Dec 1 2009, Hillarys: cray diving with Alfred
Submitted by till on Thu, 2009-12-03 07:28

Alfred has already put this image up, but I'm cameraless presently, so just copying it into my gallery.
You have to love the pros, the second spot we dived was the reef side of a string of pro pots. The ground there was much better for potting than diving I must say, it was a lot of work to get the crays out of that ground!
Original Thread:
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18099
Date Joined: 11/03/08
a lot of work but look at
a lot of work but look at the rewards , they would be going down well. def some nice ones there
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 2258
Date Joined: 27/06/08
Nice haul mate! Good to see the pros helping us out. Your freezer must be getting a good stock for xmas...or are you having cray on toast for brecky in the mornings?
Posts: 2773
Date Joined: 08/07/08
wadetolley yummy
cray on toast with grilled cheese and pepper, oh my mouth is watering. Good haul of crays, bottom row second to the left, nice big cray, actually just had another look three nice size crays there. Xmas lunch?
Ginger Tablets Rock
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
I don't have a single one in
I don't have a single one in the freezer yet. They're just too tasty and I hear reds freeze better anyway.
I think my dad copped a few for his birthday out of that lout and I got a fresh batch today for my partner's mother's birthday on the weekend.