GT knot?
Submitted by BenY on Sun, 2008-02-03 23:13

I know its a bit unclear..... but i don't have a camera with me.. it got stolen:( while partying in Bali... but thats another story. Anyway for those of you who know how to make a GT knot is this it?
basically winds(that er made using both sides of the braid line to make it sorta interweaving but not what i want to ask) around the leader with the braid. then half hitches to close it up.
then half hitches up the mono.
then half hitches up the braid.
then burn the tag ends so they make stumps. correct?
does this mean that the main line(braid) has a small section when you are doing half hitches on the mono where it's exposed as a single line(not wrapped)?
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No half hitches
No half hitches it a GT knot
First you tie a bimini , then you make a figure 8 knot in your leader , poke the bimini thru the fig 8 knot then you push the line up thru the bimini turn the bimini over then go down thru the braid , turn the bimini over then go back up thru the braid do this about 8 times , lube well then voilla GT knot .
The figure 8 knot is only there as a stopper it has NO affect on the knot .
R E A L L Y HARD to tell someone how to do it easy as pie to show you , once you have seen how easy it is you will tie this in your line all the time , only 3 knots I use for 99% of my fishing is a bimini to a GT knot then a uni knot to whatever I'm using , jig , lure , swivel , hook whatever ??
I could show you but then would have to kill you , secret mens business and all that stuff
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IF you have been shown this knot these instructions will be crystal clear if not then they will be as clear as mud .
REPUTABLE tackle store will show ya , takes about 20 seconds to tie one on a rocking boat so in a shop should be as easy as pi$$.
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Al can show you
Al can show you tomorrow
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Watched a youtube video on
Watched a youtube video on "how to make a Jap GT knot" or something like that. i remember reading about the figure eights and all that in some other descriptions.
Thanks Mav i'll get Al to show me tomorrow hahaha. Now i got to worry about the bimini... ?thought you don't need a bimini for the GT knot?
Cheers guys,
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