Hard days work
Submitted by Jody on Fri, 2007-08-17 20:48

Had fun with this bunch during a "meeting" with the builder this arvo.
Posts: 198
Date Joined: 29/11/06
Nice collection Jody.If you
Nice collection Jody.If you ever need to have a "meeting" with an electrician let me know
Where did you go out from, not specifics mind just general question.Looks like you had a great time out anyway.
Cheers OX
Posts: 1578
Date Joined: 19/04/07
Truck loads
Oodles of rats out there. Great fun on the light lines,& lots of baby snapper in amoungst them.
Mate, they all go off with the "special" mix.
Ox - out of Hillary's and head South/West.
Yep, need meetings with all trades!! :)
I do whatever the little voices tell me to do
Posts: 3356
Date Joined: 29/12/06
How much did you use there
How much did you use there Jody? Berley that is and was it mine again?
Keep it tight, reeeeeeel tight!
Posts: 1578
Date Joined: 19/04/07
Of course Spess - why would I not??
Of course Spess - why would I not??
About a kilo all up. 1/2 went down in a cage with a coupla smashed mulies bought 'em sniffing but was just OK. Intermittent handfulls over the side really stirred them up.
Interestingly when we were about to head home, emptied the cage and all hell broke loose.
Lots of laughs & a fun arvo out - didn't get much work done tho!
I do whatever the little voices tell me to do
Posts: 3356
Date Joined: 29/12/06
I find my product works best
I find my product works best disbersed straight into the water so it can sink to the bottom and brake up to work the whole water column. Better than in a cage but i still use the cage for the crushed uo mulies etc like you said. Great report and good to get some feed back. Acheers Chris.
Keep it tight, reeeeeeel tight!
Ryan Thipthorp (not verified)
Posts: 16
Date Joined: 01/01/70
Nice catch Jody and yeh the light line would of made each fish very enjoyable!
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