Home Made Sinkers

Home Made Sinkers

A selection of my home made sinker that are coming with me to exmouth wonder how many will return *LOL*


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

Tim's picture

Posts: 2497

Date Joined: 26/09/06


Thu, 2009-02-26 20:19

You got too much time on your hands Laughing

Could have put a cray in the middle and entered the food comp

** Rockingham Offshore Fishing Club **

UncutTriggerInWA's picture

Posts: 2692

Date Joined: 05/09/08

Too much time

Fri, 2009-02-27 11:18

I agree........ Nice work though. My wife would be proud of you LOL

Cheers, Vince



Work Smart - Fish Often


Work smart and fish often.
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big john's picture

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Modern art

Thu, 2009-02-26 20:20

That's beautiful Russ, I take it your car has a pretty good towing capacity!

I'd also take it that your planning to give the bottom fishing category a good bash.


I head a little FURTHER NORTH each year,
Leave the cities behind, out of sight of mind,


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

Jigs available online in my web store!

Willy's picture

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Thu, 2009-02-26 20:26


This brings back memories of the artistic display of prawns last winter. Good effort



Lord of the Squid Rings,

Killer of Cockroaches of the Sea

Ozzy's picture

Posts: 257

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Hey Russ, there is only

Thu, 2009-02-26 20:30

one little problem you haven't got the right shape amongst themCool

Cheers Ozz 

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18100

Date Joined: 11/03/08

ok , so what shape Ozzy lol

Thu, 2009-02-26 20:38

Tim , no not too much time just too much wind to get out

B J , just going to put the Navara to the test , as for bottom bashing  how are you suposedf to get the reds lol

Willy, been trying for the prawns myself but 4 dives = 3 crabs and 1 shrimp and a few good pics (not yet posted)



"A family that fishes together stays together"


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

Ozzy's picture

Posts: 257

Date Joined: 11/06/08

I'll show you after the

Thu, 2009-02-26 20:41

Comp Russ " LOL"Sealed

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18100

Date Joined: 11/03/08

your on Ozzy

Thu, 2009-02-26 20:46

Wink9 weeks and the comp is on

see you up there



"A family that fishes together stays together"


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

7739ian's picture

Posts: 948

Date Joined: 25/06/08

Very artistic

Fri, 2009-02-27 05:40

you'll need helper springs to cart that lot up.

micktree's picture

Posts: 228

Date Joined: 13/11/07


Fri, 2009-02-27 06:57

way to much time on ur hands

tight lines

Colin Hay's picture

Posts: 10407

Date Joined: 23/10/07

Well done Russ

Fri, 2009-02-27 10:28

Where do you get your sinker molds?
(Colin 1 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)


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fishcrazy's picture

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Fri, 2009-02-27 11:04

missus just saw the pic reckons thats awesome well done russ

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15656

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Fri, 2009-02-27 12:13

My missus thought it was wall art until she looked closer, nice work Russ. ;)


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tackleshack_DOUG's picture

Posts: 102

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lol, photo of the month

Fri, 2009-02-27 15:12

lol, photo of the month contender thereTongue out


Owner of The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs
huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson.
PH:9248 3800 unit 3/11 Alexander drive Malaga


Now stocking a large range of Eupro, Hearty Rise, Top Gun and Exploder II Rods 

Rodrat's picture

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Fri, 2009-02-27 15:17

Does it end up being cheaper to make your own then buying them once you have bought a mould and lead? Where do you get lead from?

Fishing isn't a matter of life or death, it's much more serious than that!!!



Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18100

Date Joined: 11/03/08

it does get cheaper

Fri, 2009-02-27 17:50

it works out quite well for me as i get the lead real cheep with the deal i make them some sinkers as well

i get most of y lead from tyre shops , but some wont sell it to anyone and some will sell it cheap

just takes a bit of time setting it all up but once you get started you can pump out 40 to 50 in an afternoon n then there is just the tidy up of the sinkers

i melt down the tyre weights then pour off the good lead into another bowl and get rid of the s@#t stuff , normally i get about 70% of the lead thats good but you can save the money on buying sinkers , if you go to the right places you can get the moulds at a reasonable price

you can also get lead from scrap metal dealers but i have done that so cant say the price



"A family that fishes together stays together"


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

DieHard's picture

Posts: 1823

Date Joined: 06/10/08

Hey Faulkner just had to

Sat, 2010-03-13 19:33

Hey Faulkner just had to bring this from Random Images!

What a peice of art!

Is there an original and if yes can you send it (in big size) so i could set it as backround and frame it?


DieHard – The Official “Ray & Shark” Chaser!




Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18100

Date Joined: 11/03/08

there is an original on this

Sun, 2010-03-14 10:23

there is an original on this computer somewhere but wouldnt have a clue where


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

Deckie's picture

Posts: 1296

Date Joined: 03/04/09

Great news

Mon, 2010-03-15 09:27

Great to hear that u folks are making the journey north this year. When are ya heading up & how long & where are ya staying. Now that huggy isnt goin we all might have a betta chance at the roast & chips. lol  Rob


Cheers & Stay safe