Hows this for a leatherjacket?
Submitted by Andy Mac on Thu, 2006-03-09 20:57
Can anyone beat this one? I have no idea how big it was, but I am sure I haven't seen any bigger. Caught 4nm west of ocean reef just south of the leads a couple of years back.
Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)
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geez thats big. good work
geez thats big. good work
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15656
Date Joined: 29/11/05
a leather jacket challenge, i had better download the photos from the weekend. I reckon i will have one that could challenge it. ;)
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Adam Gallash
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Date Joined: 29/11/05
Here it is, the big fella himself, caught on a bait chaser rig last week.. if you know the size of a baitchaser, then I think you can determine the size of this fish.. hehehe :)
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Andy Mac
Posts: 4778
Date Joined: 03/02/06
C'mon Adam, you can do better than that
I'd give that about 30cm at a stretch. I reackon mine is more like 60cm. Just the body is easily the width of my shoulders, which are about 55cm, then you have the tail. Sorry mate but I reackon my Leatherjacket is heaps bigger. (Nice try though)
Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)
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Agree with u there
Agree with u there andy......
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15656
Date Joined: 29/11/05
30cm! Far out, you are generous mate!!! :) I was thinking more along 10cm tops. hehehe.
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Andy Mac
Posts: 4778
Date Joined: 03/02/06
Hey Adam I was thinking (that must be 200 lb jinkai he's using for it to be bigger than 20cm, what the?) Only reference point I had really, You were probably using 10 lb whiting gear more like it .
Had me going there for a while. (What's the State record for Leatheries? Anyone know?)
Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)
Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club
Andy Mac
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Date Joined: 03/02/06
WA State record
WA State record is as follows: We just have to identify which type of Leatherjacket it is to see if I was close.
Leatherjacket, Blue-Lined Meuschenia galii 0.560 kg Jason Pember Fish Creek 7 October 1990
Leatherjacket, Chinaman Nelusetta ayraudi 3.500 kg Tom French Rottnest Wide 29 October 1980
Leatherjacket, Fan-Bellied Monacanthus chinensis 0.448 kg John Bray Lancelin 16 February 1994
Leatherjacket, Horseshoe Meuschenia hippocrepis 1.709 kg Geoff Lefroy Walpole Wide 30 March 1986
Leatherjacket, Rough Scobinichthys granulatus 0.584 kg Henry Boogaard Ocean Reef 4 January 1987
Leatherjacket, Six-Spined Meuschenia freycineti 2.710 kg Carlo Bordi Ocean Reef Wide 17 April 1981
Leatherjacket, Spiny-Tailed Bigener brownii 0.319 kg Stephen Small Little Island 30 March 1991
Leatherjacket, Toothbrush Penicipelta vittiger 0.279 kg les Brooker Little Island 7 June 1992
Leatherjacket, Unicorn Aluterus monoceros 0.473 kg Peter Otway Alkimos Wreck 4 June 1989
Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)
Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club
Adam Gallash
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Date Joined: 29/11/05
Now all we gotta do is match the colours/fish to the species, coz I have no idea which ones are which. .0279kg for a state record, I reckon my little blighter could almost have gone close if it was the right species :)
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Andy Mac
Posts: 4778
Date Joined: 03/02/06
6 spined leatherjacket
I reackon its a 6 spined leatherjacket because there are 6 spines at the base of the tail. If this is true then I would say I went pretty close. The fish identification sites say it grows to a maximun size of 60cm, so this would have to be up there with a chance. 2.7kg is pretty big though so I wish I had weighed it in hindsight. The state record was caught off Ocean Reef as well. Maybe there are quite a few big ones out there. I remember catching a 50cm one that I have a pic of sitting on the esky with a ruler for proof, but that one was smaller than this one.
Ah well, next time I might just check the big ones of the smaller species to see how close I came.
Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)
Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15656
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Leather Comp
Heres another monster that will compete.. lol..
[img_assist|fid=16816|thumb=0|alt=Leathery|caption=snapback or a leatherjacket]
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Kasey L.
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i'm sure mav/brendan might
i'm sure mav/brendan might have some pictures of some big ones ;)
heres some from last november.
(gotta compare it with the size of my feet, sorry.. the skippy were about maybe.. 5-6kg? the biggest)
Pump iron to drop iron!
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6 spined for sure
Posts: 433
Date Joined: 20/10/06
me and the old man
me and my old man have caught them around 60 - 70 cms over east at a place called coalcliffe south of sydney.......on cunjevoi(best bait off the rocks over there) in 20 mtrs of water with a flat bottom and f**k are they great to of the best fish i would say....
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We got one Satdy morning that went 70 cm , seen bigger but havn't got any pics in the pooter of them .
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