice boat mate

Mon, 2006-06-05 12:00

nice boat mate

jay_burgess's picture

Posts: 4648

Date Joined: 18/08/05

F'n nice boat ;)

Mon, 2006-06-05 16:09

F'n nice boat ;)

WHITEHORSE's picture

Posts: 18

Date Joined: 17/05/06

Boat is currently for sale

Tue, 2006-06-06 09:48

Boat is currently for sale as i am think larger again! Absolutel;y perfect for FADs, GAMEX, overnighting, flicking soft p[lastics at mews stones etc...

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

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Bigger again??!?

Tue, 2006-06-06 10:00

Is the seafarer trailered or you leave it moored? Bloody big boat, would take a decent rig to haul it.


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Tue, 2006-06-06 10:03

Nice pic whitehorse have you been workin out.. HOw much for ya boat?

Gully's picture

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Jeez mate that is one hell

Tue, 2006-06-06 10:05

Jeez mate that is one hell of a weapon you have there. So are you going bigger with the same design or something different??

WHITEHORSE's picture

Posts: 18

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Its a 6.8m seafarer top of

Tue, 2006-06-06 14:22

Its a 6.8m seafarer top of their range, great walkaround, I was considering a larger ali walk around say +8m. After fishing 23Nm wide of freo last Sun and coming in on 33Knots at 5000Rpms i am still considering keeping it!

I tow it with a 100 series landcruiser, which sat on 110kms to exmouth.


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hey johnno, whos that good

Tue, 2006-06-06 21:13

hey johnno, whos that good looking guy on ya boat? he makes it worth another 10k.


jay_burgess's picture

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Tue, 2006-06-06 22:23
WHITEHORSE's picture

Posts: 18

Date Joined: 17/05/06

Dirty Sanchez(Onstrike) was

Wed, 2006-06-07 08:58

Dirty Sanchez(Onstrike) was onboard in his favouritre banana shirt. Surprisingly even when sanchez opted tofish from the bow the whie horse stayed extremely stable, also note 3 blokes on he same gunwhale and the boat sits beautifully.

note the casual skipper on the helm keeping WHITEHORSE on the mark in 100m of water whilst jigging at the same time.....!

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

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Did notice that

Wed, 2006-06-07 09:11

Must say I was pretty impressed with that, something our skipper hadn't thought of, great way to counter the current and sit in the perfect spot.


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Ha, banana man strikes

Wed, 2006-06-07 12:42

Ha, banana man strikes again!
We HAD to stand on one side!, my 300kg of tackle was on the other side.
I can verify that this boat is a beauty and it would be hard to beat in its class,

Sanchez is going to get you Deck-Wench-Johnno,

On a different subject tho,

Whos keen to head real wide in a couple of weeks? take a couple of boats out to the 250m mark

ON STRIKE is in, and i dare say WHITE HORSE will be off the port bow.

Probaly deck the boats with 3-4 fishers each, and we will drift for some of those big tasty ooglies that hang out there.

Maverick's picture

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Wed, 2006-06-07 16:22

Was out in 200 plus m on the weekend and got PLENTY of fish , some real good Grey banded cods and some nice Amberjacks and mulloway and heaps of pinkies around 3 to 5 kilo's each and a 4-4.5 kilo red snapper .



 OFW member 088 

 Sponsored by no one and I work for myself so my comments are my own.

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Sounds exactly like what we

Wed, 2006-06-07 17:33

Sounds exactly like what we plan to do mav, its good to hear!

i have done some deep fishing off madurah and have got into some nice Hapuka before, but deep water is along way offshore from mandurah, i would like to head behind rotto where you are in 200+ before you know it.

can you reccomend any good areas?
If you are keen to come out with us let me know.

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Wed, 2006-06-07 21:00

the derwent 200 metres, not far from freo sailing club fad.A whole new approach to bottom fishing will be needed to fish that depth and tackle but iam keen to see whats lurking, grey banded and mulloway would be the target.
The conditions would have to be great no drift or wind and backed up with weeks worth of physio.

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Hey Bolts

Wed, 2006-06-07 21:09

I have fished it . Big lead , braid only , bait that stays on and stand up tackle (black magic ) take a lot of the pain out of it . Basically stay down there until you are on , which if you are on the spot doesn`t take too long.

