dhuie (tagged, released)
Submitted by milsey on Tue, 2007-10-16 15:19

caught this tagged 43cm dhuie out the back of garden island this morning
didnt have time to record tagg as we thought its life was more important
Posts: 3356
Date Joined: 29/12/06
Whats that
Whats that from.....hook?
Keep it tight, reeeeeeel tight!
Posts: 2497
Date Joined: 26/09/06
Its a tag with growth on it by the looks Spess.
Almost looks like a gouge in its back from the photo.
Rockingham Offshore Fishing Club www.rockinghamoffshore.com
Posts: 1462
Date Joined: 22/08/07
nu its been tagged
nu its been tagged
Ryan Thipthorp (not verified)
Posts: 16
Date Joined: 01/01/70
good to hear!
Good to hear of the recapture. IMO, wiping away the weed to get the number and sizing it is one option and the other (if not readable) is cutting the tag off & measuring the fish with all info being passed onto the research people.
*Oceanside-Strudwick,Daiwa,Van Staal,Jigmaster Rods, Banax,Shimano,Penn,Furuno*
Owner/Operator Oceanside Tackle and Marine
364 South Street, O'Connor, Perth WA
Ph# 9337 5682 ** OPEN 7 DAYS *
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Date Joined: 27/10/07
great work milsey, good to