Good Dhu

Good Dhu

went 20kg

chris raff's picture

Posts: 3257

Date Joined: 09/02/10

i've got a wintek saddle

Thu, 2014-01-23 14:53

i've got a wintek saddle that'll  fit on that .. absolute beauty , well done to you .


Intelligence is like a four-wheel drive. It only allows you to get stuck in more remote places.”

crasny1's picture

Posts: 7006

Date Joined: 16/10/08

Horse buck that one. Well

Thu, 2014-01-23 14:54

Horse buck that one. Well done.


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

Posts: 111

Date Joined: 03/02/10

 Awesome stripey eye there

Thu, 2014-01-23 15:05

 Awesome stripey eye there bud. Yet to crack the 20 mark myself. Bait or jig?

Posts: 5827

Date Joined: 18/01/12

nice fish mate! Cant see dad

Thu, 2014-01-23 15:14

nice fish mate!
Cant see dad in the pic, did you's leave him at home again :-)


 Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...



The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.


little johnny's picture

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Date Joined: 04/12/11

big big fish

Thu, 2014-01-23 15:55

 top marks well done

axey45's picture

Posts: 1758

Date Joined: 26/11/13

 Well done m8 huge!

Thu, 2014-01-23 16:14

 Well done m8 huge!

connors's picture

Posts: 162

Date Joined: 28/04/08

haha yeah Rob he missed out

Thu, 2014-01-23 16:20

haha yeah Rob he missed out on this trip aswell. well just say he was slightly pissed of when I sent him the photo

Posts: 5827

Date Joined: 18/01/12

I know how he feels!Give my

Thu, 2014-01-23 16:43

I know how he feels!
Give him my best regards, top bloke your old man!

My boys wont be rippin around in my boat while Im at work that's for sure!


 Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...



The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.


connors's picture

Posts: 162

Date Joined: 28/04/08

no worries mate

Thu, 2014-01-23 16:47

no worries mate

petervb's picture

Posts: 447

Date Joined: 18/12/09

 Thats a freaking horse! Well

Thu, 2014-01-23 21:50

 Thats a freaking horse! Well done


SQUIDDLY's picture

Posts: 48

Date Joined: 22/12/13

Went 20KG

Fri, 2014-01-24 10:30

Very Very nice Dhu mate!!

Never popped the 20KG myself, still on the to-do list.

Cant for the life of my understand why your NOT grinning from ear to ear!!!

Nice album too to you lads, keep em coming.


 Remember, in Bunbury;

LBS=KGS and never actually weigh your fish.

Just guess away!!!!

cutter's picture

Posts: 150

Date Joined: 30/12/10


Fri, 2014-01-24 11:17

Wat a hoooter

Fuzz's picture

Posts: 265

Date Joined: 06/11/13

Great dhu

Fri, 2014-01-24 12:08

 Solid fish mate, how good is the feeling when the big model pops up and u think, god i hope thats 20 haha

 Good effort, and +1 why arnt you smiling, i rekon i was smiling for a week wen i entered the 20kegs club.


    "you can catch all sorts in bed, BUT you can't catch FISH !"

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15053

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 Ha ha probably still

Fri, 2014-01-24 15:09

 Ha ha probably still pinching himself Fuzz, I'm getting me one of those lager models tomorrow ;) 


Love the West!

Flying dutchman's picture

Posts: 125

Date Joined: 15/07/13

Good fish mate, few down here

Fri, 2014-01-24 22:34

Good fish mate, few down here now. At least crack a smile with that bad boy lad. 


Living to fish/ working to fish/ die fishing 

jgibson's picture

Posts: 43

Date Joined: 16/05/12


Sat, 2014-01-25 20:32

 nice fish mate :) to bad you just managed to foul hook him 

connors's picture

Posts: 162

Date Joined: 28/04/08

Was Strugglin a bit lads, I

Thu, 2014-02-06 17:27

Was Strugglin a bit lads, I bet u would like to catch one like that Mr gibson

jgibson's picture

Posts: 43

Date Joined: 16/05/12


Fri, 2014-02-07 20:29

 Yeah Mr Conway :) im stoked with a just sized one still but haha still working my way up to the 20kg mark... hopefully i will crack it one day