exmouth mack peak sportsfishing

exmouth mack peak sportsfishing

 yep ol eddy has saved another trip to exmouth again, the landbased fishing has been hard work the last couple of weeks with only a few little cods caught althought i did nail a good one at oysters a few nights back on a babyrunboh, 

seen a nice honker of a queen fish lost by Blake of oceanside on light tackle would of been a cracker.

eddy took me and the missus out yesterday to go play with the GTs and play we did, with mackeral, corination trout, cobias Gts the missus landed the only GT while I lost the rest but monday will be another day.

gear of choice rod/ fisherman monster cc72GT /reel stella 18000/line 130 whiteline /lure FCL squid pen

cheers syd 

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18099

Date Joined: 11/03/08

 nice mack fo sure.would have

Fri, 2012-08-31 06:52

 nice mack fo sure.would have been stoked to get that one past the sharks and safely in your arms. well done


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

Leemo's picture

Posts: 3712

Date Joined: 22/02/07

 good job syd, wicked fish! 

Fri, 2012-08-31 07:02

 good job syd, wicked fish! 


bludgin' since 94'

EL SYD's picture

Posts: 599

Date Joined: 16/08/10

 did'nt have any dramas with

Fri, 2012-08-31 07:04

 did'nt have any dramas with sharks except the ones that took lures but a fights a fight in my book.

for those of you who get green around the gills I can only recommend the use of the sea sick bomb from Phia NZ, I am cronic sea sick suffer as well as'my missus who has only been in a boat 5 times in here life she is now keen on the Monday trip as well  eddy also took that into note on where we could fish and according to the results of the day fish get seasick too 

Ben Derecki's picture

Posts: 1926

Date Joined: 10/10/07

Nice looking mack.  The

Fri, 2012-08-31 08:28

Nice looking mack.  The surface strike on the Squid Pen must have been pretty cool?!

EL SYD's picture

Posts: 599

Date Joined: 16/08/10

 this particular lure is sub

Fri, 2012-08-31 11:16

 this particular lure is sub surface with an awsome wobble action lost it to a big GT though