Also known as Netted Morwong (although no relation to morwong), Gold-spotted Sweetlip are greenish/grey to brown with many golden spots on the body, dorsal and anal fins and small yellow lines on the gill cover and cheeks. The tail has dark spots and is square cut and sometimes has a dusky ventral margin. The lips are large and the inside of the mouth is orange.
Juveniles have a gold body with orange and blue facial stripes which turn into spots as the fish matures.
Gold-Spotted Sweetlip grow to 4kgs and 60cms in length.
They are considered poor eating and need to be bled, cleaned, skinned and filleted on capture.
In Australia, Gold-Spotted Sweetlip are found from Geographe Bay Western Australia around the tropical north then south to southern New South Wales.
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
I don't know
I haven't seen anything like that before, beautiful looking fish, I hope some one can help ID it for you.
Posts: 15049
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Love the West!
Posts: 2321
Date Joined: 03/05/06
this one
Gold-Spotted Sweetlip - Plectorhinchus flavomaculatus
Also known as Netted Morwong (although no relation to morwong), Gold-spotted Sweetlip are greenish/grey to brown with many golden spots on the body, dorsal and anal fins and small yellow lines on the gill cover and cheeks. The tail has dark spots and is square cut and sometimes has a dusky ventral margin. The lips are large and the inside of the mouth is orange.
Juveniles have a gold body with orange and blue facial stripes which turn into spots as the fish matures.
Gold-Spotted Sweetlip grow to 4kgs and 60cms in length.
They are considered poor eating and need to be bled, cleaned, skinned and filleted on capture.
In Australia, Gold-Spotted Sweetlip are found from Geographe Bay Western Australia around the tropical north then south to southern New South Wales.