Deep sea sinkers

Deep sea sinkers

Some sinkers from drawings supplied by till

MattMiller's picture

Posts: 4171

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Nice work

Fri, 2011-07-08 20:57

they definatly look the goods mate. I'm sure if you knocked a few up you wouldn't have any trouble of selling them

harro's picture

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Fri, 2011-07-08 21:19

yeah i,ll be keen,


 :::: Bass Hunter ::::

STEVE231's picture

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 I think these will be a

Fri, 2011-07-08 21:57

 I think these will be a winner for the deep deep boys, are they going into production Grant?? 

grantarctic1's picture

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Not sure

Fri, 2011-07-08 22:27

Till gave me some spec's to work to and i did these as a sample for him. Not sure what to do yet , getting a hold of the lead in quantity is the main problem. ( i used up my last supply on these )

Might be able to work out a deal with some of the crew, if you can get the lead to me , I could make them in exchange for a portion of the lead.

Also if anyone knows a good source for lead i would be thankfull for the info.

Cheers Grant.

wayneleech's picture

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roof plumbers that specialise

Fri, 2011-07-08 22:43

roof plumbers that specialise in tiled roofs would be a start.  They use a heap of lead to flash the top of the tiles (eg, where the tiles meet the walls)

I'm a roof plumber myself though I rarely do tiled roofs - we mainly do colorbond.  If I do and there are some rolls of lead left over i'll put some aside...

grantarctic1's picture

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Fri, 2011-07-08 22:48

Thanks wayne, that's the stuff i like, it's nice and clean. As i said we could work out an exchange of sorts.

Posts: 9358

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Phwoar, they look awesome!

Sat, 2011-07-09 07:15

Phwoar, they look awesome!

Nice work Grant!


glastronomic's picture

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Tyre places who still take

Sat, 2011-07-09 08:00

Tyre places who still take off the old lead balancing weights.

They are more and more replaced with steel sadly.

Lead is expensive and VERY dangerous to smelt without the right gear.

Lead poisening is not fun! 




grantarctic1's picture

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Not wrong

Sat, 2011-07-09 16:19

Not wrong mate, lead is very expensive. I can get the wheel weights but they are a pain with the metal clip inside them and it would take about 300 of them to make a 6lb sinker lol.

One thing that keeps poping up with scrap lead is old yacht keel's, might have to investigate that option a bit further.


scotto's picture

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Sat, 2011-07-09 08:33

take up diving.

i always find old sinkers when scratching around for crays!

adam87's picture

Posts: 291

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nice job they look great!

Sat, 2011-07-09 16:17

nice job they look great!

Lamby's picture

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Yep they look the goods

Sat, 2011-07-09 17:24

Yep they look the goods Grant, have you been able to test them out yet? That shape looks like it wouldn't cartwheel but you never now until its dropped I suppose

grantarctic1's picture

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Not tested

Sun, 2011-07-10 12:16

Thanks Lamby, havn't tested them yet. Going to get till ( jamie  ) to give them a trial , then make adjustments if required. The longer 6 lb weight might cartwheel due to the length, might have to come up with a way to make them more of a teardrop shape, so most of the weight is at the bottom.

Will give them a trial first they might be ok. fingers crossed.

Lamby's picture

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Good luck, look forward to

Sun, 2011-07-10 14:32

Good luck, look forward to the report Jamie as they look the goods

Posts: 9358

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I'll try and catch Grant up

Sun, 2011-07-10 15:27

I'll try and catch Grant up in the next couple of days.

Cartwheeling... I wonder if its really a problem?

They're never going to be cast in air, where cartwheeling IS a big problem.

Given the drag thats going to be induced by the baits you're dropping and the line itself.


grantarctic1's picture

Posts: 2546

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Good point

Sun, 2011-07-10 16:01

Good point, with the drag of the baits i dont think there will be a problem.

Posts: 13

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Tried old car batteries? sure

Sun, 2011-07-10 18:43

Tried old car batteries? sure you would have to deal with the acid but they have lead in them right?

ps I have three car batteries here if you want to try?

Posts: 812

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In my last job l had access

Sun, 2011-07-10 18:58

In my last job l had access to various sizes of round bar. l made up plenty of sinkers using 30mm round bar. Once cut, l put them in the lathe and machined them down, then drilled a hole through the top. l also could get them galvensized through the company l worked. l ended up with various sizes from 20 oz through to 36oz. 

Now l know you guys are looking for big sinkers in pounds but you only have to up the size of the round bar to 50mm + and you could make some big sinkers.

Getting them galved doesnt have to be done but if they where l reckon it would still work out cheaper than buying lead.

most engineering shops would have scrap bins full of round offcuts they would sell you for some cash. you just need access to a lathe and your in business.

