Good trip tuesday

Good trip tuesday

beautifull morning , light easterly


had to decide where to fish...

found some nice fish on a lump

harro(me) hooked up something decent

boofhead got another sambo, they were everywhere, caught loads

breeze kicked up, 9 miles out


headed home, all in all, great day ,good company, good laughs and lots of sambo fighting, caught cod,s and harly,s


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bloody animals

Wed, 2008-08-13 21:11

bloody animals

harro's picture

Posts: 1959

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lol kaneo

Wed, 2008-08-13 21:14

hey bro.. good day but no dhues or snapz today..lots of back breaking sambo action, dropped a cple big fish, bitten through the snells..

come on down kaneo..  


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what no dhuies?

Wed, 2008-08-13 21:15

sounds like you guys had a ball ,looks like it got a bit choppy .but still you got the salt water fik ,that will keep the d t's at bay for a couple of days



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next weekend after this one

Wed, 2008-08-13 21:46

next weekend after this one maybe .hang out with the missus this weekend .aman has to do what a man has to do

harro's picture

Posts: 1959

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Wed, 2008-08-13 21:48

wot did boof say..


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Harro is hopeless, I get

Wed, 2008-08-13 22:03

Harro is hopeless, I get dhuies with you Al. Tongue out

Honest I'm sure that's what he said. Laughing




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Wed, 2008-08-13 22:51

Good little report Harro, gotta love it when ya plotters full of spots....there luys the dilema. The morning conds looked awesome!


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harro's picture

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Thu, 2008-08-14 05:22

well there ya go,Frown



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Good report

Thu, 2008-08-14 05:42

Dhuies next time mark

cheers steve

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Top stuff Harro

Thu, 2008-08-14 06:58

Great pics - obviously a sarka man. Gee, that GPS is chockers with WPs!

Shame about the conditions out wide - to show up like that in a pic, must have been pretty lumpy. 

Colin Molloy

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Nice work Harro

Thu, 2008-08-14 07:17

Looks like a good day out. Better than washing windows.
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#1 - washing windows

Thu, 2008-08-14 07:51

They're not called panes for nothing WinkLaughing

Colin Molloy

(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)



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Thu, 2008-08-14 10:31

That second last pic looks a bit rough.
Hate it when the breeze kicks in.



Bill's picture

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Looking at your plotter

Thu, 2008-08-14 11:53

Looking at your plotter harro I have a heap of marks in the same area.
There is a heap of ground there but i think it gets flogged.
I have a heap at bit further south close to the 100 meter line 80 out to 120 . I noticed you don't have anything over the 50 meter line most of your marks are just at the back of the coral lumps and around the mapped bomies.

PilbaraBrad's picture

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good report, that weather

Thu, 2008-08-14 11:58

good report, that weather looks like it turned a bit. Nice photos!

harro's picture

Posts: 1959

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lol-fun banter

Thu, 2008-08-14 17:02

jesses great company to go fishing with, i know his boofhead for yrs.. and great thing is, he always brings down some new suprises to my tackle box..

pretty damm good deckie good, he prepared the occy  so good i wanted to eat

we had a good day, good laugh and the lucky bugger jigged a harly, i never seen that before..

don,t take this thread serious anyone. just a bit of fun banter.


lol i know ,my turn to wind up 



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harro's picture

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Thu, 2008-08-14 17:10

jesse mentioned he may be able to get me out with u guys up here..

be a good change, as down south is pretty damm unpredictable.

was supposed to be light winds but roared up out coral lumps,what depths do u guys fish in perth?, i might bring up my boat, i,ve never caught a dolly. 


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Bloke's picture

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Thu, 2008-08-14 17:15

Shouldnt be a problem at all, we'll have to organise something.

We've mainly been bottom bashing in the 30's for good results, but been thinking of hitting the 60's & 70's behind our usual spots.



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Thu, 2008-08-14 17:22

everytime i decide on going out further to the 60,s + i feel that i,m looking for a needle in a haystack, i think alot of the ground around the lumps has been flogged out,

but funny enough a few friends havent caught bugger all out wide also, just sambos,they even out number the sweep atm.

i still can,t believe jesses caught a harly on jig on the 4mile, after being out 9miles without much for the dinner table. 

tell u wot the mad bugger was ready with his camera for a great white 


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harro's picture

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Thu, 2008-08-14 17:45

this was the dam easterly thats been hammering for a cple weeks now.

i think i might do an eve/early night fish in the bay. we found some serious ground.

first fish was a harly.,but we had to go, sounder picked up good schools, and very snaggy.

thats good for the 4mile. 


 :::: Bass Hunter ::::

kaneo's picture

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some big dhuies have come

Thu, 2008-08-14 18:33

some big dhuies have come out of that bay. i recon dhuies bite better at night too

harro's picture

Posts: 1959

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agree kane

Thu, 2008-08-14 18:26

yup i agree and also big pinkies.give us a ring organize a time bro


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kaneo's picture

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the weekend after this one.i

Thu, 2008-08-14 18:31

the weekend after this one.i can come down..strap on ya epirbs and lets go!!!!!!!!!

harro's picture

Posts: 1959

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Thu, 2008-08-14 19:06

hopefully have never have to use the epirb bro.


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kaneo's picture

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thats what my pro mate said

Thu, 2008-08-14 22:55

thats what my pro mate said about night fishin,until i took him out.....dhuie...dhuie...dhuie...dhuie and didnt leave the ramp till 9.30pm got home by 3am.

harro's picture

Posts: 1959

Date Joined: 07/02/08

and did u get em kane

Thu, 2008-08-14 23:14

??????????? was he right?



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