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yep, when we fish wide i use

Wed, 2006-06-07 21:52

yep, when we fish wide i use my alutecnos harness, it takes alot of pain out of the operation, circle hooks help too, hooks the fish for ya.
its funny we have started talking about this today, the latest Modern Fishing mag has got an article by Alistar Mcglashan from memory and he talks about baiting deep waters, its got me keen again to drop ridiculous sized lead weights to the ocean floor!

Posts: 39

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Yeah Josh

Wed, 2006-06-07 21:58

With you there Josh . Lights help too at that depth I would be keen if you need an extra crewman , got all the gear and am very handy could perhaps arrange the tucker . Send me a PM if you want.

Kasey L.'s picture

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Ah, its a race to the bottom

Thu, 2006-06-08 00:07

Ah, its a race to the bottom between sinkers and jigs. 500g might just cut it. I'm keen if you're looking for another crewman =)
Have fished the derwent and those depths, and have gear. If I do go out, will resist the temptation to use bait until I'm really that desperate. Go the jig! (Might be less effort too?)

Long way down, and a long way up, but its a whole different ball game. Don't think the word 'undersized' gets used alot out there. More like 'what the heck is this??'.

I hear those gray-banded cod taste lovely hey; had pinkie for dinner and it wasn't all that. Would REALLY care for some more sashimi amberjack, probably second in my list of raw fish only to salmon.

Had sashimi skippy the other day too... wasn't too impressed. :X

Out of curiousity Mav, how many species have you c
halked up on your list now that you've got on a jig? Just curious to know, having been out so much without swarms of Sambos getting in the way ;)

I got a yellowtail (yakka, not YTK) on a 5g twistie with a tiny assist hook last night. Hehe, one more for the list!

Would be also nice to see a HAPUKA in the flesh (picture from Ultimate Angler)
[img_assist|fid=24650|thumb=0|alt=caught at Takabonerate (Indonesia) by the anglers from (Singapore)]

Maverick's picture

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Thu, 2006-06-08 10:01

We landed fish to 20 kilo's on the basic double dropper loop rig with 80 lb braid on jig sticks,I was using my Penn 114H on a sealine powerlift rod , we got the jacks on Jigs and bait , I think we have landed over 10 jacks in the last few weeks so there out there if you do go , we got at least 2 each trip out wide, we were doing allright holding bottom with 15 knots of wind with 24oz sinkers 300g jigs were slow to get down and didn't stay on the bottom well but 400g and 500g were doing all the damage .

Fishing 200m isn't that hard or I must be getting used to it HA HA .

KC I don't even know what fish I have caught on jigs , sambo's , snapper, Amberjacks, Skippy , yellow eyed red snapper in the last couple of weeks, I know of One of the punters got a Leather jacket on a jig as well last week .

Big baits = big fish

When I bring Amberjacks home , I slice some of it thinly then squeeze lime juice over it , have a shower , then tip the juice off and then dip the fish in good quality dark soy and a little Wasabi and then gobble it down YUM YUM, we done Skippy on the boat the other day and it was GOOD but it was a 3 kilo fish from 110 m of water , them big ocean Skippy certainly taste heaps better than the little coastal fish.




 OFW member 088 

 Sponsored by no one and I work for myself so my comments are my own.

WHITEHORSE's picture

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Whitehorse is coming off the

Thu, 2006-06-08 11:23

Whitehorse is coming off the market.....decided to upgrade sounder to 2Kw Furuno and undertake minor refit over winter....buying the perfect boat was becoming too hard and the whitest horse has virtually everything anyway and is still trailerable.

Very keen to explore those deeper waters aswell.

Adam Gallash's picture

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Thu, 2006-06-08 11:43

Have heard a few good things about those 3d side viewing sounders. Not suprised your not selling the horse, bloody beautiful boat.


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Thu, 2006-06-08 14:24

Going wide in a groups a good idea!

It shouldn't be done without a lot of pre planning and carefull weather eye.

It's only when something happens (e.g. one boat breaks down - necessitating a long slow tow) that weather / sea conditions can change quickly etc, and unthought of problems compound quickly!

I've seen guys get their boat towed back from the Abrolhos only to have it break free near Gero and be abandoned due to the sea state and danger of trying to recover it. It was later found washed up high n dry on the beach south of town with minimal damge! Not everyone is so lucky!

Really speaking - you shouldn't be out beyond about 15 N miles with 27 meg radio or 20 with VHF, unless your in a group. It'd be prefferable if say one boat at least had a HF radio just in case help was needed.