The shape l made was the same as the ones pictured at the top of the tread.

unfortunatly l dont work for that company any more but if you want the name and address Pm me , l know for a fact they would have a bin full of offcuts. 



fisho-ron's picture

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matei use 32mm reo bar, cut

Sun, 2011-07-10 19:32


i use 32mm reo bar, cut to the rquired length for differant weights, weld a whasher on top and its done.

i get free reo bar so for me its cheap as chips and i dont mind losing a few.


NOHA's picture

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Round bar

Sun, 2011-07-17 16:52

 Thats what I use. Just weld a 100mm of small link chain to one end to tie the line too and its a winner..


Twin turbo..V8 diesel..Ohh what a feeling!!

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alfred's picture

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Very nice - a round mould is

Sun, 2011-07-10 19:05

Very nice - a round mould is the easiest to make, but on a boat it's a pain as the weight rolls.  One flat side would be great!

grantarctic1's picture

Posts: 2546

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Thanks guys

Sun, 2011-07-10 19:52

Thanks guy's i appreciate all input and advice.

I can get lots of car batteries but dealing with them is a problem and needs to be done properly ( the DEP would shut me down if done wrong )

Have got some nice round bar ( off cuts ) from 25mm to 60mm and is a very viable option worth looking into.

Didn,t think of them rolling around alfred, i could do a few shapes, mabe a triangle shape would work and not spin too much on the way down.

Once we trial these ones we will know the problems and make adjustments. The reason i have gone the round shape ( besides easy to make ) was to try and eliminate as much spinning of the weight as posible on the way down 100s of metres. A good roller swivel will help too.



bulla's picture

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i vowed never

Sun, 2011-07-10 20:04

will i cast my own lead sinkers after making a large batch with old wheel weights,never been so sick in my life and took about 2 weeks to come good.But have accumilated about 20kg+ of good clean ingot and sheet lead you can have if youd like it


Stop complaining and get on with it !!

grantarctic1's picture

Posts: 2546

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PM sent

Sun, 2011-07-10 20:14


Posts: 9358

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Certainly snapper sinkers are

Sun, 2011-07-10 20:11

Certainly snapper sinkers are a good idea in that they're flat on a few sides. The issue is machining a suitable mould. I don't have access to a cnc cutter or the like.

On Tony's boat we keep all the lead in a tool tray to avoid it rolling around.


wangler's picture

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Sun, 2011-07-10 21:04

3lb canon ball moulds will be on the way in a month


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Sun, 2011-07-10 21:13



Posts: 9358

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Current was bonkers out there

Thu, 2011-07-14 08:45

Current was bonkers out there yesterday!

We had a 4kn drift, so were were busy calculating how far ahead of the mark we had to drop in order to make it down by the time we got to the fish! Even with Grant's 6lb one it took about 3min to make it down.

The 4lb one is down there still, somewhere but the rest of them did the job. The 6lb dropped a little faster than Tony's fatter style of same, without the pointy nose too.

Certainly I'd be doing some trades with Grant if you were planning on heading deep ;)


grantarctic1's picture

Posts: 2546

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Good to hear

Thu, 2011-07-14 11:43

Good to hear they were ok . Any fish till ?

Now all i need is a couple ton of lead LOL .

Thanks to bulla for dropping of 25kg of lead to me . Cheers .

Posts: 9358

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A few cod, a few silly

Thu, 2011-07-14 11:47

A few cod, a few silly nannies. Might try for some pics up later!


jeremy-j's picture

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Hey grant my old boy had a

Thu, 2011-07-14 13:01

Hey grant my old boy had a heap of sheet lead last time i was at his house,

I dint have a need to deep sea anchors but if theres any left next time i there ill gab it for you.

grantarctic1's picture

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Thu, 2011-07-14 13:05

Thanks jeremy, I make other sinker's too, we could arange a swap that will suit your needs ,

Cheers Grant

harro's picture

Posts: 1959

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i,ll test em

Sat, 2011-07-16 13:35

yeah mate i,ll test em out down south , lol,

they look the goods ,


 :::: Bass Hunter ::::

grantarctic1's picture

Posts: 2546

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PM Sent

Sat, 2011-07-16 14:34

Cheers Grant.

joe amato's picture

Posts: 731

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lead sheets

Sat, 2011-07-16 20:32

 you can get lead at 2.50 kg at ingot metals frobisher st ossie park 

grantarctic1's picture

Posts: 2546

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Thanks joe

Sat, 2011-07-16 20:40

Thanks, I'll look into that, it sounds quite reasonable.

I have tried  to find a supplier in perth and came up with zip. Thanks again for the info.

joe amato's picture

Posts: 731

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if you want to help myself make some deepsea sinkers

Mon, 2011-07-18 20:34

 i have some 20kg lead i wouldnt mind converting into sinkers,and we could do a deal grantartic