Id this fish?
Submitted by Furrytomato on Tue, 2010-10-05 18:16

Hi, I caught this one under the old bridge in mandurah. Not sure what it is. About 270mm long, has large pectoral fins and prominent set of dorsal spines, a huge mouth and enlarged eyes - looks like it belongs in the deep or on a reef. I know someone on here will ID him for me. Caught on a soft plastic wriggler.
Posts: 143
Date Joined: 26/03/10
looks like a scorpion cod of
looks like a scorpion cod of sorts...
limit your catch, dont catch your limit
Posts: 3040
Date Joined: 10/05/10
yeh thatd be my guess scorpion cod
DO NOT!! get stung by them
i support two teams eagles and whoever is playing the dockers
Posts: 335
Date Joined: 27/08/09
yeah gurnad, scorpion cod,
yeah gurnad, scorpion cod, poor mans Crayfish
dont get stung
lox ambassador
Posts: 967
Date Joined: 17/01/10
great eating
great eating
Posts: 3
Date Joined: 16/08/10
Gurnard Perch
Hey thanks for the info. Gurnard Perch seems to be the best match amongst the images found via google. Good eating eh? I put him back tho!
Posts: 2154
Date Joined: 06/08/10
looks bit like scorpion cod.
looks bit like scorpion cod. if so very nice fish for the soup.
Posts: 4171
Date Joined: 15/06/09
My grandad
used to always keep the Gurnards he caught out off Dunsborough. Just be very careful around the spines. He used to grab them with a big pair of pliers and hold them against the side of the tinny, then cut the spines off the back and fins. Absolutely fantastic on the BBQ!
Posts: 1901
Date Joined: 03/05/08
You're right, it DOES belong on an offshore reef! Where you fishing near the pylons?
We used to get them in California when fishing in the kelp beds...they called them "sculpin" over there, and the deckies on the charter boat would always do the same as what Matt said above...cut the spines off and filet them. Nice white flesh.
Posts: 143
Date Joined: 26/03/10
quite a few of these to be
quite a few of these to be caught off busso jetty, good size ones too like u get offshore.
limit your catch, dont catch your limit
Posts: 2321
Date Joined: 03/05/06
fish id
try Fishwreckapedia on the 2nd page, 3/4 way down.
Posts: 1392
Date Joined: 08/01/09
looks like a
fortescue to me!!
Posts: 3
Date Joined: 16/08/10
Gurnard Perch for sure
I'm calling it a Gurnard Perch due, mainly to the destinctive spine structure, far more than the fortescue, including the two that point forward just above it's eyes, and the yellow under side & shape of the flippers all looks good.
Thanks "bod" for pointing to the Fishwreckapedia link, this pic looks spot. on and far better camera than my phone has. The tail had spots -not the white band so perhaps it wasn't as young as I had assumed.
I'll think about keeping the next few I catch...
Posts: 4171
Date Joined: 15/06/09
Just be very
very careful around the spines. If you get spiked you'll regret it for the next 24hrs! Extremely painful.
If you ever want to target them there's millions of them in Geo Bay
Posts: 261
Date Joined: 05/09/09
ive caught a couple of these
ive caught a couple of these off a local jetty and a freind that i was with decided to pick it up and he got spiked he screamed and had to go to the hospital
Posts: 215
Date Joined: 14/06/12
If you get spiked
Put the affected area in HOT water.....I am told the releif is instant