Off Mandurah is a looong way out and it's hit hard!

Off Augusta could be an option but it's damn unkind weather / seas down there in Winter!

Then again off exmouth - the shelf is within a mile of land!

I'm limited to 15NM while in survey (so would have to drop the boat out of survey for a day or so to participate in anything beyond 15 NM)
I've had her to the Abrolhos before today - so the distance isn't an issue!!

You know - a camp at the Abrolhos with say 4 reasonable 6mtr+ boats - you could do some deep stuff within only a few miles of the islands, and have your fuel & food brought over in 13 gallon (60 litre) drums, (least thats what I did!) on the carrier boat!

I reckon on the right weather you could night fish for broadbill off the Abrolhos!

March April is the time to go!

Wan't me to see if I can get a shack or two for next season?


WHITEHORSE's picture

Posts: 18

Date Joined: 17/05/06

Little boats big

Thu, 2006-06-08 17:13

Little boats big adventures!!!!
Bring it on! Just spoke to Onstrike and he is keen. Broadbill on little boats...sounds like a first in WA waters? Now i can justify a 3Kw sounder!

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Thu, 2006-06-08 18:35

Just in case you were wondering who On Strike is, shes my little baby. 7.3m of Bayliner Trophy Pro. walkaround sportfisher.

[img_assist|fid=24732|thumb=0|alt=ON STRIKE]

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Thu, 2006-06-08 20:01

This is my 7.5 meters of Boat!

All we would need, is say, one more 6.5+!
And say a group of 12 - 16 guys MAX.
I have a DVD of a swordfishing clinic headed my way from the USA, I hope, - so when it gets here, I'll share it round!

Another option would be to fish the same 4 boats out of Dirk Hartog Island.... I'm hoping to be there at Denham the next school hols for a couple 3 weeks ish...

Once at the Lodge on DHI - tis a short jaunt out into marlin and broady waters at night from the lodge!

Both are options - both cover a lot of good water within easey reach of where we stay, however both ain't cheap - the Abrolhos is exy due to the 54Nm offshore - fuel to get there plus getting fuel shipped over in drums etc. At Dirk - you could run enough fuel for the fleet in a trip or two from Denham across to the homestead 24Nm or even go back during a day for replenishments if needed - I think they even have a barge could be uised to get the fuel across maybe.

I personally like the 60 litre drums and thats all the Abrolhos carrier boat will use (no 200 litre drums at sea, due to workplace Occ health & safety regs for the crew).

I get my 60 litre drums from spray polishing / spray painting / panel beating shops - where they buy their thinners in 60 litre drums and throw them out once a week. Usually if you drop in & tell em you have a boat and want a heap of 60 ltr drums they will save them for you - for a cold carton!

I have something like 7 x 60 litre drums already and still going!
You guys would need to start sourcing your 60 litre drums asap!

Somewhere in the group we'd need a couple guys prepared to bring utes or tow trailers with fuel drums (source the fuel in bulk cheap from a depot or something).

Any beter idea's / suggestions? The further north we tow the boats the longer it takes and the more fuel / expense there n back!

Personally I'd love to fish exmouth one day due to the closeness of the deep water amd the sheer numbers of Marlin landed at gamex is testimpony to how many are there!

But I'm easey - any of the 3 locations would suit me - we could possibly do Exmmouth a lot cheaper despite the extra distance due to maybe renting a couple houses for a fortnight and the fact we are living offshore at islands with all the extra expense / effort that entails.

I'm open to suggestions - I've fished the abrolhos enough times to also be interested in places further north - but understand the attraction if others haven't, and want to head there!

I'm easey, I'll go anywhere if theres fish to be had!

Ohh - theres also the houseboat in flying foam passage out of Dampier, on the Burrup penninsular, as a destination - further north again - but good accoms well out in protected waters with only a short hop to the fishing grounds each day (or night!).

I'd like to install radar & HF radio before we went!

What needs to be considered is night nav skills for unfamiliar waters of you geninely want to swordfish, theres a heck of a LOT of reefs and islands to run into at places like the Abrolhos & Burrup ifyou don't have chartplotter, radar etc to assist and are not familiar with the local waters!

Maybe some a you guys would do well to get in on this lil navigation for novices course I am going to run shortly - maybe run these boats of yours thru all the manduraah waterways and estuary etc at night, to see how you go on all your lights markers and cardinals etc.

