With stings from fish it works the opposite to land animal/insect stings. The hot water breaks down the protiens in the venom.
If you get stung by a gurnard/cobbler/small ray on say your finger, you're whole hand is going to hurt and usually its going to bleed like a stuck pig.
they are nice eating with nice white flesh but not a whole lot of it and i can vouch for the pain, i only got scratched by one and that was bad enough.
often they are reffered to as poor mans crayfish, very nice eating white flesh, for me the risk og getting stung is too much to bother, even when dead they will put you in alot of pain for a fair while, but if you are game as said very nice eating
Posts: 99
Date Joined: 22/02/10
a freak of nature
looks like some type of a Blow fish. How big is it?
I Fish because.............
Posts: 18
Date Joined: 03/05/10
tell me about it it is
tell me about it it is around 45cm long
mako magic
Posts: 5785
Date Joined: 03/08/05
gurnard, a very dead looking
gurnard, a very dead looking one at that
Posts: 2773
Date Joined: 08/07/08
Bloody ugly
looking fish
Ginger Tablets Rock
tailor marc
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Date Joined: 27/09/06
Here is one pissed off that
Here is one that i caught in mandurah a few weeks ago....

Gota watch them spines lol
My photography pictures... http://westernhorizonsmedia.wordpress.com/
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Date Joined: 03/05/10
what are they good for
what are they good for
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Date Joined: 24/07/07
They are good eating but be very careful because those spines are poisonous and verrry painful.
If you get a sting from one you need lots of hot water on the area, as hot as you can bear and if no water available pee on it.
Posts: 18
Date Joined: 03/05/10
cool thanks for that info
cool thanks for that info very helpful
Posts: 99
Date Joined: 22/02/10
Wouldn't the Hot water
Wouldn't the Hot water increase the blood circulation? therfore spreading the posion or is it local pain simular to a stingers?
I Fish because.............
Posts: 8673
Date Joined: 24/07/07
With stings from fish it works the opposite to land animal/insect stings. The hot water breaks down the protiens in the venom.
If you get stung by a gurnard/cobbler/small ray on say your finger, you're whole hand is going to hurt and usually its going to bleed like a stuck pig.
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18101
Date Joined: 11/03/08
they are nice eating with
they are nice eating with nice white flesh but not a whole lot of it and i can vouch for the pain, i only got scratched by one and that was bad enough.
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
mako magic
Posts: 5785
Date Joined: 03/08/05
often they are reffered to
often they are reffered to as poor mans crayfish, very nice eating white flesh, for me the risk og getting stung is too much to bother, even when dead they will put you in alot of pain for a fair while, but if you are game as said very nice eating