Good Friday Sambo

Good Friday Sambo

Took my tinnie out friday in magic conditions. It was a pretty slow day until we found a new rock with good fish life showing. So anchored and put a bit of burley in the water and within minutes there where hundreds of skippy under the boat. After half and hour or so catching some good skippy(1kg plus) on light gear i was hooked to one when they all vanished an then my skippy got nailed. The Sambo would run of and spit it out then grab it again it did this about 6 times before i finaly managed to hook him on the small herring hook. Half an hour went past and we got our first glimpse of colour bfore he ran of again. so after 45 min Battle we hauled the 16kg Sambo on board Rambo. Couple of pics of of he swam. That was my new PB on my 8lb out fit and cant wait to get back to that spot.

Cheers Connors  


wadetolley's picture

Posts: 2258

Date Joined: 27/06/08

nice catch

Sat, 2009-04-11 12:30

 NIce catch mate..good to see ya using that jumper as a bait rag!



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Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15656

Date Joined: 29/11/05


Sat, 2009-04-11 14:26

After today's efforts against the saints it will be used as a bait rag much more often.  Good sambo on the light stuff Connors.


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