Just a suggestion! ;o)


Posts: 92

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Fri, 2006-06-09 13:34

[img_assist|fid=24786|thumb=0|alt=on strike]

Posts: 485

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Are you keen Josh?

Tue, 2006-06-13 18:03

Are you keen to be a starter Josh? (You didn't reply to the PM I sent you?). Did I screw up and not send it? Stranger things have happened!


Posts: 92

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A starter in what? I didnt

Tue, 2006-06-13 20:34

A starter in what?
I didnt get any PM

Posts: 485

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Ahh bugga - wondered why I hadn't heard back!

Tue, 2006-06-13 21:44

Sorry will re send now - was pretty early hours of the AM - I musta bugga'd up! Not uncommon for me!


Posts: 92

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Sorry cant join you any time

Tue, 2006-06-13 22:10

Sorry cant join you any time soon. Ive got a busy year ahead of me this year, travelling to fiji then to canada for a fish then meeting up with WHITE HORSE CAPTAIN in mexico for some fishing (Cabo San Lucas), then im hitting cuba, panama, costa rica (100lb+ Tarpon hopefully), then chile and new zealand.
I will be back for a couple of days then competing in the BILLFISH BONANZA again with WHITE HORSE off my port bow in exmouth, then home for the Samson Science Season then off to GAMEX 2007 to compete with WHITE HORSE once more!

Sorry will be hitting the swords myself in exmouth, way too much work in the abrolhos!

Im know a couple of local gun anglers who have tussled with the swords, cant tell you any more, you might take your customers there!





SHizz's picture

Posts: 1556

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far out josh, how you

Tue, 2006-06-13 22:18

far out josh, how you affording all these fishing trips? ask your boss if i can get a job too :p haha

Posts: 92

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i will ask him! But he is a

Tue, 2006-06-13 22:35

i will ask him! But he is a bit of a Bastard!

Nah, just jokes, he is me!

SHizz's picture

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drug running isnt a nice way

Tue, 2006-06-13 22:43

drug running isnt a nice way to make money Josh :P No wonder you always record your fish's weigh in ounces... haha

Posts: 92

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you must have me confused

Tue, 2006-06-13 22:54

you must have me confused with someone else,
im un-employed, i have to travel to look for a job!

you want to see another monster sam?
here u go

[img_assist|fid=25302|thumb=0|alt=rogans sam]

SHizz's picture

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"cuba, panama, costa rica"

Tue, 2006-06-13 23:38

"cuba, panama, costa rica" im sure theres a stop at columbia along the way :P

WHITEHORSE's picture

Posts: 18

Date Joined: 17/05/06

Roger Onstrike,It does

Wed, 2006-06-14 09:32

[img_assist|fid=25307|thumb=1|alt=whitehorse - cape leveque]
Roger Onstrike,

It does appear to a pretty hectic O/S season during the winter months, with onstrike and whitehorse going head to head battle in Cabo - light tackle sails in prep for Nov billfish bonnanza. Whitehorse is going ino major refit including New furuno 1100 sounder and other treats!

Swords....they exist off Rotto which maybe more accessible for us than travelling all the way north...Thanks for your offer but I too can not committ to a northern adventure as Cabo will consume most of my leave.

Small boats more than 15Nm offshore??? I do not want to be drawn into a marine safety argument but I believe that if you can maintain clear radio contact with marine rescue then this is a good guide for a safe distance. This view no doubt is shared by many small boat skippers who frequent significantly wider than 15Nm.

Night navigation has certainly been made easy with GPS and cmap! Gone our the days of counting beacon flash intervals and manually plotting tracks. Onstrike and I regularly comeback well into the night from the fads back to Mandurah either outside or insde of Coventrys or the 5 fathom and pro pots depending where they are. Idling around canals would certainly not be a challenge although there are quite a few gin palace skippers who could do with some tips!

Posts: 92

Date Joined: 05/08/05

whitehorse whitehorse..onstrike

Wed, 2006-06-14 11:03

Saturdays lookin the goods whitehorse!
do you know of anywhere i can leave onstrike in freo just for sat night?
im staying up and catching the wogs play at 3am.
wouldnt mind getting out sunday too.


Posts: 485

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No wukkas!

Wed, 2006-06-14 15:32

Thanks anyway!
Best of luck to you too!
